My e-hate of the Angus kit I don't own (don't worry, thread won't be deleted)

Haha this guy looked at the picture tech7042 posted and don't even know that the wg angle is already fixed. Smh
I am happy I came across this thread. After reading the hate on for Angus I decided to go over and read through the 48 page thread dedicated to Wils turbo kit. All I have to say is thank you rj45 for introducing me to an affordable, well built quality turbo kit for the NSX. After boosting my RSX and piecing the kit I was no where near the price for this full kit - gauges, clutch, etc. I also curse rj45 for really making me contemplate boosting my NSX, considering I told meself after the NSX that I would never boost another NA car again....


Ya, but anything hinting negative was deleted so how can you know for sure?

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Haha this guy looked at the picture tech7042 posted and don't even know that the wg angle is already fixed. Smh

Can someone please post the latest angus Y pipe then/ It was said earlier that this is old kit.
"What turbo does the kit not work properly with". I don't know but if you are referring to my comment I did not say the turbo does not work properly in fact it works amazing and I love it. It's just how I wanted: it hits HARD around 4200-4500 rpm ish ( I never know I'm just holding on and lookin ahead lol) and pulls to redline. Can't complain about that lol. I said it creeps about 1-2 lbs max which is negligible. I don't know if it has to do with wg angle, housing size, or wg size or a combination of the above.
Yes it is the angle of the pipe going to the wastegate, and if you look at my first post on this thread you can see where I point it out. There is very little room to get the appropriate angle and this is it why it is that way. I had posted why this is but the admin deleted it but if you google how to put the angle on a wg, you'll see that ( on some versions ) the kit it is not ideal, in fact it is basically wrong but then again I need better angles to tell for sure how bad it is. However, one thing that is pretty good about it is that the WG stays cooler than in my setup however to account for that I have blanket and heat shielding and silicon coating which is essentially ceramic.

2psi is kind of a lot for the nsx. On stock pistons/compression you can't run over 10psi ( I am guessing). If your running 7 then your overboosting to 9 she doesn't have a large margin of safety with that. NSX is a tough engine to be able to handle that, I don't know any other car that runs this high compression at that boost. I think the new 350z is close, donno never looked into it.
Wow, I haven't been on in a while and I missed a lot. :tongue:

This thread hurts the brain.
Wow, I haven't been on in a while and I missed a lot. :tongue:

This thread hurts the brain.

Well clearly you put a lot of thought into your post. Don't strain yourself so much. I wouldn't expect any more responses on this thread because clearly only a handful of people on prime know how to design a remote setup. Now that we have proven I'm right by Kevgk, (with some versions of angus kit) I guess we are done here.

Anyone want to take the challenge of not posting complete bullshit heckling? No.. didn't think so.
Anyone want to take the challenge of not posting complete bullshit heckling? No.. didn't think so.

I am reserving my comments until I have a chance to review your design, till then I think you are going to be subjected to "Bullshit Heckling".

Well clearly you put a lot of thought into your post. Don't strain yourself so much. I wouldn't expect any more responses on this thread because clearly only a handful of people on prime know how to design a remote setup. Now that we have proven I'm right by Kevgk, (with some versions of angus kit) I guess we are done here.

Anyone want to take the challenge of not posting complete bullshit heckling? No.. didn't think so.

Elite actually designed my turbo kit that has worked fine and only given me issues when I started changing things out.

He also built my motor that hasn't blown up yet

He also built a motor that held up to I believe 700whp and only blew from a coolant leak on a coolant tank.

