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New Palin Video

where's the spin?

Do you really think palin knows more american history than obama or biden????????????????

Palin is george bush with lipstick, only dumber and further to the right. Reinvigorated base? Same garbage as the past 7+ years, only "prettier". Reform? It's like a scene from shrek, where the frightened customers fleeing a starbucks-like shop (about to be crushed by a gigantic gingerbread monster) run across the street to another identical store. Silliness.



Again, like most looney liberals, you only have opinion right now. And no facts.

I am not saying that McCain and Palin are the perfect ticket. But, Obama and Biden are flat out looney. Their track record proves they are hypocritical, insecure, ignorant, and liars.

It is going to be a tight race, and I am very excited to see the next three debates, especially the VP debate. I think that is going to be interesing.

Either way, I think they next four years are going to be a dismal time for Americans, regardless of the winning party / ticket.

So where do you think Palin is fiscally and socially in comparison to Bush? Where are your facts of Obama and Biden being "flat out looney" and what evidence do you have of them being "hypocritical, insecure, ignorant, and liars"? I'm a moderate but after the rightward shift these past 7 years, I'm now branded a liberal.. not looney though, so please stop with the name calling. So, do you REALLY think Palin knows more American history than Biden or Obama?


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And whose fault would that be? Please, I'm all ears.

The Democrats of course! They've had control of the House and Senate for the past year and 9 months so every foreclosure that has happened during this time is the Democrats' fault.:rolleyes:


So where do you think Palin is fiscally and socially in comparison to Bush? Where are your facts of Obama and Biden being "flat out looney" and what evidence do you have of them being "hypocritical, insecure, ignorant, and liars"? I'm a moderate but after the rightward shift these past 7 years, I'm now branded a liberal.. not looney though, so please stop with the name calling. So, do you REALLY think Palin knows more American history than Biden or Obama?



One thing we do know is, Obama conviniently created 3 more government programs if he's the president during the debate yesterday...lol

All right, all jokes aside, even though Palin "may" not know more history than Biden or Obama, but she didn't go around telling the world that NATO should have deal with Georgia without knowing the Russian has a vote, and Biden telling people about Roosevelt's TV interviews...lol

If any one of them don't know their history, keep the mouth shut without making stupid statements and talk about it after learn the facts. Don't fiddle their way though the interviews.
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So Vance, since you are so Pro McCain and Palin...can you please tell me who you were for in the primaries.

Are you honestly going to tell me that McCain was your man...and boy, you sure were hoping he picked Palin... was this your dream match up?

Or do you now need to somehow make yourself feel better by now justifying their elective potential.

I read your posts...your digs...and honestly, it might as well be "insert Republican candidate here" while I bash on the "insert Democrat candidate here" person.

You would be sitting here selling the same line of crap of Rudi was front runner....

Which is my biggest problem with the GOP in general. They look down upon pretty much everyone else... like a form of racism. So blinded by hate they can't even open their minds for one second and question what the hell they really stand for.

I will say it one more time. Anyone who thinks Palin is a justifiable Vice Presidential candidate is full of crap. Pathetic...makes me sick that this country is circling the toilet drain of the world while people are riding the log of poo with hands held high all the way down.

The only thing that will save the Republican party is if Republicans start to fight for what's right and make the party actually put forth a qualified candidate.
So Vance, since you are so Pro McCain and Palin...can you please tell me who you were for in the primaries.

Are you honestly going to tell me that McCain was your man...and boy, you sure were hoping he picked Palin... was this your dream match up?

Or do you now need to somehow make yourself feel better by now justifying their elective potential.

I read your posts...your digs...and honestly, it might as well be "insert Republican candidate here" while I bash on the "insert Democrat candidate here" person.

You would be sitting here selling the same line of crap of Rudi was front runner....

Which is my biggest problem with the GOP in general. They look down upon pretty much everyone else... like a form of racism. So blinded by hate they can't even open their minds for one second and question what the hell they really stand for.

I will say it one more time. Anyone who thinks Palin is a justifiable Vice Presidential candidate is full of crap. Pathetic...makes me sick that this country is circling the toilet drain of the world while people are riding the log of poo with hands held high all the way down.

