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Lamborghini owners went to Canada, got speeding tickets for going 130+mph.

25 September 2004
These guys were going 130+mph in the 80km/h (approx 49.7mph) zone...look what happened :eek:

One of the owners from Seattle:

Well we were on our way up for a nice weekend........got into Canada from Seattle......North on 99 coming out of the tunnel........we had all out windows down and going just a bit fast.....130MPH+.......like bats out of hell!!!!!

Well after several miles I noted a bright colored light flashing in my side mirror......oh no sh--! its the RCMP intercepter car........He was able to get all three of us over at East Marine View Drive.........let me tell you this is with out a doubt the nicest COP i have evre met.......He could have easily thrown us in jail and impounded our car for those speeds.........I think he was happy that he got to go as he stated "well over 150MPH just to catch you guys".

He took our licence and insurance cars......only wrote us for what was equal to 10 over posted speed....$138 Canadian dollars........if we pay with in 10 days we get $25.00 off......Mine is ALREADY paid!!!!!!!




chicagoNSX said:
How does a cop car go well over 150mph to catch them? Seems fishy to me

Yeh even though that is ~20mph faster than they were going, assuming he was stopped when they flew by, it would take him quite a while to catch up. We were in my friends civic doing ~110 catching up to a F50 doing ~80 and that took us about 10minutes. (He got on the interstate about 5min before we did).

Now that I reread what you wrote and reread the first post and reread my post, i don't know if mine has any relevance at all, but.......i saw a F50 :biggrin:
A police interceptor, as he mentioned in the first post, should have no problems going those sorts of speeds. In Connecticut, if the story I was told when little was to be believed, they had a "Blue Goose" station wagon interceptor that could hit 140mph, and that was back in the early 80's. I remember reading about it in a newspaper article.
something fishy about this story: cops don't pose for pictures,and bricks with light bars can't go over 150 mph. (no back up called?)


I hope they weren't doing 130 on that small road the pics are on.. easy way to kill someone gettin out of their car.. and what kinda wuss number is 130.. i got a ticket in my 2000 Civic Si at 142mph.. :redface: :eek: I would have expected more from a lambo run. Oh well... sweet cars all the same..
TitaniumVtec said:
Come on guys its a Ford! The speedo read 150mph but the car was going 83mph.
Ford are not bad as long as you fix or repair daily. :biggrin:

Ford = Fix Or Repair Daily


"Found On Road Dead"

GM is even worse..."Garbage Machines"
I would NEVER buy a GM car using my hard earned money. Those are all garbages...seriously.
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Well I don't know about north of 150 in a Crown Vic- drove one for years in that line of work and if it hit 140 I was excited.

I remember the old Dodge Police Intercepters of the early 70's with the 440 magnum engine and the switch on the dash that said "turn off over 100 MPH", now those cars would hit 155 +- but of course they could not turn or stop at those speeds. Believe me we fried the brakes out of many a car in pursuits.

At least the new Crown Vics have good brakes, ABS, air bags, etc., and they actually handle pretty good too. Been out of the busines now about 6 years so maybe they have gotten alot faster....doubt it though. Kind of scares me now days to see these kids that look like they are 16 driving cars with the ability to go that fast anytime they want.

Back in the day (can't believe I just used that expression) when we were driving that fast, thgere was a whole lot less traffic - believe me. I never knew what a traffic jam was back then. Now there are so many cars on the road (CA) that it is suicide to try to drive like that. Sooner or later police pursuits are going to be banned outright unless they are chasing a murderer or the likes. Cops chasing people at 140 MPH for expired registration, busted light, is just plain stupid. Now give a 22 year old kid that ability and see how many innocent civillians are killed.
I remember hearing something about FL state trooper cars being spec'd to run 150mph for a minimum of 1 hour, or something to that effect.

