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Laser Jammer Group Buy

Is there a posting somewhere with what States these are actually legal in?

it's legal in ALL states. thanksfully the FCC doesn't control light emissions.... yet. The FAA gets to do some of that, but I don't think these things will interfere with aircraft navigation
Laser jammers are NOT legal in all states. State law has nothing to do with the FCC. Laser jammers are illegal in Virginia. I do not know what, if any, other states they are illegal in.
That and 99% of all hits on speeders are NOT laser, they are radar.

A waste of money IMO.

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage
ive been doing a search looking for laws regarding laser jammers. most laws appear to apply to radar jammers (which is obviously a far different thing). I could find nothing about it on the NMA site (of which I am a member, and don't recall reading anything about any laws being passed). Searching the net I have come up with nothing definitive... one place will say its illegal in a particular state, and then another site will say it is legal. So, the list of states I've found where it is illegal is: MN, OK, CA, NB, VA. However other sites have indicated they are legal in those states as well. Guess your best bet is to search law databases for your particular state or just call the police and ask.

§ 46.2-1079. Radar detectors; demerit points not to be awarded.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle on the highways of the Commonwealth when such vehicle is equipped with any device or mechanism, passive or active, to detect or purposefully interfere with or diminish the measurement capabilities of any radar, laser, or other device or mechanism employed by law-enforcement personnel to measure the speed of motor vehicles on the highways of the Commonwealth for law-enforcement purposes. It shall be unlawful to use any such device or mechanism on any such motor vehicle on the highways. It shall be unlawful to sell any such device or mechanism in the Commonwealth. However, provisions of this section shall not apply to any receiver of radio waves utilized for lawful purposes to receive any signal from a frequency lawfully licensed by any state or federal agency.

This section shall not be construed to authorize the forfeiture to the Commonwealth of any such device or mechanism. Any such device or mechanism may be taken by the arresting officer if needed as evidence, and, when no longer needed, shall be returned to the person charged with a violation of this section, or at that person's request, and his expense, mailed to an address specified by him. Any unclaimed devices may be destroyed on court order after six months have elapsed from the final date for filing an appeal.

Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the presence of any such prohibited device or mechanism in or on a motor vehicle on the highways of the Commonwealth shall constitute prima facie evidence of the violation of this section. The Commonwealth need not prove that the device or mechanism in question was in an operative condition or being operated.

B. A person shall not be guilty of a violation of this section when the device or mechanism in question, at the time of the alleged offense, had no power source and was not readily accessible for use by the driver or any passenger in the vehicle.

C. This section shall not apply to motor vehicles owned by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof and used by law-enforcement officers in their official duties, nor to the sale of any such device or mechanism to law-enforcement agencies for use in their official duties.

D. No demerit points shall be awarded by the Commissioner for violations of this section. Any demerit points awarded by the Commissioner prior to July 1, 1992, for any violation of this section shall be rescinded and the driving record of any person awarded demerit points for a violation of this section shall be amended to reflect such rescission.

(1962, c. 125, § 46.1-198.1; 1975, c. 108; 1976, c. 90; 1978, cc. 87, 91; 1981, c. 303; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 825; 1998, c. 300.)

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 10 July 2002).]
I do not know about else where but in NY where I live NO point accrue from out of state tickets. So if I want to have a day of high spirited driving I make a trip to Pa. Points form Canadian tickets do accrue however.
Originally posted by David Allen:
That and 99% of all hits on speeders are NOT laser, they are radar.

A waste of money IMO.

This may be the case where you live...but in my area, they use laser 99% of the time and it's irritating! They even have a few motorcycle cops dedicated to targeting speeders. I know that there is at least 9+ laser guns in the Portland metro area.
Do you guys who get "lasered" have front license plates? It was my understanding that if the laser could not hit a perpendicular object to reflect it directly back to the transmitter, it would not pick you up.

The reason I ask is because I ran into a South Carolina State Trooper laser sting one night on my way to AL. The operator was on an overpass and shooting cars when they were within a few hundred yards, and multiple (I counted 7) waiting State Trooper vehicles were on the other side of the bridge. I was exceeding the speed limit, and my V1 screamed bloody murder so I know they hit me, but they did not pull me over. They did pull over the sedan that I had just passed not 100 yards earlier. I think our lack of vertical front surfaces makes tagging an NSX much harder. JMHO.

Gary Yates
1995 Red/Tan
Originally posted by steveny:
I do not know about else where but in NY where I live NO point accrue from out of state tickets. So if I want to have a day of high spirited driving I make a trip to Pa. Points form Canadian tickets do accrue however.