I think he reserves the right to comment. You however don't.
Rj all I can say is turbo setups are beyond my knowledge base. I don't know what I have proven or not to you I do the driving of my car and Wil does the wrenching I leave that to the experts. Kinda like when somebody wants elite level Olympic lifting coaching they come to me - an expert in that field. If I want my car to go fast I go to Wil and it magically happens. That's about all I know bud sorry I can't confirm your claims I seriously have no idea about physics and shit.
Rj all I can say is turbo setups are beyond my knowledge base. I don't know what I have proven or not to you I do the driving of my car and Wil does the wrenching I leave that to the experts. Kinda like when somebody wants elite level Olympic lifting coaching they come to me - an expert in that field. If I want my car to go fast I go to Wil and it magically happens. That's about all I know bud sorry I can't confirm your claims I seriously have no idea about physics and shit.

I hear you, I don't know much either but when attempting to build my own I just noticed this and I guess I should have brought the question up in a nicer way so that it didn't get deleted on the angus thread and so I just basically reposted it as a new thread but with some admitted anger. I'm sure the angus kit works fine. You might want to put your boost at < 6.5 though or ask angus if 2psi overboost is ok, I only know that it can't go over 10 safely because I read that in multiple places. Very little of my knowledge is my own it's just regurgitated from threads here and other forums /net.

I am almost done my kit, I am pretty happy with the wastegate pipe placement but it is not perfect either. I bought all the parts for less than 3200 but the turbo is used BB 6262. I am happy to share how I have done it once I get it dyno'd and tuned and also see if it doesn't blow up or fall/tear off on the first speed bump.

I think the answer to the placement is building my own intercooler, that way I can sort of copy the lovefab one and put it in the fender well.

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Elite actually designed my turbo kit that has worked fine and only given me issues when I started changing things out.

He also built my motor that hasn't blown up yet

He also built a motor that held up to I believe 700whp and only blew from a coolant leak on a coolant tank.

I think he reserves the right to comment. You however don't.

Well I'm sure he knows way more than me but then he also knows everything I've said is true (except for maybe one comment I made about it hurting the turbo because of the sharp angle that the pipe enters it. That might be false, I shouldn't have said that. Although the angle is not optimal, that's what I should have said and I'm sure he would agree.)

My apologies to you and elite for my attitude, I just want to have fun with my car as I'm sure we all do. I'll try to handle everyone with a more sensitive attitude as not to offend anyone in the future.

I think I have a right to be angry though. Admin deletes my posts explaining what I have learned, what kind of bull is that? Well it's no secret now if that was the admins intent. However it's too bad for angus because he came back with a really good response to my comments. I'm sure this thread only boosts his rep anyway as I never had a problem with him or the kit.

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I am reserving my comments until I have a chance to review your design, till then I think you are going to be subjected to "Bullshit Heckling".


Fair enough.. but give me a couple more days I have to grind down some of my more terrible welds otherwise I'll just be shark bait.
I think I have a right to be angry though. Admin deletes my posts explaining what I have learned, what kind of bull is that? Well it's no secret now if that was the admins intent. However it's too bad for angus because he came back with a really good response to my comments. I'm sure this thread only boosts his rep anyway as I never had a problem with him or the kit.

RJ your last post was very reasonable and acknowledging that you (and the rest of us) are still learning is refreshing.

Of course we all have a right to be angry but there's no point inflicting your angry attitude on those who don't deserve it.
Many of your comments have been inappropriate and many forum members, including me, have responded in kind.

If you have an issue with how this forum is administered take it up in a mature fashion with the administrators.
I for one feel the Prime website is very well managed and listening to a new member like yourself railing away at Lud or Doc won't win you many friends.

I'll also challenge your comments about Angus.
You did in make needless disparaging comments about him and his products, which in no way helped him.

Will has shown a great deal of class and maturity in refraining from commenting.
His reputation has been enhanced by his behaviour and support from his stakeholders, not by anything you have done.

Lastly there are many forum members who are experts in all aspects of NSX performance.
I for one would hope none of my comments in the Forums would ever alienate one of them.
Their knowledge and advice plus the general information available to all via the forums has made my NSX ownership a much richer and rewarding experience.