The only thing that will save the Republican party is if Republicans start to fight for what's right and make the party actually put forth a qualified candidate.
There are several things I believe in:

1.) Low taxes (or fair taxes). I don't believe in a socialistic entitlement program paid by the productive member of the society. If a guy (including my self, you or any one) is capable of figuring out how make millions legitamatly, he should not be penalized because some douche bag in Compton should get a piece of it because he had a criminal record resulted in only minimum wage jobs and decide to have five kids with three different women.
2.) Corporate well fair is OK as long as the company is creating new job, investing fair share of their profit in new technology or improve productivities (I’ll explain it in a later part of this post).
3.) I don’t believe in Pro choice (with certain exceptions such as rape, incest, pregnant women's health, etc.). In an era when a couple can prevent inceptions through every possible method. Abort a life is not the right way to solve "oops." We treat pets better than the fetus (yes, the dog in your avatar is protected better than fetuses by our current law). Life is precious and we should embrace every human life. I dislike the fact that a woman can terminate her pregnancy when she “feel like it.”
4.) I actually didn’t care much about the war in Iraq, but since the invasion, there have not been any major terrorist attack out side the war zone; to me, that is a good thing. I believe McCain with his knowledge for the region, and general Petraeus will be able to finish the job and make a great allied in one of the most volatile region of the world. The issue now is NOT about the decision made back in 2003, it’s about how to make things right.
5.) I don’t believe in “Playing gentleman” when dealing with certain parts of the world. They may be wearing suits and ties, but they’re mind sets are still 500 years behind.
6.) I don’t like to see a democratic dominated congress with a democratic president along with a democratic supreme court.

To answer your question, I don’t need to like McCain to vote for him, his policies matches all my bullets listed above; however, I do like McCain and Giulliani, either one have my support. Palin was a good selection, not the best, but good. When Newt Gingrich suggested her name a year ago, I look her up on the Internet and received a great impression. I have never seen a candidate received so much crude and baseless attack. She is a proven politician with the highest rating as a governor of any states, and her states holds the most important natural resources of this nation and she is not afraid of tap into it because people want to save the polar bears. Yes, I’m going to bring out the fact that Obama was a junior senator with no major accomplishment during his short three years on the job (other than telling the world Bush fucked every thing up) and his great community organizing skills did not result in any major improvement in his community. A person with a great public speaking skill may not qualify him as the president of the US. Specially when a person did practically not after being elected into office and the first thing on his to do list is running for the next higher up office. You want to talk about a free pass, there you have it.

And Joe Biden? A guy who received absolutely no attention during his many attempt to run for the presidency all of the sudden is a great man?

The fact is that you can pretend to play nice like some of the world powers, but if they have a chance to kick our ass on the world stage, they will not hesitant. You think Obama is your man because he told you so? What kind of “change and hope” is he talking about? Turn our nation into a socialistic society like some of the messed up European nations such as France, Denmark, Sweden? And "let's get along with all the nations in the world so we can be friends, even though they don't want to and they hate us because we're the most prosperous and the most free nation?"

Let me put it simple, this election is about looking forward, not backwards. If Clinton was such a great president, why did the Democratic Party lost the white house and congress during 2000 election?

And guess what? Nancy Pelocy, Harry Reed, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy are the people who have, and will continue to weaken our nation, and Obama parties with them.

Obama's message is not very enticing. The only reason his program is selling, or I should say, the only reason this is a tight race is because he was capable of mobilizing the college kids (Most have no idea what he is for other than Barak is cool and he is against Bush), and the black community (as poll suggested, majority of the blacks will vote for him, not because of his message, but because he is black). If he is white, he would not have a chance.

So what is this election is really about?

Who is Barak Obama? You want to talk about Palin's qualification vs Obama or Biden's? Please, Please tell me what they have accomplished in their life time other than point their fingers without offering realistic solutions!
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And whose fault would that be? Please, I'm all ears.
Since you have tendency to counter with short and jackass like way, here is my:

William Jefferson Clinton.

If you like the long version, read the following link. Remember the old days when you attend med school, you actually have to read and process the information with logic so you can pass the exams?


You are the type of people how would support the theory of "Sorry, I farted and stink up the room, but it's Bush's fault!"


BTW, please educate your self before making any more idiotic one phrase comments.



“For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.
The White House released this list of attempts by President Bush to reform Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac since he took office in 2001.

Unfortunately, Congress did not act on the president's warnings:

** 2001

April: The Administration's FY02 budget declares that the size of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is ‘a potential problem,’ because ‘financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity.’

** 2002

May: The President calls for the disclosure and corporate governance principles contained in his 10-point plan for corporate responsibility to apply to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (OMB Prompt Letter to OFHEO, 5/29/02)

** 2003

January: Freddie Mac announces it has to restate financial results for the previous three years.

February: The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) releases a report explaining that ‘although investors perceive an implicit Federal guarantee of [GSE] obligations,’ ‘the government has provided no explicit legal backing for them.’ As a consequence, unexpected problems at a GSE could immediately spread into financial sectors beyond the housing market. (‘Systemic Risk: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Role of OFHEO,’ OFHEO Report, 2/4/03)

September: Fannie Mae discloses SEC investigation and acknowledges OFHEO's review found earnings manipulations.