I also have a friend that works for dekalb county in ATL, GA.

he used to come to the races in his "younger years"
he has vouched for the 150+ in a Crown Vic.
how fortunate for the police officer to have let these guys skate and for them to document the event on the internet with photos and a description of the situation, including the officer's goodwill gesture of leniency. no good deed goes unpunished.

kind of reminds me of a local fella who has a garage full of exotics. the types and the quantity of each would make your teeth fall out if i told you what he's got in there. this fella has a caretaker (and small crew) who wrench on the cars and cleans them up after the owner and his friends track them. over the past year or so, i've become acquaintances with the caretaker and am able to spend some close up time with the cars. (turns out the owner thinks its a good thing to let people check out the cars).

anyway, some time back a couple of guys drive by when the garage door is open and stop in to check out the cars. while they're there, they take a couple of pics, then post the pics and garage address on the internet, bragging about their "find". subsequently, the crew became much more guarded to stop in's by strangers and, as i've observed since then, not quite as friendly to folks they don't know. (not a bad policy, i suppose, but a shame, nonetheless)

sometimes it's better to not to tell all that one knows.
Shouldn't there be a major road somewhere in the pics? We're seeing both directions. Or were they doing these speeds in neighborhoods ...
Dave Hardy said:
That's where the calibrated radar gun comes into play. A police interceptor will do 150.

That is odd...because I know several cops here who have the Police Interceptor cars and they said the Crown Vic with the light bar on top like that in the picture will only do about 135 mph....and the Camaro Z28's they use are the only cars they have that can go over 150 mph....they reach almost 175 mph. :eek:

Shouldn't there be a major road somewhere in the pics? We're seeing both directions. Or were they doing these speeds in neighborhoods ...

As noted in the original commentary they were doing 130+ as they crossed through the tunnel from I-99 into Canada. They were eventually pulled over at East Marine View Drive. I'm assuming the pics below are from that exit off the highway.
Meeyatch1 said:
That is odd...because I know several cops here who have the Police Interceptor cars and they said the Crown Vic with the light bar on top like that in the picture will only do about 135 mph....and the Camaro Z28's they use are the only cars they have that can go over 150 mph....they reach almost 175 mph. :eek:

I don't know if the GSP cars have a light bar or not. I don't recall. I do know that the cop I know said that he found out about it because there were 3 of them on an open stretch making top speed runs. He was listening in on the GSP band and kept hearing what at first seemed like random numbers - no identifiers or anything. Just a random number every minute or so. One-fifty-two. One-forty-seven. One-fifty-four. Etc. He eventually figured out that they were speeds and that the guy clocking would read back the radar number over the radio. He figured out the closest place where the cars could achieve that speed, went there, and sure enough that's what they were doing.
Dave Hardy said:
I don't know if the GSP cars have a light bar or not. I don't recall. I do know that the cop I know said that he found out about it because there were 3 of them on an open stretch making top speed runs. He was listening in on the GSP band and kept hearing what at first seemed like random numbers - no identifiers or anything. Just a random number every minute or so. One-fifty-two. One-forty-seven. One-fifty-four. Etc. He eventually figured out that they were speeds and that the guy clocking would read back the radar number over the radio. He figured out the closest place where the cars could achieve that speed, went there, and sure enough that's what they were doing.

Nice to see that the cops were having a blast with our tax dollars doing things they would be jailing normal citizens for.... :mad:
Dave Hardy said:
Like I said - Bored 23 year old cop working the night shift with a government sponsored car and a radar gun.

Good point....it just bothers me that that same bored 23 year old cop probably chewed out some guy earlier that day for going 70 mph in a 55 mph zone and here he is playing around at over 140 mph for no good reason. :mad:
rk-nsx said:
something fishy about this story: cops don't pose for pictures,and bricks with light bars can't go over 150 mph. (no back up called?)



Nothing fishy about this story. I know personally know the guy in the yellow shirt (Gallardo driver).

Meeyatch1 said:
That is odd...because I know several cops here who have the Police Interceptor cars and they said the Crown Vic with the light bar on top like that in the picture will only do about 135 mph....and the Camaro Z28's they use are the only cars they have that can go over 150 mph....they reach almost 175 mph. :eek:

I owned a Crown Vic until the wife got it in the divorce. I used to be on the Crownvic.net forum and these types of discussions came up all the time. For the record, I hit an indicated 114 in our 2000 Vic, which had the HPP.

The PI Vics would not do 150+. They simply don't have the hp. Prior to the most recent 240hp engine upgrade, I believe that the cops' cars were limited to like 129. The guys over on that board knew all the details. 140mph was out of the question. The PI package included nothing special except, IIRC, a balanced, lighter-weight driveshaft, because you could have failure in that component at speeds exceeding 120 or so and get polevaulted when it came off the car.

But, even with 240hp and the rest, 150mph is not doable for a car of this drag profile. No way. PI cars don't have big engines or special hp upgrades anymore. They're just the same, essentially, as the stock Vic with the HPP and an upgraded driveline. Perhaps his speedo was indicating 150+, but speedos are notoriously error-prone, even in cop cars.