Matte Black NSX - rough shape

18 March 2014
Took this baby in from the mean streets of Toronto from Jvu3 a month or two ago. Not having another ride, it was his daily driver, and it shows! I guess to say brutally neglected, would be a slight exaggeration, but it definitely wasn't babied,and clearly it has seen better days. Salvage rebuild title so I'm dreading the day the body splits in two on an off ramp or something. Probably the worst specimen of an NSX on the road, but me being.. well let's just say "financially impaired", I didn't have many options in my budget. They say an NSX is a poor man's Ferrari? Well this can be said to be a poor man's NSX. lol. The front wheels don't sit properly in the wheel wells (not detected at the time of purchase as I didn't have it 'properly' inspected apparently, and the seller apparently 'never noticed' the 1-1/2" shift of the wheel, so that was a nice little surprise for me. At least a control arm, and possibly some frame issues. There are plenty of other smaller issues and deferred maintenance, but alas, I couldn't bear to see this thing, caked in salt, plowing the snow all over town, in the dead of winter, so, against my better judgement, I took it in. Now comes the fun part of countless $$$ being poured into it to bring it back to a semblance of a decent ride. In fact, I'll be going ahead with an '02 conversion, so all the goodies being removed are up for sale. Rob Magro at Octane is handling the repairs, so I know its in good hands. Also looking for a decent set of 18/19's but torn on style and finish. Already have a pair of Downforce side skirts ready to mount, and a set of Pride headers is very tempting. Definitely will not have the budget to refinish the car properly in the short term, so it looks like I'll be keeping the matte vinyl for the time being and matching the '02 front end to it. It doesn't look bad, but Jvu3 did the application himself and so its apparent upon close inspection that it wasn't a professional job (the edges and deeper curvatures would seem difficult to wrap; don't know how the pros do it!). Also, its apparent to me now that a matte finish is actually MUCH more prone to blemishes as you can't just 'polish out' a nick or ding. I guess it's like putting a patch on a stucco ceiling; near impossible to match the exact texture. More good times. At least it'll be an exercise in acceptance. The words "character" and "individuality" are going to be a much more commonly used part of my vocabulary as the scratches and scuffs pile on <insert frowny="" face="">. Anywho, down the road, would LOVE to get some sort of forced induction, but the chequebook is going to be hurting pretty bad after this recent escapade, so it'll have to wait. Will definitely post pics of the transformation as it progresses; wish us luck!

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They say an NSX is a poor man's Ferrari?

Who the hell says that? Perhaps a Ferrari owner. NSX owner laughs all the way to the bank from a maintenance perspective compared to a Ferrari owner....
Lol, agreed 100%. Its just something I heard before. Plus, the NSX probably out-handles most Ferraris.
Hey Alan,

It was nice meeting you at Rob's house on Sunday....Welcome to the Club!

I'm glad that you are trying to rescue this NSX from it's past HARD life....but Man, you and Rob have your work cut-out for you two. If any one can bring it back to life it would be Rob....I just hope that you have the Cheque books that can handle the abuse.
There are always parts for sale on Prime, so this will help....just take your time looking for stuff.

Thanks Bram, I know... I can already sense my projected retirement extrapolating well beyond the average North American lifespan... lol
good luck, you may need a little of it based on some of the photos!

however im happy this car has fallen into the hands of someone who genuinely loves the nsx. that car looks very familiar, i could have sworn i have seen it on Kijiji for a few years ....
You are NOT mistaken! I confirmed with the seller (Jvu3), that it had been listed on and off for the last 3 years! I can't even begin to imagine the number of potential buyers that came and went over that time... he did bend on the price, but clearly I paid more than the market value for one in this condition, given the amount of time it was up for. Oh well. c'est ma vie.

At the risk of going OT, loving ur Porsche! Is it in IMS range? If so, has it become an issue?
its got the larger bearing so its not one of the lawsuit effected ones ... nothign i can do but drive it.

lol if it was an issues it would be a roller now *knock on wood* :)

You are NOT mistaken! I confirmed with the seller (Jvu3), that it had been listed on and off for the last 3 years! I can't even begin to imagine the number of potential buyers that came and went over that time... he did bend on the price, but clearly I paid more than the market value for one in this condition, given the amount of time it was up for. Oh well. c'est ma vie.