September: Treasury Secretary John Snow testifies before the House Financial Services Committee to recommend that Congress enact ‘legislation to create a new Federal agency to regulate and supervise the financial activities of our housing-related government sponsored enterprises’ and set prudent and appropriate minimum capital adequacy requirements.

October: Fannie Mae discloses $1.2 billion accounting error.

November: Council of the Economic Advisers (CEA) Chairman Greg Mankiw explains that any ‘legislation to reform GSE regulation should empower the new regulator with sufficient strength and credibility to reduce systemic risk.’ To reduce the potential for systemic instability, the regulator would have ‘broad authority to set both risk-based and minimum capital standards’ and ‘receivership powers necessary to wind down the affairs of a troubled GSE.’ (N. Gregory Mankiw, Remarks At The Conference Of State Bank Supervisors State Banking Summit And Leadership, 11/6/03)

** 2004

February: The President's FY05 Budget again highlights the risk posed by the explosive growth of the GSEs and their low levels of required capital, and called for creation of a new, world-class regulator: ‘The Administration has determined that the safety and soundness regulators of the housing GSEs lack sufficient power and stature to meet their responsibilities, and therefore…should be replaced with a new strengthened regulator.’ (2005 Budget Analytic Perspectives, pg. 83)

February: CEA Chairman Mankiw cautions Congress to ‘not take [the financial market's] strength for granted.’ Again, the call from the Administration was to reduce this risk by ‘ensuring that the housing GSEs are overseen by an effective regulator.’ (N. Gregory Mankiw, Op-Ed, ‘Keeping Fannie And Freddie's House In Order,’ Financial Times, 2/24/04)

June: Deputy Secretary of Treasury Samuel Bodman spotlights the risk posed by the GSEs and called for reform, saying ‘We do not have a world-class system of supervision of the housing government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), even though the importance of the housing financial system that the GSEs serve demands the best in supervision to ensure the long-term vitality of that system. Therefore, the Administration has called for a new, first class, regulatory supervisor for the three housing GSEs: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banking System.’ (Samuel Bodman, House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Testimony, 6/16/04)

** 2005

April: Treasury Secretary John Snow repeats his call for GSE reform, saying "Events that have transpired since I testified before this Committee in 2003 reinforce concerns over the systemic risks posed by the GSEs and further highlight the need for real GSE reform to ensure that our housing finance system remains a strong and vibrant source of funding for expanding homeownership opportunities in America… Half-measures will only exacerbate the risks to our financial system." (Secretary John W. Snow, "Testimony Before The U.S. House Financial Services Committee," 4/13/05)

** 2007

July: Two Bear Stearns hedge funds invested in mortgage securities collapse.

August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying ‘first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options.’ (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, The White House, 8/9/07)

September: RealtyTrac announces foreclosure filings up 243,000 in August – up 115 percent from the year before.

September: Single-family existing home sales decreases 7.5 percent from the previous month – the lowest level in nine years. Median sale price of existing homes fell six percent from the year before.

December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying ‘These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon.’ (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, The White House, 12/6/07)

** 2008

January: Bank of America announces it will buy Countrywide.

January: Citigroup announces mortgage portfolio lost $18.1 billion in value.

February: Assistant Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, says ‘A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully.’ (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

March: Bear Stearns announces it will sell itself to JPMorgan Chase.

March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and ‘move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages.’ (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and ‘modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes.’ (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.

‘Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans.’ (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

‘[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator.’ (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

‘Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans.’ (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)

June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying ‘we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.’ (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.
In 2005-- Senator John McCain partnered with three other Senate Republicans to reform the government’s involvement in lending.

Democrats blocked this reform, too.

More... Not only did democrats not act on these warnings but Barack Obama put one of the major Sub-Prime Slime players on his campaign as finance chairperson.

UPDATE: The media is not reporting that the failed financial institutions are big Obama donors.

Wow! Don't expect to hear this from our mainstream media.

So what is your theory, Mr.10Blade? Please, I'm all ears.

She's bad bordering on treason. She's not only dumb (and I picked that word after deleting a whole host of others...that's literally the nicest thing I could say) but she's also that special kind wacko that only extreme religious views can produce. She served her purpose of motivating the "base" (which is actually the far-far-far-right) and distracting the public from 8 years of total and utter crap and now her flaws are manifesting on an hourly basis.

I. Can't. Wait. For. The. De. Bate.

Bordering on treason? How so? Because you said so?

To bad this "stupid bitch" has accomplishments in life than you will ever achieve, and she lives in Alaska, a place where the Government have to pay you to live there. What have your God Biden have done for the people?

