NSX love

27 July 2007
Denver, CO
Took the car grocery shopping this weekend. The looks I was getting while loading bags into the functional trunk on my exotic car were priceless. Lots of cell phone pics being snapped. Went home the "long way" through Castle Pines, the bluffs and some green valleys before pulling into the garage. So much fun! Though my frozen stir fry veggies in the trunk were nearly thawed. :biggrin: God I love this car.
When buying an NSX, or solving an NSX problem, Prime cannot be beat; but when the situation is normal, and I don't have to seek help, then it's threads like this that give me the most enjoyment.
For some reason, stories of the day-to-day life with the car never seem to get old. Probably because every day someone has some interesting little thing to post up. An interesting drive, a comment from a passerby, an unlooked for reminder that having an NSX is an uncommonly great experience.
P.S. I love mine, too.:biggrin:
I agree the garage queens only wish they could drive it to the store for the hell of it, since they are so worried that their car GOD FORBID is going to go down in value, that they are really missing the point of having the car. its a Freaking car and thats it.

you cant take it with you when you die and who even inherits the car doesnt really give a shit about it and will sell it first chance they get.

probably to the lowest bidder just to get it off their plate.

I drive my NSX everyday when i blow the motor I will put another one in it, when I break a small interior peice i will buy a new one.
If i scratch the leather I deal with it and continue on with my life. or get new leather. I am far from OCD like the rest of the old-timers

if I have to sell it I will kill myself and let someone else worry about the selling of my NSX not me.

" I have an NSX with 20,000 miles its bone stock " " this thing is gonna be worth a fortune in 300 years " i better keep the miles down or it might lose value" give me a break.

but in the end live your life, and just like everyone else your buried alone.

just the other day i saw an S2000 with huge mufflers I passed him and made sure I shifted as I passed to give him the full effect of my mufflers, I stopped at the light he pulls up and waves me to roll my window down, I say whats up,
he says I love your car man, its the best thing Honda has ever made. I said I always wanted to get an S2000 is it fast? he said yeah. I say take car buddy, he says you to. I turned off the TCS, the light changed green, I floored it he kept up but I was about 1.5 cars ahead he couldnt catch up, I had to turn left he passed me and honked.

before I get flamed no other cars on the road, no cops, perfect sunshine, dry pavement, and 2 cars made by honda. perfect picture

NSX 4life
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I always park further away from the building (Winco) itself for piece of mind, and when I come back from purchasing goods, there is usually one or two snapping pictures of my car. I love the reactions I get from grocery shopping with my NSX.:cool:
My car is without a doubt a "garage queen" and I really don't drive it a whole lot because its a toy, a 3rd car, and I don't need to.

That said, the one place I *do* drive it is the grocery store, ironically :D

Nice post Honcho! I was in Denver on business a few weeks back and while putting along in the rental crap box I saw an NSX fly by just as my coworker and I were discussing my car. It may have been you on the way back with some ice cream! ;)
since i got mine, i parked it outside for a little bit and i noticed a lot more traffic in my cul de sac. been driving around and i definitely get some attention. i haven't taken it grocery shopping yet, but when i take my Z, i'm breaking necks... and i've had people approach me many times to talk about it and ask questions, also while getting gas. my area is full of $100k cars with a sprinkle of Rolls, Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini... soccer moms with expensive SUV's... teenagers in new entry level luxury cars... you know the type.
Took the car grocery shopping this weekend. The looks I was getting while loading bags into the functional trunk on my exotic car were priceless. Lots of cell phone pics being snapped. Went home the "long way" through Castle Pines, the bluffs and some green valleys before pulling into the garage. So much fun! Though my frozen stir fry veggies in the trunk were nearly thawed. :biggrin: God I love this car.

Freezer bags might help you out. Or a tiny cooler lol. I hear you man on the looks you get in this car. I swear people look at me like my car is on fire at times. I have caught to many to count of people taking a quick photo. I find it so funny. It kind of makes my day at times. The only problem I have is when people get a little to close to the car when Im not in it. I get very nervous.
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Stopped the other day and put 3 full water cooler jugs in my trunk along with a medium sized backpack that was already in there. You should have seen the looks from passerby's as I loaded all this size & weight in there. It's a 25 minute commute home and I stopped for fuel on the way adding 10 minutes or so. About 5 minutes from home I remembered the heat buildup in the trunk and started worrying about water expansion and lids blowing off and the resulting mess. No problems though, the jugs were not even slightly warm when I got home. 19" rears, lowered about 2", Tein's set right in the middle and no noticeable ride, handling or rub problems with all that weight back there although I was not driving hard obviously. One of my coworkers husband has a Viper and I showed her the trunk with the empty bottles in it before I left work for the refills, she was astounded as she felt my backpack alone would fill the Viper cavity!

Wish I had taken a pic.

I haven't owned my NSX for much time. I've only had it for 2 weeks but it definitely gets attention.

1st situation:I was driving and 3 young teenage girls started yelling and waving at me from across the street (trying to get my attention). I ended up waving back and they starting "yaying" lol.

2nd situation: Getting out of my area there was like a group of 20 kids/teens walking across the street. When I drove by them one of the boys yelled out. "Cool car!"

I'm expecting to get more of this since I'm currently daily driving mine for the summer.
LOL I get the same looks at Costco when I need to restock on ice tea/soda.

Viva la functional trunk!!!! :tongue::biggrin:
Took the car grocery shopping this weekend. The looks I was getting while loading bags into the functional trunk on my exotic car were priceless. Lots of cell phone pics being snapped. Went home the "long way" through Castle Pines, the bluffs and some green valleys before pulling into the garage. So much fun! Though my frozen stir fry veggies in the trunk were nearly thawed. :biggrin: God I love this car.

then you should change your signature
I take mine to the store too. Get looks but not as much as some I guess. My shopping center is rather small and has a lot of trophy wives in MBs and they don't pay attention really. The young guys do - sometimes I get a stare from women but when I drive generally it's not to the store.

My drives are sporting drives around a the twisties in my area at low traffic times so I can enjoy it some. It's such a pleasure to drive -it just runs so good. They are great cars - when mine sells it will be a sad day. I have vowed to get another one day. Till then you guys will just have to listen to my old stories and there aren't enough of em.
I agree the garage queens only wish they could drive it to the store for the hell of it, since they are so worried that their car GOD FORBID is going to go down in value, that they are really missing the point of having the car. its a Freaking car and thats it.

Totally agree, though my NSX is not my DD. Any reluctance I have to take it out is not derived from a fear of damage- after all it's just sheet metal and paint. It can be fixed, buffed, painted, etc. Instead, it's fear of theft. I have put so much time, blood, sweat and MONEY into this car that I cannot imagine some knucklehead hot wiring the damn thing and then wrapping it around a telephone pole while running from the cops. I have an alarm with starter kill, but alarms are pretty much useless these days.

My car is without a doubt a "garage queen" and I really don't drive it a whole lot because its a toy, a 3rd car, and I don't need to.

That said, the one place I *do* drive it is the grocery store, ironically :D

Nice post Honcho! I was in Denver on business a few weeks back and while putting along in the rental crap box I saw an NSX fly by just as my coworker and I were discussing my car. It may have been you on the way back with some ice cream! ;)

Probably not me, as the car was delivered from my home in NYC only 2 or 3 weeks ago. :) Still has NY plates. :D

then you should change your signature

LOL :biggrin: Nah, RDX is still king of the grocery hill. My wife and I met some friends for dinner last week in north denver- about a 25 mile ride from our house. I immediately defaulted to the RDX, but decided to take the NSX instead since it was a nice evening. When we got home my wife told me she was glad we took the NSX because using it as an actual car to transport us places made it seem less like a toy/trophy to her. I've tried to take that to heart and am using it more for DD on the weekends, hence my trip to King Soopers for our weekly grocery shop. I'll be taking it up to Vail in July for our company legal retreat as well. I'm nervous, but know deep down the car will be fine.

I take mine to the store too. Get looks but not as much as some I guess. My shopping center is rather small and has a lot of trophy wives in MBs and they don't pay attention really. The young guys do - sometimes I get a stare from women but when I drive generally it's not to the store.

My drives are sporting drives around a the twisties in my area at low traffic times so I can enjoy it some. It's such a pleasure to drive -it just runs so good. They are great cars - when mine sells it will be a sad day. I have vowed to get another one day. Till then you guys will just have to listen to my old stories and there aren't enough of em.