At the risk of going OT, loving ur Porsche! Is it in IMS range? If so, has it become an issue?
Welcome .. you appear to be new to Prime and may not have discovered the NSX Wiki on this site yet. It can be reached from the red action bar at the top of most pages and has a wealth of information on maintenance/mods/etc plus an online shop manual so with a little DIY, you might be able to rescue it for less than you thought. And as others have said, Prime is a good source for used parts.
Good luck
Thanks Ian. I've been lurking around the site for a while, but never took a good look around. I'll be sure to do so, though, as I'm going to need all the info/help I can get. Thanks again! Yeah, just to get it back to a functional and reliable running condition shouldn't be TOO bad, but I'm more concerned about premature deterioration of the chassis as a result of the initial write-off, and of course the cost of a proper refinishing. There's about 5 layers of paint below the current surface of unknown quality and likely varying degrees of adhesion, so that's going to be a big expense when the time comes. Not to mention the cost of stripping off all the vinyl; that probably won't be cheap as it likely won't come off in big easy pieces (will probably leave adhesive on the surface below too). Smaller issues include a trunk leak, door hinges, washer motor, virtually non-existent sound-system,clutch, and the list goes on. At least I won't have to worry about what to do with my free time for the next decade! lol,*sob*...
Welcome Alan. Can't wait to see how that NSX gets "restored". 02+ front end is a fantastic idea. Will definitely give it a more current look. Anyways good luck and keep us posted on progress. We love build threads on Prime!!
Lol, agreed 100%. Its just something I heard before. Plus, the NSX probably out-handles most Ferraris.

The NSX is probably best described a a preference over the F355 and F360 as they are both in relatively same price range as the 02+ NSXs out there. As far as handling goes however it does keep up with the 355 in a straight line and definitely handles better but the 360 and models above both out handle and have more power output than the NSX. Forced Induction levels the playing field very quickly.
Congrats on the purchase Alan...You should start a build thread. BTW, I will have some 18/19 for sale soon. Here's a pic for now...If you're interested let me know.


lol i dont think thats what alan meant. he was merely trying to say that he has a uphill climb on this project.... but thank you for the scientific analysis.

The NSX is probably best described a a preference over the F355 and F360 as they are both in relatively same price range as the 02+ NSXs out there. As far as handling goes however it does keep up with the 355 in a straight line and definitely handles better but the 360 and models above both out handle and have more power output than the NSX. Forced Induction levels the playing field very quickly.
I knew I recognized your username from somewhere, and then I saw your signature. MIATA 4 LYFE!!!

Look forward to seeing your progress on this NSX.

PS: I just replied to your kijiji ad. Let me know if you didn't receive it ;)
sounds like you might be better off selling it for a few grand less than you got it, and picking up a clean example that won't drive you crazy with little problems down the road... unless you got it for dirt cheap...
There's something here that doesn't add up. If the car is in such disarray and you're short on budget why not sell the 02 conversion goodies and use the money to fund the repairs.

I love the 02 front but seems the priority is a bit out of whack here. Maybe you simply cant live to be wo the conversion haha
IIRC, this car was listed for sale at a price that was $10k-$15k below the local market price of a decent condition '91-'93 car. How much it actually sold for is something the OP would have to share if he chooses to. None-the-less, that much saved on the purchase price of the car goes a long way towards having a nicely restored and modded NSX, as opposed to an all original (but stock) one.

It may not be the same choice that many on this site would make, but it does make some sense.
Welcome Alan, and congrats on the 2nd NSX. BTW, did I pick up an OEM exhaust from you a few years back in East York?

Hehe, ya. You were selling your ride weren't you? Did you end up picking another one?

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I knew I recognized your username from somewhere, and then I saw your signature. MIATA 4 LYFE!!!

Look forward to seeing your progress on this NSX.

PS: I just replied to your kijiji ad. Let me know if you didn't receive it ;)

Recognize me from Miataphiles?

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RYU82307 said:
There's something here that doesn't add up. If the car is in such disarray and you're short on budget why not sell the 02 conversion goodies and use the money to fund the repairs.

I love the 02 front but seems the priority is a bit out of whack here. Maybe you simply cant live to be wo the conversion haha

Both you and neonshaun seem to be of the same mind, and the fact is, I wish I had that kind of premeditation. Everything up to this point has been on pure impulse for me. Maybe I've been working too hard recently and the stress has become unbearable or something, but I think this is my equivalent of dropping everything and running off to Vegas for a week, spending thousands upon thousands making it rain in the champagne rooms; nothing I've been doing has been logical or rational. I guess I'm Nicholas Cage and this car is my Elisabeth Shue. Remember, this car was for sale on and off for 3+ years!! The market had spoken: this car was not a good investment. I honestly feel like Donnie Darko; all of my actions have been layed out before me and I go along with them regardless of whether I think it's a good idea or not. Like floating down a river on an inner tube. As far as my continued work, the fundamental mechanics will ne taken care of, and I know it's a HUGE compromise, but yes, I really am compelled to do the conversion before I address the paint/wrap on the car. You nailed it Ryu, you got me; exposed me for the weak, superficial dolt that I am. I yearn from the depths of my loins to be able to caress those supple headlights while falling asleep curled up on the vented hood under the stars. Is it the proverbial forbidden fruit? The call of the Siren song?? Or is it a return to a more innocent place and time? A place far removed from this... this... absolute disaster we call "life". Far removed from a world where every breath, and every word uttered, is done so in the context of "profit" and "loss". Like a moth to the fire, I am drawn by a promise of a new outlook on life; the words will be unspoken, yet clearly understood: rest your head here, little one, everything is going to be just fine...