"Stand up Joe!!! Oops, his in the wheel chair, sorry, hahaha."
"Pay more taxes is a patriotic things to do, even though my life time donation to the world is less than 1%."
"Roosevelt went on TV during the beginning of the depression...."
"Quit frankly, Hilary is a better VP candidate than I am, and I wonder why she didn't get picked..."
"I wanted to the POTUS since I was little, but I guess being a VP nominee is the closest thing, since I lost my bid in the past for plagiarism."

Yep, he is a stand up guy!!!

Tell me, please tell me how great he is, how awesome he is over Palin.


I. Can't. Wait. For. The. De. Bate.
"Joe uhhhh Biden uhhh is uuuuhhh true uhhh gentleman and a uhhhh Washington uhhhh insider uhhhh with great uhhhh foreign uhhhhh policy uhhhh experience uhhhhh even though uhhhhhhh I believe uhhhhhhh I was uhhhhhh right uhhhhhh about the uhhhhhh surge uhhhhh never uhhhhhh worked uhhhhh but uhhhhhhh senator uhhhh McCain uhhhhh is right uhhhhhh about uhhhhh every thing uhhhh during the debate uhhhhhh but uhhhhhhh it's not fair uhhhhhh because uhhhhhh I should uhhhh have uhhhh said those uhhhhh things uhhhhh first." "But I'll invade Pakis so we can get Obama, oops Osama even if they don't like it. But uhhhhh Invading uhhhh Iraq uhhhhh was uhhhhh wrong uhhhhh......."
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FdDqSvJ6aHc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FdDqSvJ6aHc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I'm sorry but Biden could stand before the nation and declare "I have a dream, that four-score and seven years ago our fore fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in not what you can do but, what you can do for your country, Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall!" and then follow it with 10 minutes of uninterrupted F-Bombs while his middle finger wagged back and forth AND HE'D STILL be better than Palin.

She's bad bordering on treason. She's not only dumb (and I picked that word after deleting a whole host of others...that's literally the nicest thing I could say) but she's also that special kind wacko that only extreme religious views can produce. She served her purpose of motivating the "base" (which is actually the far-far-far-right) and distracting the public from 8 years of total and utter crap and now her flaws are manifesting on an hourly basis.

I. Can't. Wait. For. The. De. Bate.

So a lack of character and honesty is more important to you than experience?:confused:
Since you have tendency to counter with short and jackass like way

Remember the old days when you attend med school, you actually have to read and process the information with logic so you can pass the exams?

BTW, please educate your self before making any more idiotic one phrase comments.

To bad this "stupid bitch" has accomplishments in life than you will ever achieve,


stop the personal attacks.
they belittle you and reflect poorly on nsxprime as a whole.

stop the personal attacks.
they belittle you and reflect poorly on nsxprime as a whole.

My sincere apology. I did not know you represent the entire Prime community.

10blade, please don't belittle your self by showing off your inabilities and reflect poorly on nsxprime as a whole and the members of your political community.

"I could name your NSX Barak Obama, black out side, white inside." But that would be an insult to Honda.:biggrin:
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Since you have tendency to counter with short and jackass like way, here is my:

William Jefferson Clinton.

If you like the long version, read the following link. Remember the old days when you attend med school, you actually have to read and process the information with logic so you can pass the exams?


You are the type of people how would support the theory of "Sorry, I farted and stink up the room, but it's Bush's fault!"

And unfortunately, you think your shit doesn't stink. You keep using our criticism of Bush as if it were some simple primitive knee jerk reflex (Hey 10 Blade, remember the pathway to that reflex:rolleyes:) It is referring to the ENTIRE neo-conservative movement (Republican Congress, Jack Abramoff, Bill Frist, K Street, "The Hammer", Karl Rove, Cheney, Project for a New American Century, etc.) and Republican President who have F'd up this country so badly. Sorry Vance.


You should be crying instead.

BTW, please educate your self before making any more idiotic one phrase comments.



“For many years the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of financial turmoil at a housing government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.
The White House released this list of attempts by President Bush to reform Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac since he took office in 2001.

Unfortunately, Congress did not act on the president's warnings:

** 2001

April: The Administration's FY02 budget declares that the size of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is ‘a potential problem,’ because ‘financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity.’

** 2002

May: The President calls for the disclosure and corporate governance principles contained in his 10-point plan for corporate responsibility to apply to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (OMB Prompt Letter to OFHEO, 5/29/02)

** 2003

January: Freddie Mac announces it has to restate financial results for the previous three years.