Here's hoping we'll see more reasonable courteous posts from you.
You may well be surprised at what you learn.
RJ your last post was very reasonable and acknowledging that you (and the rest of us) are still learning is refreshing.

Of course we all have a right to be angry but there's no point inflicting your angry attitude on those who don't deserve it.
Many of your comments have been inappropriate and many forum members, including me, have responded in kind.

If you have an issue with how this forum is administered take it up in a mature fashion with the administrators.
I for one feel the Prime website is very well managed and listening to a new member like yourself railing away at Lud or Doc won't win you many friends.

I'll also challenge your comments about Angus.
You did in make needless disparaging comments about him and his products, which in no way helped him.

Will has shown a great deal of class and maturity in refraining from commenting.
His reputation has been enhanced by his behaviour and support from his stakeholders, not by anything you have done.

Lastly there are many forum members who are experts in all aspects of NSX performance.
I for one would hope none of my comments in the Forums would ever alienate one of them.
Their knowledge and advice plus the general information available to all via the forums has made my NSX ownership a much richer and rewarding experience.

Here's hoping we'll see more reasonable courteous posts from you.
You may well be surprised at what you learn.

Thanks. My time on prime has made me consider selling my car. However, I am extremely excited about my kit I have designed with pretty much zero help from anyone here. I am quite proud of it even if it is kind of a piece of shit. It's caused me a lot of heartache already. Even attempting building it seems to piss people off and everyone telling me an idiot except for maybe one person.

Listen.. if you attempted to build a turbo kit you will notice the issues I have commented about. I did my comments nicely the first time I posted and quite subtle. Then all my posts were deleted ( and I can't post pics now ???) and I could have taken the high road and left it at that. I didn't because I was A) angry and B) I think that people deserve to know if there is a problem. I don't like the implication that the admin is helping a vendor hide a potential issue ( however I never felt this was a serious problem with the kit, I just showed how I did the bend and it looks better but I do not know for sure). Maybe it was just because it was a "Vendor thread" as the admin later said to me. I do not know what that means because this is a public forum I thought but whatever.
I don't post often on the forums but I had to on this post..

"It's not what you say sometimes, it's how you say it."

I feel that many of your posts may have not been to bash people or their product, but the way you wrote them left a bad taste in my mouth. I think a lot of others on this forum felt the same way and that is why you are in this dilemma now.

Don't worry though, it is hard to master how to speak to people in a way where they listen. I actually tell my wife that quote at least once a month ever since I met her 15 years ago. And she still hasn't learned how to communicate with me lol

Good luck on your turbo build. Post your results are done.

I've been following this situation from time to time and here is my input. 80% of prime members don't know anything and will smacktalk when the opportunity arises. Look at L_RAO as an example. Joined and made claims about offering a better injector setup for the NSX. The same usual member jumped on him talking s**t. When the results came in the community was practically throwing money at him because of how good it worked. Too many s**t talkers on here IMO I'm a firm believer we should reserve our judgement until after something is made and not before. Either way on the plus side there are also a lot of knowledgeable people here so it's a good community to be in. Don't let the hate deter you away from the car and your goals.

In regards to this turbo setup question you had, if what you brought up is a potential design flaw in angus kit then I don't see the reason why you should not be allowed to ask about it. It seems it was the way you asked about it was more of the problem. Either way it seems you are getting the gist of things around here based on your latest responses which will get you better replies. I went through the same thing it just takes time so don't give up. I too look forward to your turbo set up.
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My problem with the OP is that he admittedly had no experience building a turbo kit but, took it upon himself to publically knock the time tested Angus kit as if he was an expert or a potential competitor or has used the kit. Now, I have no problem with the OPs development of a competitive turbo kit at a lower price point. I hope he does and is successful. Competition among venders is good for the rest of us. And I wouldn't even have an issue if he found a problem with the Angus design. But, if he hasn't actually purchased a kit from Angus and found a problem with its performance, fit, quality or Wes's service from actually using it, he should keep his opinion of the Angus design to himself or take it up privately with Wes. But, if he did buy the Angus kit, he would have every right to publically hold Wes and the Angus design accountable. There are too many trolls out there writing bogus reviews that bash businesses not because they have done business with the provider but rather it's because they have an agenda or are a competitor. To me the OP's claim smells like potential competitor with an agenda. If the OP thinks his design is better than the Angus design, SOS, Lovefab or any other turbo kit out there, go ahead and build a better kit and market it against them. If it is indeed better NSX owners will buy it.

