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Juvenile gives an elderly bus driver a beating

I hope that POS gets 1000 times what he gave her when he lands his ass in jail, hopefully for a very long time. It is a shame she was not armed so she could have stopped that assault permanently.
I sometimes can't believe things like this happen. He's probably a juvenile and almost nothing will be done.

My hope is that he does some time for it, either in Juvi or a real jail. Either way I hope he gets Fd up!

My wish is that I was on that bus, nuff said.
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damn I hate to see that!!

I vote for Capital Punishment!!!
AGE is not an excuse!!!
Come on fellow human beings lets stop this chaos!!!!!!!

Parenting in the USA needs to get better.
You guys should read the comments, the way they type makes your head want to explode.
I'm usually a mellow guy but if somebody was doing that I think I would snap in rage and beat the hell out of the guy right there. Some would say it's a sucker punch I would say it's a well deserved consequence for being a POS.
Disgusting. Simply disgusting.
I'd like to see him pull that same sh*t with my Clay.
If he does land in jail, I hope it is in the same cell with Tiny! :eek:
Damn I'm all white knuckled watching the video. I wish I was on that bus also... Beat the F___ S____ out of that kid.

The problem is empathy. The kid has none. The only way the kid would understand would be for the bus drivers kid to beat the crap out of the attackers mother while the attacker could do nothing to stop it. This would be the only way someone without empathy could see how their actions affect other people. Probably not a popular opinion. Most probably think the attackers mother did nothing to deserve it, which may be true and if it is that would only drive the point home further for the attacker. But IMO an asshole who will beat up an old bus driver probably didn't get really good parenting.

The part that makes me want to vomit is the guy is probably on PA, gets a free bus card, and now will get to stay in the gray bar motel for free too. Why should he have any accountability at this point he's had none up to now anyways! Probably won't have any accountability for this incident either at least none that will teach him empathy!
Sorry but why are we discussing jail? This clown can't be part of society, then turn his butt to fertilizer. I'll happily pull the switch on the chair and sleep well that same night. Heck I'll light a cigarette on his ashes. I sure as hell don't want ANY of my tax dollars to feed his sorry ass in jail. Only for him to get out the revolving door of justice to do it again.
You guys should read the comments, the way they type makes your head want to explode.

This is some pretty f'd up footage and I hope this kid gets everything he deserves but those comments! Man, I live a sheltered suburban life. Kids these days are crazy. I'll bet this kid was all strung out on drugs.
Wow, I don't even want to look up from my computer into the mirror because I think my face after watching that would scare myself!

Steveny was on the dot with his comment.

I can't believe the guy that originally tried to stop him didn't give more of an effort. Thank God for video camera's though!

If I was present on the bus, lets just say the front window would be broken due to a large object flying through it and I might have SLIPPED onto the gas pedal.

Sidenote: Listening to that video and people talking in the background negatively impacted my IQ...
Come on I am not saying what he did is OK but you guys want him dead? I think you guys who actually want this guy dead need to go see a psychiatrist.
He'll get payback for sure.
I see the exact stuff almost everyday...these punks hassling working folks downtown just out of spite, ignorance or just plain jealousy. Hassling the people that work and get taxed to pay for all the stuff these thugs get for free. :cool:

These people should be excused form society with as little cost to the taxpayer as possible. How much does a Mossberg and one shell cost?
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He'll get payback for sure.

The sad fact is that it is questionable whether he will or will not.

Under the guise of "political correctness" a lot of things slip by.
Come on I am not saying what he did is OK but you guys want him dead? I think you guys who actually want this guy dead need to go see a psychiatrist.

I saw a shrink...left her cowering in the corner in tears. :tongue:

All that aside, wanting the kid as fertilizer is just my opinion. I am fine with it as other folks are fine with jail time. I think my method while extreme also has the added benefit of not adding to the financial burden of society (the taxes to keep him alive in jail). Plus let him be an example to any other kid who wants to be a "bad ass" by picking people who haven't done anything. Your butt will get turned into fertilizer. There is a fine line between a kid being an idiot by throwing rocks at someones window, but when you physically assault someone with the intent to hurt or steal their possession or in this case to prove how bad you are. You don't deserve to breathe. Here is another example of kids that need to get zapped.


Again I don't expect people to agree with what I believe, it is what it is. Just as I don't think people that believe jail time need to see a shrink for being pacifists. If that's what you believe, that's fine. I present my case and my reasons and move on. :cool:
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Small dick makes kids go crazy animal, poor kid ... Karma will work its way.
All I want is me, and that punk @$$ kid in the octagon, I'll teach him to how hit someone.
I think my method while extreme also has the added benefit of not adding to the financial burden of society (the taxes to keep him alive in jail).

In or out of jail all this kid will do is add to the deficit and there is millions more JUST like him. You wanta know why we are in the hole so far.....watch the video, it's the exact reason why!
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