February: The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) releases a report explaining that ‘although investors perceive an implicit Federal guarantee of [GSE] obligations,’ ‘the government has provided no explicit legal backing for them.’ As a consequence, unexpected problems at a GSE could immediately spread into financial sectors beyond the housing market. (‘Systemic Risk: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Role of OFHEO,’ OFHEO Report, 2/4/03)

September: Fannie Mae discloses SEC investigation and acknowledges OFHEO's review found earnings manipulations.

September: Treasury Secretary John Snow testifies before the House Financial Services Committee to recommend that Congress enact ‘legislation to create a new Federal agency to regulate and supervise the financial activities of our housing-related government sponsored enterprises’ and set prudent and appropriate minimum capital adequacy requirements.

October: Fannie Mae discloses $1.2 billion accounting error.

November: Council of the Economic Advisers (CEA) Chairman Greg Mankiw explains that any ‘legislation to reform GSE regulation should empower the new regulator with sufficient strength and credibility to reduce systemic risk.’ To reduce the potential for systemic instability, the regulator would have ‘broad authority to set both risk-based and minimum capital standards’ and ‘receivership powers necessary to wind down the affairs of a troubled GSE.’ (N. Gregory Mankiw, Remarks At The Conference Of State Bank Supervisors State Banking Summit And Leadership, 11/6/03)

** 2004

February: The President's FY05 Budget again highlights the risk posed by the explosive growth of the GSEs and their low levels of required capital, and called for creation of a new, world-class regulator: ‘The Administration has determined that the safety and soundness regulators of the housing GSEs lack sufficient power and stature to meet their responsibilities, and therefore…should be replaced with a new strengthened regulator.’ (2005 Budget Analytic Perspectives, pg. 83)

February: CEA Chairman Mankiw cautions Congress to ‘not take [the financial market's] strength for granted.’ Again, the call from the Administration was to reduce this risk by ‘ensuring that the housing GSEs are overseen by an effective regulator.’ (N. Gregory Mankiw, Op-Ed, ‘Keeping Fannie And Freddie's House In Order,’ Financial Times, 2/24/04)

June: Deputy Secretary of Treasury Samuel Bodman spotlights the risk posed by the GSEs and called for reform, saying ‘We do not have a world-class system of supervision of the housing government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), even though the importance of the housing financial system that the GSEs serve demands the best in supervision to ensure the long-term vitality of that system. Therefore, the Administration has called for a new, first class, regulatory supervisor for the three housing GSEs: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banking System.’ (Samuel Bodman, House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Testimony, 6/16/04)

** 2005

April: Treasury Secretary John Snow repeats his call for GSE reform, saying "Events that have transpired since I testified before this Committee in 2003 reinforce concerns over the systemic risks posed by the GSEs and further highlight the need for real GSE reform to ensure that our housing finance system remains a strong and vibrant source of funding for expanding homeownership opportunities in America… Half-measures will only exacerbate the risks to our financial system." (Secretary John W. Snow, "Testimony Before The U.S. House Financial Services Committee," 4/13/05)

Remember Bush's "Mandate". The Republicans OWNED the Congress and presidency up till this point and were so power drunk they even considering cloture so please stop blaming the Democrats for inaction. Remember 2005? Emergency legislation into the wee hours of the morning, Bush cutting short his vacation....to save Terry Schiavo!!!!!!!!!!

** 2007

July: Two Bear Stearns hedge funds invested in mortgage securities collapse.

August: President Bush emphatically calls on Congress to pass a reform package for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, saying ‘first things first when it comes to those two institutions. Congress needs to get them reformed, get them streamlined, get them focused, and then I will consider other options.’ (President George W. Bush, Press Conference, The White House, 8/9/07)

September: RealtyTrac announces foreclosure filings up 243,000 in August – up 115 percent from the year before.

Democrats in office 8 months are now resposible for wiping the ass of the Republican congress with tissue paper that could tear at any second along the perforated line marked "Joe Lieberman"

September: Single-family existing home sales decreases 7.5 percent from the previous month – the lowest level in nine years. Median sale price of existing homes fell six percent from the year before.

December: President Bush again warns Congress of the need to pass legislation reforming GSEs, saying ‘These institutions provide liquidity in the mortgage market that benefits millions of homeowners, and it is vital they operate safely and operate soundly. So I've called on Congress to pass legislation that strengthens independent regulation of the GSEs – and ensures they focus on their important housing mission. The GSE reform bill passed by the House earlier this year is a good start. But the Senate has not acted. And the United States Senate needs to pass this legislation soon.’ (President George W. Bush, Discusses Housing, The White House, 12/6/07)

** 2008

January: Bank of America announces it will buy Countrywide.

January: Citigroup announces mortgage portfolio lost $18.1 billion in value.

February: Assistant Secretary David Nason reiterates the urgency of reforms, says ‘A new regulatory structure for the housing GSEs is essential if these entities are to continue to perform their public mission successfully.’ (David Nason, Testimony On Reforming GSE Regulation, Senate Committee On Banking, Housing And Urban Affairs, 2/7/08)

March: Bear Stearns announces it will sell itself to JPMorgan Chase.

March: President Bush calls on Congress to take action and ‘move forward with reforms on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They need to continue to modernize the FHA, as well as allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to homeowners to refinance their mortgages.’ (President George W. Bush, Remarks To The Economic Club Of New York, New York, NY, 3/14/08)

April: President Bush urges Congress to pass the much needed legislation and ‘modernize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [There are] constructive things Congress can do that will encourage the housing market to correct quickly by … helping people stay in their homes.’ (President George W. Bush, Meeting With Cabinet, the White House, 4/14/08)

May: President Bush issues several pleas to Congress to pass legislation reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac before the situation deteriorates further.

‘Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans.’ (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/3/08)

‘[T]he government ought to be helping creditworthy people stay in their homes. And one way we can do that – and Congress is making progress on this – is the reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That reform will come with a strong, independent regulator.’ (President George W. Bush, Meeting With The Secretary Of The Treasury, the White House, 5/19/08)

‘Congress needs to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance subprime loans.’ (President George W. Bush, Radio Address, 5/31/08)

June: As foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter, the President once again asks Congress to take the necessary measures to address this challenge, saying ‘we need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.’ (President George W. Bush, Remarks At Swearing In Ceremony For Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 6/6/08)

July: Congress heeds the President's call for action and passes reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.
In 2005-- Senator John McCain partnered with three other Senate Republicans to reform the government’s involvement in lending.

Democrats blocked this reform, too.

More... Not only did democrats not act on these warnings but Barack Obama put one of the major Sub-Prime Slime players on his campaign as finance chairperson.

UPDATE: The media is not reporting that the failed financial institutions are big Obama donors.

Wow! Don't expect to hear this from our mainstream media.

So who is holding it up now?

As you showed above, most of the foreclosed homes were concieved before the Democrats took control in 1/07. Also home sales and sub prime loans were starting to slow down drastically, also by 1/07. The Republicans had WAY more opportunity to corrrect this and didn't. Yes their shit sticks even worse.

So what is your theory, Mr.10Blade? Please, I'm all ears.

Bordering on treason? How so? Because you said so?

To bad this "stupid bitch" has accomplishments in life than you will ever achieve, and she lives in Alaska, a place where the Government have to pay you to live there. What have your God Biden have done for the people?

"Stand up Joe!!! Oops, his in the wheel chair, sorry, hahaha."
"Pay more taxes is a patriotic things to do, even though my life time donation to the world is less than 1%."
"Roosevelt went on TV during the beginning of the depression...."
"Quit frankly, Hilary is a better VP candidate than I am, and I wonder why she didn't get picked..."
"I wanted to the POTUS since I was little, but I guess being a VP nominee is the closest thing, since I lost my bid in the past for plagiarism."

Yep, he is a stand up guy!!!

Tell me, please tell me how great he is, how awesome he is over Palin.


"Joe uhhhh Biden uhhh is uuuuhhh true uhhh gentleman and a uhhhh Washington uhhhh insider uhhhh with great uhhhh foreign uhhhhh policy uhhhh experience uhhhhh even though uhhhhhhh I believe uhhhhhhh I was uhhhhhh right uhhhhhh about the uhhhhhh surge uhhhhh never uhhhhhh worked uhhhhh but uhhhhhhh senator uhhhh McCain uhhhhh is right uhhhhhh about uhhhhh every thing uhhhh during the debate uhhhhhh but uhhhhhhh it's not fair uhhhhhh because uhhhhhh I should uhhhh have uhhhh said those uhhhhh things uhhhhh first." "But I'll invade Pakis so we can get Obama, oops Osama even if they don't like it. But uhhhhh Invading uhhhh Iraq uhhhhh was uhhhhh wrong uhhhhh......."[/QUOTE]

If as Obama says, that if we knew for sure that Osama was in Pakistan and the Pakistani government did not want to or were incapable of capturing Osama, I would want our soldiers to go in there and get him. Funny how when Obama says it, it must be wrong, or has all the bravado been deflated from the "patriotic right" ?


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Therefore, the democrats are with zero faults? I' glad that u contribute to this by voted for him.

Shit stinks from all sides(except my). However, since the democrats took over in 2006, including Obama, what have they done to address the issue?
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Vance, tapping natural resources in Alaska is not going to do anything for America's energy needs...except make some people in Alaska very rich.

