"Marketplace" policy suggestion...

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
Lud --

I have a suggestion for a policy based on the posts we are seeing recently (such as this one: http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/005655.html).

I think individuals as well as commerical organizations that are posting ads with the same nature as this one should be required to post definite contact information, such as a phone number, as well as detailed information on the parts they are offering (vs. "I have a NSX I am parting out, let me know if you need anything").

I believe the requirement for the contact info and detailed descriptions of what is being sold will allow only legitimate sellers to post and reduce the risk and frustration to buyers.

-- Chris

Revolutionize your NSX with ScienceofSpeed
www.ScienceofSpeed.com | [email protected] | 877-863-4520
Excellent idea. Here is a Prime example. Recently, Maverick posted parts for sale and left everyone hanging without a clue on what he had or didn't have. His post was just as Chris stated; "need parts, I have them". I have since deleted the entire post, since he did not respond to myself or anyone that tried to contact him.
Originally posted by Juice:
Great. I got a reply, sent my $, and have seen nothing since. I am afraid I have been had.

Next time try doing a COD (cash on delivery) transaction when buying from or selling to someone you don't know.