Monthly Meeting--December 2nd

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Here we are again. I am sure you have alot of things to do and I didnt' expect to have a meeting this month. However, I just a notice that Comptech will be visiting us. I know this is short notice....but I would appreciate a reply for the attendance.

Location: South Coast Acura
Date& Time: Thursday..December 2nd @6pm
Beer and Wine: Bring your own. We'll warm up later :tongue:

........................shout out if you are coming!!!! :cool: :biggrin:
I'll be there

live close by, i'll stop by fo sho. :cool: hopefully my nsx will be ready by then, have it in the shop(check engine light on)? :frown:
you guys can just bring tears to my eyes....yes yes yes full of joys. Thanks for joining me on this one. However, I just received a notice that Comptech WILL NOT BE COMING becuase of JGTC. I am sorry guys....SHOULD WE STILL GET TOGETHER?
PoohBEAR said:
you guys can just bring tears to my eyes....yes yes yes full of joys. Thanks for joining me on this one. However, I just received a notice that Comptech WILL NOT BE COMING becuase of JGTC. I am sorry guys....SHOULD WE STILL GET TOGETHER?


don't worry about Comptech, as long as SCA is willing to provide the location, I think most of us probably don't mind bringing our own pizza..,etc and check out each other's rides, and chat NSX for couple of hours! :)

Maybe we can spend 15 min to go through and determine some legistics on OC caravan to the JGTC, ticket info, other happenings at JGTC, and additional future upcoming drives/events...etc, so at least it's somewhat productive? :)
hey Chris..if your gonna be there, ya wanna bring those taillites with you??? :biggrin: i'll come down and get them...
Just working my way up to be like Steve:D Anywho, will you be needing any help with JGTC? If so, let us know............if you are not going to be at the meeting, email me your needs or call moi:D

Ca AGNSX said:
I will try to make it if I can get all the details of the JGTC event finalized :rolleyes:

Otherwise I will be on the computer doing just that :wink:

Thanks for setting this up Calvin! :cool: