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Nsx speech

23 June 2011
Hey prime, I want to do one speeches for my public speaking class on the NSX. The assignment is a 7 to 9 minute tribute / commemorative speech with 3 to 5 main points and 3 to 5 visual aids. 1 aid can be a 30 second video clip. Since you all are the experts i'd love some inputs, ideas, pictures, or any off the wall anything from you. Thank you so much in spreading the NSX fever.

You can use some of this for your video clip. maybe the track scene or some where senna talks...

I think you must emphasize senna.... it adds a real human touch to your story. Talking about a car alone wil put the women to sleep. Like the titanic. It wasn't about the ship. It was a love story. You need to touch emotion for a good speech.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/53c6o_cNPEo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
And you might also want to mention Bobby Rahal's involvement with the NSX, which almost no one does.
Thanks for posting the video, it's been a long time since I've seen it Turbo2Go - great - man where do you get that awesome body kit - I mean I have never seen anyone with that rear valence of the side skirts and front air damn - no body that I've seen with a "tribute" car has any of that. The wing yes, but nothing else.

Great stuff - lots to think about and what a great resource you have at your finger tips for you speaking presentation.
And you might also want to mention Bobby Rahal's involvement with the NSX, which almost no one does.


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Thanks for posting the video, it's been a long time since I've seen it Turbo2Go - great - man where do you get that awesome body kit - I mean I have never seen anyone with that rear valence of the side skirts and front air damn - no body that I've seen with a "tribute" car has any of that. The wing yes, but nothing else.

Great stuff - lots to think about and what a great resource you have at your finger tips for you speaking presentation.

That's a custom kit. It's well done but I actually preferred they used a stock NSX for an NSX tribute video. Not one with an S2K start button... Although I understand that adds some panache to the video. They did a great job catching the engine sound.
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And you might also want to mention Bobby Rahal's involvement with the NSX, which almost no one does.

Didn't he just set the car up for Laguna Seca for the American press launch? I don't recall him having any other involvment aside from that specific track setup for the press event.
From wikipedia.org...

"Rahal was also involved in the development and testing of the Honda NSX. NSX chief engineer Shigeru Uehara and his team were present at the test track to fine-tune the car's handling according to Rahal's feedback."

His contribution is also mentioned in the NSX coffee-table book, IIRC.
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The best speeches BY FAR are the ones about whatever the speaker feels strongest about.

Talk about why you bought it. Talk about how it has changed your life. Talk about things that have happened to you while in the car.
Talk about things that have happened to you while in the car.

......on second thought....don't...:eek: A tribute speech means you can get emotional and dramatic to a point......being able to entertain a crowd while speaking about anything is a gift.....a little humor helps along the way.
From wikipedia.org...

"Rahal was also involved in the development and testing of the Honda NSX. NSX chief engineer Shigeru Uehara and his team were present at the test track to fine-tune the car's handling according to Rahal's feedback."

His contribution is also mentioned in the NSX coffee-table book, IIRC.

I believe that's what RSO was trying to say. They are only mentioning Rahal helping with the track setup.
The NSX vs. LTA video had some good information about all the 1st that were attributed to the NSX.
Lexus LFA vs Acura NSX! - Head 2 Head Episode 13

You will have to keep us posted on how it all turns out... I can't imagine it not receiving an A+ :smile:
Thank you so much guys! Keep the in ideas going they are all great. Maybe I'll post the video of my speech when I'm done. Keep it coming!!

Let me try to help you out a bit.

What is the objective of your speech? You are giving a speech to an audience. What are you trying to tell them exactly? Let's start there. Once that's in focus you can go about it with some accuracy. Do you want to speak about a car? Or do you want to speak about something greater the car's story fits into?

Do you want to convince them that the NSX is a good car? Or do you want to show them how a car like the NSX can move you? There is a big difference. To me, a good speech must be about emotion. You have to make the facts, the engineering, the science of car building, the effort of the builders, the vision of Soichiro Honda and Shigeru Uehara, the meticulous work of the assembly guys and the mastery of senna, culminate into something. You start with a wide base and narrow, narrow, narrow, into a sharp peak that hits people right in the chest. So that they listen to what they think is a speech about a car terminate in something much greater. Use lots of hand gestures here. It's your delivery and love of your subject that make the speech, not the content. Say this as its coming from your heart and use all the appropriate hand gestures:


"Yes, metal and plastic come together to transport you physically ... but it is the non-physical"


"The quality of vision... born through imagination. The quality of engineering... born through Zen-like focus... the quality of mastery.... born through dedication... that culminate together to move you"


"Most automobiles are vehicles designed to transport you physically"


"A few cars are vehicles designed to move you emotionally"

You see what I mean? I just wrote part of your speech for you. LOL

Truth is, most things in life are mediocre. It is rare that you find excellence in any product. Because it isn't the product, it is what was behind the product. It isn't the plastic on the metal of an NSX any more than it is the oil on the cloth canvas of a beautiful painting... It is what was behind them. They are simply vehicles.

Talk about that.

Excellence is at the intersection of vision and dedication. The NSX was born there.