Very short sightedness.

As for qualifications, my biggest concern is that America is probably at an all time low...economically, politically, internationally... and here we have McCain who is basically Bush reincarnate about to take over for ANOTHER 4 years...with some cowboy (girl) VP that quite honestly won a popularity contest in a state that has almost nothing to do with the rest of the union.

McCain has been quoted as knowing nothing about the economy. My biggest fear is that he's going to simply listen to whoever is whispering in his ear...make a lot of mistakes, and end up driving this country even further into the hole. (Sounds familiar?)

Time to shake things up...while I'm voting Republican for my local/state government, I'm leaning towards Democrat for Pres. I was a Ron Paul supporter myself...but I COULD have voted for McCain. However, the more I listen him, his policies, his choices under pressure (choosing Palin, running back to WA to help with the "crisis") and his flip flopping on major issues, the more I start to realize that he has become nothing more than a wrapped up GOP package with little substance and even fewer ideas of change.

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book." --as quoted in the Boston Globe, Dec. 17, 2007

Well..I was going to respond, but Vance did such a good job. I dont want to re-type what he already said.

Vance, you can keep going back and forth with the looney lefties, Im sorry moderates :rolleyes:. But it wont do any good. Let them get on here an continue to bash McCain and Palin. It is what the left do. The bash, slander, and trick up muck in an attempt to slam the right. They are lost in their own little fairy tale that the almight Obama, which has a short inexperience track record, will have all the answers. The fact is he has not done a single good thing while in office. Not ONE!!! We know nothing about him. His policies are socialistic, and his ideas are radical to a worse extreme. This man has some sort of hidden agenda, IMO. And if he wins the election we will find out exactly what that is.
This man has some sort of hidden agenda, IMO. And if he wins the election we will find out exactly what that is.

Return America to greatness?


Can you guys lighten up a little and watch that Palin SNL vid and call it quit.
This thread is going nowhere. :confused:

Of course its going no where. That is sort of the point. This thread is a perfect example of how our government works. We think we are right, they think they are right. And thus, everybody not participating loses :biggrin:

The SNL video is funny as hell though.

I seriously doubt anyone posting on here is taking the argument to heart. At least I hope not. Its just fun discussion / bitching.
And unfortunately, you think your shit doesn't stink. You keep using our criticism of Bush as if it were some simple primitive knee jerk reflex (Hey 10 Blade, remember the pathway to that reflex:rolleyes:) It is referring to the ENTIRE neo-conservative movement (Republican Congress, Jack Abramoff, Bill Frist, K Street, "The Hammer", Karl Rove, Cheney, Project for a New American Century, etc.) and Republican President who have F'd up this country so badly. Sorry Vance.

Mhh, not really, I would like to think when some one sarcastically challenge some one but without given a good reason to back it up, of course, same dose back plus interest.

You should be crying instead.

I’m actually quite contempt. This general election is far, the most interested one since I know about general elections. I actually like the fact that we get to discuss this in an open arena simply because this is some thing people couldn’t do just 10 years ago.

Democrats in office 8 months are now resposible for wiping the ass of the Republican congress with tissue paper that could tear at any second along the perforated line marked "Joe Lieberman"

Yeah, a great insider who supported McCain because he does NOT believe Obama is a capable man.

As you showed above, most of the foreclosed homes were concieved before the Democrats took control in 1/07. Also home sales and sub prime loans were starting to slow down drastically, also by 1/07. The Republicans had WAY more opportunity to corrrect this and didn't. Yes their shit sticks even worse.

Last time I checked, he is a president, not an Emperor or dictator. You talked about Partismship, I guess even the Minority Democartic politicians prior to 2006 all agreed with Bush by doing nothing? And those are the people who are leading our congress right now. NONE of them had any concerns other than pointed fingers. Including Obama. No wonder Bill Clinton is staying so quite right now, I still like to hear his explanation for the Tech Crash, and of course, the current banking crisis. I guess that was also Bush’s fault. Oh yeah, those who created the famous deregulation rules were mainly Clinton’s buddies who became the CEO of those companies.

If as Obama says, that if we knew for sure that Osama was in Pakistan and the Pakistani government did not want to or were incapable of capturing Osama, I would want our soldiers to go in there and get him. Funny how when Obama says it, it must be wrong, or has all the bravado been deflated from the "patriotic right" ?

Yes, it is so convenience for him to say stuff like this 5 years after. Where is Osama? Does Obama have a GPS laser tracking on his forehead? What happens if they rolled into Pakistan and he's not there, or dead 2 years ago? Hey, I can talk too, let’s go to Pakistan and Iran, get rid of the trouble makers. while at it, I’m going to invite Castrol and Hugo Chavez over for tea.