Say it ain't so Tim!! Well, I know you deep down want a NA2 so I guess it's not that surprising. ;) The only car I would sell my 91 to get would be a NA2 coupe, which I would Type-S the hell out of. :D But my chances of finding one are slim to none and I've pretty much made my NA1 coupe the same performance-wise. I hope you get back in a NSX soon and fight the urge to buy another 911- they always come back, you know!
Here in Vero Beach Fl the most attention I get is F-car and Bentley guys saying nice to see one in great condition I had one 20 years ago. This town is full of old timers with JACK. 2cases of Coors and 20lbs of ice fit just fine with underliner of course.
Now that I drive mine all the time (daily) for the summer atleast... I take it everywhere. I get so many wierd looks/stares. I love it. Including the grocery store every few weeks :biggrin:
my grocery store in santa monica is always filled with nice sled's but I park in a strip mall beside the store where no one parks so it sits alone, a hot cashier at the grocery store once said to me " hot car I saw it" this was in front of a line of customers, I was a bit embarressed. 2004 silverstone grey 1 scratch otherwise showroom condition. God I love my car !!
I talked my wife into a road trip to Pensacola from Atlanta. Two small suitcases, a big purse, an attaché case and a suit and a dress on top filled the trunk!!!We swung thru Alabama and on to the panhandle and had a lot of undulating twisting roads! The V-1 kept me honest and it was very cool to be off of the superslab...and my wife enjoyed some drive time as well, with the targa off and the stereo blasting!!!
I love my NSX too. Love every second I drive but it's a semi-garage queen. I put on between 3000 and 3500 miles a year (out of a 6 month driving period). This is primarily because it is only weekend driven and weekday driven to the gym which is roughly 4miles away.
It does get hot in the trunk. Ones commute from the grocery store should be a short one.

Not necessarily short, but if not short, then make it FAST ! ! ! :biggrin:

Grocery store... why shoooooot

You should see the looks when I take my garage queen to the "Home Improvement" stores... Lowes, Menard's, etc.
Say it ain't so Tim!! Well, I know you deep down want a NA2 so I guess it's not that surprising. ;) The only car I would sell my 91 to get would be a NA2 coupe, which I would Type-S the hell out of. :D But my chances of finding one are slim to none and I've pretty much made my NA1 coupe the same performance-wise. I hope you get back in a NSX soon and fight the urge to buy another 911- they always come back, you know!

Yep Honcho, it's a tough world out there and I have to make some tough choices right now. When I closed on my Mom's house, sold it too late - waited 2 years which was a very bad decision, I didn't get what I needed and really what it had been worth just 2 years earlier. So now to keep with my retirement plans and to pay off my current mortgage I gotta sell and save for about 4 years. Then I can buy again.

Now as to what I would like to have - mmmmmm - a nice Zanardi or NA2 coupe just like all the rest here - right! I thought about other cars like 911s and they have lots of issues. They are still making them with crappy parts and valve guides. The 9A1, DFI, engine is still made with funky valve guide material and I've heard that they too have carbon build up issues. They may not have the IMS/RMS issues anymore but there's a lot of things other than that going wrong with the old M96 engines - except for the GT3 - they're the read deal! Cause they race them - made differently/differrent case. That's what my racing shop owner out in Oregon tells me and he has friends at the Porsche dealer that keep him informed of what they see in the shop. No better info and NO BETTER REASON THAN TO STAY WITH OUR BELOVED NSXs.

Like old Shawn is so apt to "whack" everyone over the head with - buy those Ferraris and Lambos and Porsches and maintain em for a couple years - YOU"LL BE BACK - I gaurantee! That's why anyone that sells his car too cheap on Prime is doing us all and the brand name a big disservice. It's not just what these cars are it what they cost to keep. For the most of us maintaining those "real" exotics is a pipe dream.

I could go on but you've all heard my schpeal. I don't mean any disrespect to Porsche - believe me I love em - great cars and I might have one for ONE YEAR and sell it just to take around the country cause you can put more in em and they make all kinds of cool storage accessories for em. But at the end of that little trail of fun is a big sale and then back to the beloved NSX - yep most likely an NA2 and I say that only cause it'll be something different. I like my 91 coupe - it's a great car! Super car! The early coupes are really where it's at if you can't afford a late model coupe or Zanardi or an O5 NSX. Who knows I may not be able to either on retirement salary. But I'll have another one - you betcha. Best bang for the sports car buck ever created - at least so far it is. Unless Honda does something we're not expecting......hope springs eternal - right! :wink:
I get this all the time:

Oh your NSX is in such great shape.

Like it's an antique or something. When I say "yeah its an 05 with 15K miles, it should be" I get the "Wow they still made them?"

This is what I get on a daily basis.
People think mine is showroom new all the time. When I tell them it is 20 years old their jaws drop.