And just so you know, I have the SOS kit on my car because it fit my modification requirements and not because I think it is any better than any other kit out there. I don't have the expertise to make that determination. I am defending venders like Angus, SOS and Lovefab among others because they have a clean track record of providing quality service and they also give back to the NSX community with good advice and sponsorship of the organization. I could ask no more of any business I deal with.
My problem with the OP is that he admittedly had no experience building a turbo kit but, took it upon himself to publically knock the time tested Angus kit as if he was an expert or a potential competitor or has used the kit. Now, I have no problem with the OPs development of a competitive turbo kit at a lower price point. I hope he does and is successful. Competition among venders is good for the rest of us. And I wouldn't even have an issue if he found a problem with the Angus design. But, if he hasn't actually purchased a kit from Angus and found a problem with its performance, fit, quality or Wes's service from actually using it, he should keep his opinion of the Angus design to himself or take it up privately with Wes. But, if he did buy the Angus kit, he would have every right to publically hold Wes and the Angus design accountable. There are too many trolls out there writing bogus reviews that bash businesses not because they have done business with the provider but rather it's because they have an agenda or are a competitor. To me the OP's claim smells like potential competitor with an agenda. If the OP thinks his design is better than the Angus design, SOS, Lovefab or any other turbo kit out there, go ahead and build a better kit and market it against them. If it is indeed better NSX owners will buy it.

And just so you know, I have the SOS kit on my car because it fit my modification requirements and not because I think it is any better than any other kit out there. I don't have the expertise to make that determination. I am defending venders like Angus, SOS and Lovefab among others because they have a clean track record of providing quality service and they also give back to the NSX community with good advice and sponsorship of the organization. I could ask no more of any business I deal with.

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts rj45 has never run a business.
He sounds like a "the customer is always right" (even if they are dead wrong) type.
So run with your turbo kit rj and when some jack wad pulls this poisonous crap on you and you wonder why the world is so unfair please go back to this very same thread you started here and review your own words.
Time to grow up.
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The universe has a way of balancing itself out so I would have to completely agree the probability of that happening is very high. It will be a more entertaining thread than this one which is hard to beat.
Rj45 has disappeared for some time.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has abandoned his turbo project as we haven't seen any new info.
He might even have sold his NSX.
Maybe he will grace us with an update?
.or he might come back dissing on prime and telling us how he has a great idea for a better nsx forum...
.or he might come back dissing on prime and telling us how he has a great idea for a better nsx forum...

And you could run it.:tongue:

Sorry Doc but I couldn't resist.:biggrin:
you got a million of them I tell ya...:biggrin:
An update:

RJ45 has his NSX for sale and included in the sale are:

"-80% complete Turbo kit ( Not included or installed but IF you will install it and take me for a drive I will give it up for a song)
- AEM FIC, Injectors, walbro, wideband sensors, AEM truboost controller, AFR gauge, 6262 Precision BB turbo. Intercooler & piping, clamps , Steal braided oil lines, oil pump, bungs and attachments. Greddy Bov, huge- 62mm wastegate. I also have a Tien exhaust which is in many pieces that can be part of this kit and a downpipe prototype I have built which can be used for parts. A lot of stainless 304 pipe and mandrel bends."

I think we can conclude the RJ45 turbo project ended up as a lot of $ in of purchased components and a pile of stainless pipe.