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Feel free to plagiarize anything that might fit. LOL
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For fun, I would tailor the speech as if you are introducing the NSX as an all new sports car (but list the used market prices, chances are most people haven't heard or seen the old NSX anyway). Don't mention the age, explain the amazing creature comforts, a little bit about the technical goodies such as titanium connecting rods, same stuff that NASA uses in rocket ships. Oh, and to capture the female audience, also explain it's available in shiny red, and grabs all sorts of attention.
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Or you could not even name the car. I would just talk about what it took to produce this car. Build it up... Keep your audience guessing... show the pictures, video, still let them guess. A few guys will know... But keep it intriguing. Don't let the cat out of the bag until the end. Of you can choose to give the entire speech and not name the car. When the audience has to guess, and ask each other questions, and some guess wrong, you've created intrigue... Then next speaker goes up and they may still be arguing about the presentation YOU GAVE. Instead of naming soichiro Honda or ayrton senna you can say "but the CEO of one car company decided to challenge the best in the world. Manufacturers like Ferrari and Lamborgini, to beat them at their own game"... "With the help of the most celebrated race car driver of all time. A man that ferrari's own 6 time formula one champion, Michael Schumacher, called "the best". A man who ultimately gave up his life for the dedication to his craft.

Senna is certainly a story, not only do a lot of people not know who he is, but when you mention his name they think he is still alive. The tragic death is going to create some level of emotion.... You can really build on this. A picture of senna as the good looking guy who helped the poor in his country, who was a national hero, a picture of the crash, the sadness of the death, followed by a picture of senna washing his NSX. Build the story. A part of senna lives on in every NSX.

I mean there really is a story here. At the end of the top gear episode, there is a small video clip of Jeremy clarkson saying "I used to always thing Villanueve was the best driver of all time. But Villanueve was spectacular on many occasions, whereas senna.... Senna was spectacular on every occasion"

What is the NSX? to the audience you can actually introduce the NSX as senna's car.

Talk about the Mclaren F1. Maybe the most iconic supercar of all time. Talk about how it's designer Gordon Murray. The man who said he saw the NSX as the standard by which he judged a supercar.

This is how you get to your female audience. Through the senna story. You have to go deeper than features and colors IMO. You can show a 5-10 second clip of senna testing the NSX at Suzuka. I mean how familiar are your yourself with this stuff? If not, familiarize yourself first. Take the parts that are moving, and incorporate those into yor story. You have to tell a story. You are going up there to tell a story and capture your audience. This is actually quite a fun challenge IMO.

The Jeremy clarkson scene at the very end:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7kUNTtvMOtQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Between the Motor Trend LFAvsNSX Head-to-Head ( <CITE>www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJ2lw0bCkk</CITE> )mentioned previously and the Fifth Gear Tribute to the NSX ( </SPAN></SPAN>
www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6f-rEJwAWU</SPAN></SPAN> )</SPAN></SPAN>you will get some of the best talking points and context information possible on the NSX. Some great clips too.

You would also get some good material from looking at:

-Goron Murray's "A Car Near and Dear to My Heart" article by the designer of the Mclaren F1:</SPAN>

" Although it's true I had thought it would have been better to put a larger engine, the moment I drove the "little" NSX, all the benchmark cars--Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini--I had been using as references in the development of my car vanished from my mind..."

- Legendary british auto columnist LJK Setrights commentarys on the NSX:

Who Makes the Best Car in theWorld- LJK Setright, The Independent 2004</SPAN>

"That left the Honda NSX, sublimely superior to everything, without any drive to its front wheels, without even a turbocharger to its name. It was exquisitely worked: a whole week of running calculations on a Cray supercomputer went into perfecting the structural stiffness of its stressed sheet aluminium hull; gossamer lattices of forged light alloys formed the most refined of all passive suspensions; the connecting rods within the intricate engine were made out of titanium. There is no need, however, to explore all the car's details; its virtues are already legendary, where those of famous rivals have often proved mythical. Alas, Honda mistakenly offered it as a sports car and ruined the whole effect; what the NSX really amounted to was the world's fastest, safest, and most beautifully made luxury car. It still is." LJK Setright "

- Personally I think the </SPAN>Autocar</SPAN></SPAN> quote sums up what most people dont' understand about this largely unknown engineering tour de force:</SPAN>

"</SPAN>As </SPAN>Autocar</SPAN></SPAN> once said on the NSX, </SPAN>"...like James Dean, it’s legend will only truly come alive after its death. And then it will become known as the most influential and important supercar of the late 20th century, the one that helped make all the others better."

Senna's role as the "ultimate test driver..." is a significant part of the NSX story but what makes the NSX truly special today is that it will be remembered as the first MODERN supercar.</SPAN></SPAN>
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That was a great video Turbo. Do you know which season and episode that was on?
I want to store that on my dvr for my son.
I am sorry I do not. But I am sure it is on their website.
That was a great video Turbo. Do you know which season and episode that was on?
I want to store that on my dvr for my son.
series 15, episode 5. The same one with Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz and the speed test of the Veyron. You can get it on Netflix, but they cut out the Senna bit :(
Thanks. I'll have to wait until it comes back on bbc and then dvr it

<object classid="clsid<img src="<a href=" http:="" www.nsxprime.com="" forums="" images="" smilies="" biggrin.gif""="" target="_blank">Here you go. The episode is broken into seven 10-minute long segments. Start on this one and each next segment autoloads.

</object>The user who posted this episode also posts all new Top Gears & Fifth Gears. Here's a LINK to his channel. I love www.streetfire.net.<object classid="clsid<img src="<a href=" http:="" www.nsxprime.com="" forums="" images="" smilies="" biggrin.gif""="" target="_blank">

Good luck with your speech!
</object><object classid="clsid<img src="<a href=" http:="" www.nsxprime.com="" forums="" images="" smilies="" biggrin.gif""="" target="_blank">
<embed src="http://www.streetfire.net/flash/SPlayer.swf" flashvars="video=f0c385a5-e39c-45ed-86b3-9dbe0121a368&servicecfg=386" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" height="377" width="670"></object>
Top Gear - [15x05] - 2010.07.25<object classid="clsid<img src="<a href=" http:="" www.nsxprime.com="" forums="" images="" smilies="" biggrin.gif""="" target="_blank">