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My dog passed away...

29 June 2004

my mother used call Sammy my little sister...
... I know she was just a dog, but she was my family.
and I had to see her go last night, and I couldn't do anything.

Before this, I never really knew what it was like losing something so precious.
I keep blaming myself for it.
I should have taken more time to be with her.
I should have taken better care of her.
I should have known where the goddamn pet hospital was..
I should have known she was sick...

I know a lot of you guys have pets.. and they are part of your family..

please love them today and everyday, until the day you part ways..
Sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel. To non-pet owners their just animals. To pet owners their family. We lost our Malamute (Snowolf) several years ago and still feel the hurt.
My condolences to you.

I used to think people who go "ga ga" over their pets were off their rockers. Having been owned by an English Bulldog for going on 4 years now (and no, I meant to say he owns me), I now "get it".

Dogs become part of the family. They have personalities and you develop bonds with them.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
sorry for the loss... best wishes to family :frown:
I had a Dalmation/shelty mix for 21 years..Its was hard to put him down but the time had come...I hope you feal better soon...take care, JZ
Thank you all for kind words.
Mohaji I am sorry for your loss. I know what it is like. Go get yourself another dog. Perhaps one that no one else wants, one that is going to be put away or killed at a pound. Whatever you feel you did as neglect before, here is a chance to make up for it by saving the life of another.

you have my sympathy. My dog is a family member, and I would be crushed were I to lose him. be strong.
I think a lot of us here know how you feel. What ever you do, don't blame yourself. Your sister wouldn't do that to you, so don't you dare do it to yourself. Just remember that we all end up in the same place so you can look foward to your second chance to be with her.
Sorry for your loss.......at least you got to spend many happy memories with your dog.
I don't know what to say. I fully understand the pain. To some pets are just that pets. To some they are part of family.

I went through the samething. Took more than a year for me to recover.

If you are a cat lover, you probably already understand. Cats can be very attached to human just like dogs. If you treat them how you like to be treeated, they do the same. Unconditional love.

Meowth was just an awesome cat. Look at her, she is pretty, even prettier before she got sick, the white portion of her face is so perfect. She was extremely athletic like little ninja and very attached to human. We can kinda somewhat communicate with each other. It is really not that hard, there are so many signs and little details.

Meowth had congestive heart failure disease called "Cardiomyopathy". This disease have no prior warning or sign. Unfortunately there is no cure for this disease other than extend life for approximately 3~6 month with frequent trips to critial care and get the liquid drain out of her lungs. Same process over and over and over. Sometimes even twice a week. Each time the stay at hospital over night in oxygen chamber is $800~$1200 per treatment, small operations are $1.5k~$2k. Veternarian sure make too much money. I got really....... numbed, what can I do? when youre baby is hurt, you do whatever it takes. Let them die or save them. The choice is simple if you are in same position.

The hardest part was the pressure and worry when I am not at home. I always worry if she is ok or she clasped again. She was a strong one, she stayed with me for 9 months, even the veternarian were really amazed.

Meowth passed away on December 4th, 2004 at approximately 4:00am. She was only nine years old. I really wish I had spent more time with her the night before. I was too busy studying, that is my biggest regret. I didn't know, it just happened so fast. My other cat Mi Mi padded my face with her paw and woke me up 10 minutes before Meowth passed away. When I woke up, I knew something is wrong, when I saw Meowth on the ground in pain. I knew it is too late for me to rush her to critical care. This time it really is her time. I told Meowth "don't worry about daddy, just go, daddy will be ok, daddy love you ". 5 minutes latter her heart stopped beating. That winter was cold........

It seems like she was just sleeping. I put her body in her bed and kept her at home for 7 days before taking her to pet cemetery. When I dropped her off at pet cemetery. It was the last moment for me to see her ever again. My tears were just pouring down like a waterfall. I probably shed more tears that day then rest of my life combined. That Christmas was tough for me.


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My sympathy to you. My German Shepherd died a few years ago and it devasted me. I've put together a tribute to my best friend so that he will be remembered.

You may want to do the same.


My Letter to my Toby:

As a young man with no direction 13 years ago, you gave me hope and ambition. When I brought you home in September 1991, you were only 12 pounds and 3 months old. I introduced you to your new family and friends. At that time I was unemployed, and had been dumped by my girlfriend and with no finances. I was a MBA graduate with a UC Berkeley undergraduate degree with nowhere to go.

I was broke, disillusioned with life and looking towards an uncertain future. As we spent time together, I knew at that time that we were best friends and will overcome obstacles that we would face. We met Glen and his German Shepherd Dog, Lobo who would be your best friend. We would run in the park, swim in the ocean and go hiking all over San Francisco. You brought me much happiness and joy, as I was able to focus in my life and career. You brought the best in me and we would strive to be the best at whatever we tried to do.

Toby, you have given me my confidence back and rebuilt strained relationships. You helped me understand that no matter what happens, "Mai Pen Rai" what will be will be. At that time we met great new friends and moved to greater pastures. I was successful in my work, and I met a beautiful woman who is now my beloved wife. We shared great heights together and never had a dull time together. Over the years, we became more than master-dog, we became father-son.

You are my only son, my best friend. I want to thank you for the best 13 years of my life. As I leave you today, I know that you are free; free to go where you want to go. Free to swim in the ocean. Free to eat bones and meat. Free to wander around and chase cats. I had only hoped that we could have spent another 13 years together. But for now we part on solid ground. You are my son and we will be together again in the future with the sun on our backs and the wind and surf at our feet. We will eat meat and BBQ together once again and we will share eternity together in the future.

Take care my son, my dear Toby Dog.
My sincere condolences. It's a hard think to cope with. My husky died right infront of me...without any warning. I was devastated! Then someone recommended going out and getting another dog. I wasn't too fond of the idea but eventually i gave in and got a new husky puppy. I couldn't be happier and it helps a little with the closure.

Thank you so much for the comforting words..
it's been 5 days now.
still, whenever i close my eyes, i see Sammy falling over and dying in my arms..

like minutes before it happened, i was stroking her in the back yard..

I still don't want to believe it happened, but I wake up every morning and I don't hear her foot steps and I don't see her foot prints in snow covered back yard..it crushes my heart.

I think i will eventually get another family member dog.... but not now. I don't want Sammy to think she's replaced.

again, thanks.