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new here, looking for information

4 September 2009
Hi, my name is Rob, I am looking into purchasing an NSX in the (somewhat) near future. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on what to look for regarding problem areas, or any mechanical issues that seem to occur more often than on other cars. Or even if they could just share their experiences.
I've done a little bit of research on them, and I am dead set on getting one as soon as i get the money...
I am currently a future soldier in the US Army, I ship out for Basic on November 16th, and I will be working on the Patriot Missile system after i finish my advanced training, which means I will most likely be stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Good idea - you'll like or love the NSX. Develop a budget and find the car that best suites that. There are a few things you need to know.

Most cars for sale have some kind of deffered maintanance. That usually costs the owner depending on budget for the car and year - from 3k to 5k. Not always but most of the time. Then if your budget will allow you to move up into later year models some things are not a big issue like the timing belt/water pump/hoses and fluids but that is usually an issue in anything 7 years old or older. Clutches depending on how they are driven and not everyone knows how to take care of a clutch can be the most expensive single item needed. 2400 for clutch/flywheel/master and slave cylinder in the 3.0/5speed models or N1 and 4k for the same in the N2 models 3.2/6 speeds.

Timing belt is a time limited as well as mile limited item as are hoses. So don't be fooled by ads that say replaced at such and such miles, always ask how long ago too.

That's it really - depending on miles - and there are plenty out there that have low miles as in under 50k. I'd go for low mileage because the interiors reflect the mileage usually. Service history and owner history make buying one from an individual a smart idea - dealers don't have the history generally. Prime is a good place to buy. Safer and more knowledge of the cars in general.

You set the budget and then when you start looking check back in. This is a friendly site with lots of people to help with lots of knowledge. Its a wonderful, powerful, agile, true sports car that is Honda reliable - what's not to like. Not a lot of special knowledge needed in a way. High mileage cars can be a great deal and the engines last almost forever. Great car!

Thanks Tim, my budget is going to be (by may of 2011) around 25000, but i know that i'll have to get insurance, and registration costs. If i have to get one from a dealership, that shouldn't be a problem, even if i have to finance part of it. thanks for the info about the Timing belt, and the hoses. Clutches are always a pain in the tail, and that will definitely be on my mind. are there any specific brands of aftermarket parts that you would suggest? I have been looking at some modifications, and plan on adding a little bit of power, but not right off the bat.I was looking at getting a twin plate clutch from Clutch Masters, and possibly Rotora brake rotors/pads if the existing ones are in need of being replaced. I know that the balance in the NSX is different than anything i've ever driven, (I've had 2 camaro's and a couple of front wheel drive cars) and it will take a little bit for me to get used to, so stock power is probably going to be more than enough to start with.

I would seriously think about increasing my budget. There isn't anything I've seen for 25k that didn't need 5k to get it sorted. For example my 91 I just bought needed 5k and I paid 28k and it only had 42k miles.

So not saying you can't find one for less like one did here just the other day but he got a steal. It actually defies logic at how good the deal was. I wouldn't count on that, especially from a dealer. If you need financing then work that out before you get started and try not to buy from a dealer - that will just cost you extra dough and you'll have nothing to show for it.

After market parts - I didn't use any. They are out there and others may know more than me; I'm sure they do. Larry Bastanza for one- a great mechanic that chimes in and will answer questions for the group here. Rotors last a long time on these cars.

Best thing to do is when you start looking in earnest is test the group with a real specimen - they'll chime in then for sure. Prime is a great place to find a good car. One thing for sure is don't be in a rush - it's easy to say and hard to do. Deals come along and you are going to be looking at the earlier cars like I was. 91 and 92 models - maybe 93 probably not. The early ones are great cars and I wouldn't be afraid of higher miles cause the engines are as close to bullet proof as they come. If you play your cards right and watch prime you'll see what they sell for and some have good mods. Be patient.

That's the best advice. I wouldn't worry too much about more power although many on this list mod their cars with SCs and TCs - that's expensive modding. Just watch for a while and look at every car on the list. Check auto trader - be careful though deals that seem low priced may have been wrecked - they are out there waiting. Be careful.

You'll find one just right if you look carefully.

Tim has given some good advice on what to look for as far as a car goes and maintenance items. One of his best peices of advice was to be patient. I had wanted one of these caars for 18 years and finially bought one two weeks ago...a '94. However, when I was ready to buy I looked for over a year before I actually purchased. Be prepared to travel to not only purchase a vehicle, but to also just look at a vehicle.