<reads over the post>... can you tell this was written at 3:30 in the morning? Holy sh#t, I DO need some time off!

Seriously though, as crazy as it sounds, I really did get the impression that if I didn't pick it up, that it was going to end up at a scrapper or something. The seller was THAT "done" with it.

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IIRC, this car was listed for sale at a price that was $10k-$15k below the local market price of a decent condition '91-'93 car. How much it actually sold for is something the OP would have to share if he chooses to. None-the-less, that much saved on the purchase price of the car goes a long way towards having a nicely restored and modded NSX, as opposed to an all original (but stock) one.

It may not be the same choice that many on this site would make, but it does make some sense.

Yeah I got it down a bit more but I still think I overpaid by a few grand given the title. You have to take into account that to some, a once salvaged title would not even be a consideration, AT ALL. So I estimate somewhere in between. As Ive admitted, I AM a bit of a sucker for the conversion simply due to the rarity. I can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've even seen an '02+ live. And none of those times were outside of meets on the streets.
Both you and neonshaun seem to be of the same mind, and the fact is, I wish I had that kind of premeditation. Everything up to this point has been on pure impulse for me. Maybe I've been working too hard recently and the stress has become unbearable or something, but I think this is my equivalent of dropping everything and running off to Vegas for a week, spending thousands upon thousands making it rain in the champagne rooms; nothing I've been doing has been logical or rational. I guess I'm Nicholas Cage and this car is my Elisabeth Shue. Remember, this car was for sale on and off for 3+ years!! The market had spoken: this car was not a good investment.<reads over="" the="" post="">

It's probably not too late to change your mind... you could sell it for a few grand less to move it fast.
Otherwise, you'll put 10...15....20k into it, and you won't be able to get nearly any of that back when you go to sell in a few years, and stuff will probably continue to fail and break constantly.

Unless you're planning on keeping this until it completely dies, I can almost gaurantee that you're shooting yourself in the foot here...

Sounds like a money pit. FWIW, you should consider a ultra light weight conversion like this:

\Whoa; hardcore. As for me, I'd be afraid of what I'd find underneath the carpeting, lol. We'll see when it comes time for painting. Was surprised to see the padded glove box cover still on there as well, hehe.

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It's probably not too late to change your mind... you could sell it for a few grand less to move it fast.
Otherwise, you'll put 10...15....20k into it, and you won't be able to get nearly any of that back when you go to sell in a few years, and stuff will probably continue to fail and break constantly.

Unless you're planning on keeping this until it completely dies, I can almost gaurantee that you're shooting yourself in the foot here...

I can totally see that happening. But again, this is just something I feel needs to be done. A project car is, afterall, just that. Don't think much work will be 'wasted' per se, but yeah, probably will get pennies back on the dollar. I still think I'll be getting something for it for the experience, as it'll give me a reason to poke around and get to know all the intricacies of this thing. At the end of the day, at least I'll try to enjoy it for what its worth and then, like so many money-losing projects before, flip it to the next willing host when I've gotten my fill of it. That's what its all about... LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM, BABY! :tongue:

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Just thinking that welding in a roll cage would ensure long-term chassis integrity... <intense contemplation>... will review the wiki.

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Found some info on rollcages from the wiki. Doug Hayashi from NSXFILES contributed this:

"I stop by the Rod Millen Motorsports in Huntington Beach, the guys who built the dominating fastest car/truck in the unlimited division at Pikes Peak Hill Climb (Toyota Celica and truck) the past couple of years. I talk to a couple of their engineers/fabrication guys, and they said that they could do a great, professional looking job on my car, but it would be very expensive, as they wouldn't take any shortcuts or compromises in building the cage. Their quote was $4500 or so for just the cage. Ouch.

I decided to keep looking around. I stopped by this place recommended by a friend called Kiwi Autotech in Huntington Beach, about two miles from Wayne's house. Ian at Kiwi said he could do it, and I asked him what kind of experience he had with rollcages/race cars, and I was concerned because the only cars he had in his shop were a bunch of beautiful looking roadsters/hot rods that he was restoring. He replied that he used to do lots of race car/prep/rollcage work, but since racers traditionally ain't got any money because they blow all their cash on racing (sound familiar to any of your addicts out there?), he starting doing more hotrod/roadster work as people who want to restore and drive cars like this traditionally have more money to burn and he has to make a living and put food on the table, hence the restoration work he is doing, instead of adverstising as a "racer shop". At the rate that Wayne and I are burning through money doing this racing thing, I understand his logic. Ian also said that he has done lots of work on Porsches, brake work, rollcages, and he also used to crew on Mika Hakinen's race team a while back. I decided that he seems like someone who won't butcher the car. His estimate is $2500 or so for a rough estimate, and we agree to go with that. "

-Doug Hayashi