Danny, you know I absolutely admire you for your accomplishment in life, but don’t take this the wrong way; I’m ditching Obama not because I’m in love with McCain, as I have indicated from the post above, I not for Obama because of his policies. And quite frankly, any one parties with people like William Ayers and Jeremiah Right isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Obviously, you’re feel the opposite. We’ll see how the nation agrees with us after the election. If Obama Wins, I’ll buy you dinner (as you need to let me pay for once), if McCain wins… You can buy me dinner… Again….
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And unfortunately, you think your shit doesn't stink. You keep using our criticism of Bush as if it were some simple primitive knee jerk reflex (Hey 10 Blade, remember the pathway to that reflex:rolleyes:) It is referring to the ENTIRE neo-conservative movement (Republican Congress, Jack Abramoff, Bill Frist, K Street, "The Hammer", Karl Rove, Cheney, Project for a New American Century, etc.) and Republican President who have F'd up this country so badly. Sorry Vance.

Mhh, not really, I would like to think when some one sarcastically challenge some one but without given a good reason to back it up, of course, same dose back plus interest.

You should be crying instead.

I’m actually quite contempt. This general election is far, the most interested one since I know about general elections. I actually like the fact that we get to discuss this in an open arena simply because this is some thing people couldn’t do just 10 years ago.

Democrats in office 8 months are now resposible for wiping the ass of the Republican congress with tissue paper that could tear at any second along the perforated line marked "Joe Lieberman"

Yeah, a great insider who supported McCain because he does NOT believe Obama is a capable man.

As you showed above, most of the foreclosed homes were concieved before the Democrats took control in 1/07. Also home sales and sub prime loans were starting to slow down drastically, also by 1/07. The Republicans had WAY more opportunity to corrrect this and didn't. Yes their shit sticks even worse.

Last time I checked, he is a president, not an Emperor or dictator. You talked about Partismship, I guess even the Minority Democartic politicians prior to 2006 all agreed with Bush by doing nothing? And those are the people who are leading our congress right now. NONE of them had any concerns other than pointed fingers. Including Obama. No wonder Bill Clinton is staying so quite right now, I still like to hear his explanation for the Tech Crash, and of course, the current banking crisis. I guess that was also Bush’s fault. Oh yeah, those who created the famous deregulation rules were mainly Clinton’s buddies who became the CEO of those companies.

If as Obama says, that if we knew for sure that Osama was in Pakistan and the Pakistani government did not want to or were incapable of capturing Osama, I would want our soldiers to go in there and get him. Funny how when Obama says it, it must be wrong, or has all the bravado been deflated from the "patriotic right" ?

Yes, it is so convenience for him to say stuff like this 5 years after. Where is Osama? Does Obama have a GPS laser tracking on his forehead? What happens if they rolled into Pakistan and he's not there, or dead 2 years ago? Hey, I can talk too, let’s go to Pakistan and Iran, get rid of the trouble makers. while at it, I’m going to invite Castrol and Hugo Chavez over for tea.

Danny, you know I absolutely admire you for your accomplishment in life, but don’t take this the wrong way; I’m ditching Obama not because I’m in love with McCain, as I have indicated from the post above, I not for Obama because of his policies. And quite frankly, any one parties with people like William Ayers and Jeremiah Right isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Obviously, you’re feel the opposite. We’ll see how the nation agrees with us after the election. If Obama Wins, I’ll buy you dinner (as you need to let me pay for once), if McCain wins… You can buy me dinner… Again….

Xiao Di, whoever wins or lose, I'm buying!

Looking forward to seeing all of you in October.

Best Regards,

Hay Danny,

Why don't you answer my questions on the Pain thread regading my flaws that you implicated?


I'd make a better President than either of these guys. Maybe i should run for Prez. First thing I would do is authorize the importation of NSX-R's, Skyline GTR's, and other cars from Japan and Europe.

Then I would fix/do away with the Federal Reserve and their private bankers.
Take care of the national debt.

I'd run this country like a REAL American man. F$^K political correctness, that would go flying out the window so quick.

Who want's to sponsor my campaign?
As Clinton left office we had a FIVE TRILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS :eek::eek::eek:

Bush has managed to burn through every red cent and turn that surplus into a gaping hole in our economy..... Where did that $ go? Most of it went to a war that never should have happened in the first place. Fine, spend $ on going after Bin Laden - I have no problem with that.

But starting a war with Saddam when he was no closer to attacking anyone near him let alone the US... It was a waste of American lives and US tax payers money. I don't know how much more cut and dried you guys want it. (reps I mean) :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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