Prime is a great resource, because there are people all over the country that can and will go give a cursory look at a car, but at the end of the day, you have to be willing to either travel to look at it, or trust someone else's judgement. That being said, I travelled from the midwest to the west coast, south east, north east and south west looking at vehicles that I did not purchase. The one I did purchase, however, I did not see until the day I picked it up (but there was a clause in the PA that stated I could have backed out of the deal had I not liked the vehicle).

I can't say what the market will be on these cars when you are ready to purchase, but if you were going to purchase now, I would also agree to increase the budget. I was lucky, I got a vehicle that has a 3 year old TB/WP, no deferred maintenance, all service records and only 34K miles for the low mid thirties. Tim and I have roughly the same money in our cars, so you can see that the $32-35K, AT THIS TIME, is about the average low mark for a budget. That is not to say that there aren't deals to be had out there for less, as sometimes you will see them come and go on here.

Also, when you are prepared to purchase, I'd strongly recommend a PPI done by an Acura Dealer or trusted Mechanic who actually knows these vehicles. I purchased my vehicle in Vegas, about 1800 miles away, and had it taken to the local Acura dealer that members here on Prime use to service their vehicles. That way, I knew that the service department at that particular Acura Dealer would be familiar what to look for on these vehicles (they are rare, and not every Acura dealer regularly maintains these vehicles).

So, my advice would mirror Tims. Be patient, find the right car for you. I waited 18 years, looked with money in hand for 14 months.......and couldn't be happier.

Don't forget snap-ring issues on early models. Also, don't think that modifications necessarily make a car worth more. Most mods are subjective, ie. body panels, wheels, stereo... There are some basic drivetrain mods that will increase the valuse of a car however, such as a CTSC, short gears, upgraded factory suspension.

thanks for the advice everyone, I will definitely keep watching on here to see what's what, and get a rough idea on value. i found a 92 on autotrader.com for $15,300. it seems too low priced, but the seller says it's in great shape, here's the link, any thoughts?

Sounds like a scam to me. Otherwise, it is likely a salvaged title for that $$. Guy doesn't even use the appropriate word/spelling for "break/brake". Whatever you do, have it thoroughly checked and PPI'd before laying ANY $$ on this one.

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SCAM! Stay far away..... Even the 91's will never be cheaper than 15K.... :rolleyes:
The more cars you look at, the more you will understand how to spot scams or cars that have a "catch." I think it is possible to grab a 91' for $25,000 but it will take time to find the right car, the right person selling it and time on your side. I have found my fair share of deals for 91's so I can bet on that fact. The economy is still bad so most people selling cars to buy a house usually need the money in a timely fashion.

I would be careful buying one of these if $25k is your limit on money. You really need to have some cash saved to be able to fix the car when the time comes. My opinion is the NSX is a car to buy with cash and not a car loan in most situations. Everyone is different but make sure you aren't breaking the bank to buy this without leaving room to take care of it.
vegas is right on the money here. When you see a car like the one you found better be ready to do a lot of maintenance and the drivers seat needs recovering too obviously. Who knows what the story is on this one but I bet there is one. It may be a wrecked one. You really have to be careful. THere was a red one just sold with everything done for such a good deal I couldn't believe it. Up to date and great mods. They just don't come along like that too often and you gotta be ready when they do. You gotta watch daily. Don't be in a hurry.
i figured that there was something off with that ad. I emailed the guy about it just out of curiosity, and still haven't gotten a response. but it's ok. I'm still just dreaming at the moment, but i really do like the NSX, and I'm definitely going to get one.
The more you research them (this is the best place hands down for real world info) and the more you hunt for them...the more you like them :) Then you look some more...then you upgrade...in your mind..then you end up like me and buy an '05 when you started a couple months ago seriously searching for...wellllll a "reasonably priced" toy lol It's like collecting guns, my other hobby...once you start looking...your sunk... just admit to yourself your gonna buy one and buy it :) but do some research...if you TAKE YOUR TIME you will find a very good deal I think as just about any market is soft right now and a GOOD place to be a buyer!!!! Just my 2 cents as I am a very happy new owner:tongue:

Good luck in your search and ALWAYS check out cars here first, Vin# searches etc saves you ALOT of time and headache if you do your homework....
ok, i know that i already asked about it, but i got an email back from the owner of that NSX, here's what he said, any input on this would be greatly appreciated...

<TT><TT><TT><TT>Hi there Rob

Thanks for contacting me; something came up and I had to leave urgently on

a business trip. I wanted to let you know that the car is still available.