True. However, those zero-point convictions in other states may still get reported to your insurance company.
I've seen some car magazines test the Lidatek and other laser jammers...Lidatek proved to work well but of an interesting note--driving with your high beams on was just as effective at blinding the laser gun as the Lidatek.
Yeah, but who wants to drive with your high beams on all the time? Heck, that can get you pulled over!
no you do not need a perpendicular surface to the lidar beam for them to detect you, it just makes it easier.

as far as cops using 99% lidar, i find that highly unlikely, you cannot use lidar in a moving vehicle, it generally has to be set up on a tripod because the officer needs to look thru a sight and target the vehicle (unlike radar where the cop just waits for a tone, then looks around to see who it might have picked up). seems to me that relying on lidar 99% of the time would lose them a huge chunk of their potential revenue enhancements.
They don't need a tripod, but they do need to be stationary.

It's used in Chicago a lot these days.
Re: tickets in other states don't show up on NY license.

I'd be pretty careful about that. I had a friend who thought he had figured out the same thing about DC licenses. So he drove freely in VA and racked up 10-15 tickets within 2 years. (didn't really care about the fines) Then DC upgraded their systems, got records from all 50 states. My friend hired an attorney and was lucky to only lose his license for 6 months. Eventually, it'll catch up to you. Plus, as mentioned in another post, it may not show up on your NY driving record but your insurance company will still get the information and can raise your rates.
Does anyone else want to get on this group buy???

we are currently at a 25% discount on the lidatek units, and looking for a few more people.

Group buy ends July 22nd.

Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but I thought I'd do this instead of starting yet another thread.

The reason for the posting is that the M5 group is doing another group buy on the next-generation Lidatek (LE-30). The are currently at a 25% discount, which works out to $269.99 + $16 shipping. With another 75 units or so added to the order, the price will drop another 5%.

So if you're thinking about a laser detector/jammer device (for the NSX or your other cars) now is a great time to get in on this. The projected availability is in mid-late-March.

You can read about the group buy on the m5board at: http://www.m5board.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=37470

From what I've been able to gather, these devices are quite effective in jamming laser and that the lasers are actually regulated by the FDA, not the FAA. As you can imagine, the FDA probably has very little interest in traffic regulation and their interest in lasers are in the medical applications. I'm actually surprised that the states can regulate these things, but it doesn't surprise me that VA tries. One of the "tricks" I remember hearing about is mounting high intensity driving lights of some sort with a filter on it that blocks visible light but still lets through the infrared portion of the spectrum. This is apparantly enough energy to thwart the lidar units, but this may be old information based on earlier generation lidar units. This is also the same reason why high-beams can be effective in confusing the lidar units. Finally, not having a front license plate and no exposed headlights on the NSX makes it a pretty stealthy target for laser. In their training, the opposition is taught to aim first for license plate, then for headlamps.

Contact atomic80 on the m5board to get in on the group buy. Do it soon before the deadline for the group buy which should be sometime in early-mid-March, I would guess. I can be reached at [email protected].

Best wishes,
David Hwang
laser jammers ARE ILLEAGAL in California !!!!!! CVC sections 28150(a) (b) (c) and (d) all make it illegal to use, posses or sell ANY device designed to Jam any radar or laser equipment used by law enforcement for the puposes of enforcing speeding violations. minimum fines ( in Placer County Ca) start at $120.00 + court costs...

Using your high beams to prevent the laser from acuiring your speed is 100% false.... the light actually helps the laser aquire your vehicle speed.... along with the front license plate, the headlight is also a target for aiming the laser... it actually is better because of the reflective material inside the light housing reflects the laser's light better..

dull or round surfaces dont PRVENT the laser from aquiring your vehicle..... however, they will shorten the distance the laser is able to pick up your vehicle..... ( corvettes are easily picked up within 1000 feet)

unless you can slow your car to whatever speed you need to slow down to, laser detectors generally will not work well either... todays laser guns have an INSTANT ON feature that aquires the vehicles speed in 1/4 of a second... so if you use the 3/4 second reaction time MOST drivers have to react to the detector, you are still gonna be 1/2 second too late .....

So... save your money and just slow down a little.... keep your speed with 10 of the posted and you SHOULD be fine (depending on the location and officer, most will give you a cusion).... use the track for the speed thrills...

hope this helps !!!!!

drive safe !!!!!!!!!!!
My brother in law who is in traffic enforcement in the local PD said that laser jammers that transmit a signal in order to jam the signal sent to your car are illegal in NY.