I am selling it for $15,300. The 1992 Acura NSX looks like new; it has never

been scratched or wrecked. The car is in great condition inside, outside and

mechanically. It will come with a clear title, bill of sale signed by me as

well and all the papers (including the original manuals and keys) that you

will need to register it under your name. I want to sell it because I don't

have much use for and I could use some quick cash right now, rather than

waiting for a better offer (selling takes a lot of time too...). So I'm

willing to let it go for $15,300.00 and since I only have one, First come,

First served.

Although I am not home, we can still make the deal through ebay. I have a

purchase protection program with them (Condition Guarantee by Seller

Program), so ebay will guarantee up to $50,000 for any vehicle I sell.

Shipping is already paid, because I recently moved from Dallas TX, to

Glenwood MD and before leaving I have made arrangements to ship the car here

to me in Glenwood. Now that I am selling it there is no point in shipping it

here anymore. The trucking company will not refund me in full but offered to

ship the car anywhere within continental US, so I've left it at their

warehouse and it's ready to ship at anytime.

Also, this purchase protection guarantees that the car is exactly as I

described; basically, once delivered, you'll have 5 days to inspect it at

your home and if you decide not to keep it you will get refunded in no time

and they will charge me with the return costs.

If you agree with these terms, please email me your shipping name and

address so I can start this process through eBay and I will also get back to

you with more details on how the ebay process works. You should know that

it's not necessary to be a registered user with eBay to benefit from their

vehicle purchase protection program so don't worry if you are not a

registered user with ebay. I have more photos with the car hosted on the

internet at the following link:


I await your email with the requested details if you are interested in the



Regards, Jack Rivas</TT></TT></TT></TT></PRE>
The one thing he did not provide you with, and perhaps you did not ask him, is the VIN number of the car. That is one of the most important pieces of information in deciding if you even want to go out and look at a vehicle (if it is available for inspection). Personally, this one still reeks of SCAM. Beware of those vehicles that are priced "too good to be true" because 99.9% of the times it is.

Run Forrest RUN !!! :biggrin:

These cars don't trade hands for the $15Ks unless its a scam. They even fetch in the high teens for a salvage title.
As tempting as this is; it has all the ear marks of a scam. Funny how it's in a warehouse and you can't see it. Buy it now and if you don't like it get your money back.....that sounds like real super BS. I would take this and send it to Ebay and ask them personally about the claims in the letter or just call ebay and find out what they'd recommend ....they will tell you not to work off line with anyone like this and send money as in wire transfer ....there is a good chance this guy isn't even in the country.

The crooks are getting smarter and smarter everyday .....not too much like a scam cause folks are getting wise....but just a little tiny bit like a scam so you just might bite if you don't have a support group like Prime to bounce this off of.....this guy needs to be reported. You are dealing with a very unscrupulous individual is what my gutt feeling tells me. Others here feel the same way. Listen carefully and don't fall prey to this kind of "deal"! Shake it off and go on about your way and if you really want to help others send this whole thing to ebay. They'll contact you. I know I've done this too when faced with a crook. You'll see. Just don't send any wire transfers to an individual based on someone's "word" that the car exists. There are so many holes in this it's not even funny - I know your gutt is telling you the same thing. Do the right thing and contact ebay...make yourself useful and help out someone else.

There is no doubt that this is a rip off!
Ya know, I'm a grammar Nazi too but I wouldn't run based on the grammar. It actually is one of the better scams that I have seen, personalizing the NSX and creating the appearance of a genuine affinity for it. I would probably even get sucked in a little more since the area code of the phone # matches where he says the car is located.

But it fails the acid test by:
- Seller and car are geographically separated for any reason
- Wants to use a non-existent eBay program. Rest assured that eBay wants nothing to do with an Autotrader transaction.
- The pics aren't from any part of Dallas that I've ever seen. Maybe someone from the Big D can confirm this.

The sign in the background says it best- "DEAD END"

Here's some free advise (you get what you pay for):
Keep the faith and your goal of owning an NSX in sight.
Make the most of your career in the military and take full advantage of all of the educational benefits that it has to offer. Now is the time to work on YOU and make yourself marketable on the outside. Focus on that!
Get out and use your cheap VA loan to buy a nice garage (with a house attached maybe) for your NSX.
Buy one.

My .02
yeah, I was pretty sure that it was a scam, i read that email verbatum to my interum "parents" and they didn't seem to un-nerved by it, but i could tell it's BS just by the fact that ebay only offers protection on products listed ON EBAY. anyway, thanks to all for the advice, I'm sure I'll bounce more ads off you guys in this thread, looking for that perfect NSX... lol. thanks, Rob
Your best bet is to just find an NSX on this site in the market section....