NSXPO Thunderhill HPDE

4 April 2002
Sacramento CA
Is there a thread somewhere I don't see for last minute discussion about specifics for next week track days? Seems like novices may have some questions or benefit from comments from the advance drivers about what to prepare for; stuff that is not in the registration standard blurbs.

Weather for example. Heat is always a question at T-Hill and although we've enjoyed a nice break here from summer lately, it'll be mid 90's again next week. Mornings should be fine; probably high 80's max before lunch. So for the novices and those coming from cooler temps, a thought for your cooling system might be in order. If you're suspect at all about your car's ability to handle high RPM's at high temps, a drain, flush and refill with Water Wetter might be a good idea.

I know many/most of you guys are well versed in taking care of your X on track but for the first time novice with a 150K mileage car, some discussion may help. Just a thought.
Heat and shade

If you're an iguana, you can stop reading. But if you don't like too much bright sun and excessive heat, the good news is the track has two large steel canopies for shade in the paddock. The paddock map just sent out shows no rules or preference for drivers setting up under the large steel canopy in the middle of the paddock. (The canopy near the clubhouse is for vendors/registration.) Typically or often, the rules are "no trailers under the canopy" and although that is common sense/courtesy (since trailers have the luxury of bringing EZ ups), I think that is a event organizer call, not the track's rules. Either way, if you're driving your car to the event (and obviously don't have an EZ up), you should probably consider canopy shade to be a first come first served situation.
I haven't really had time to research but do you have a recommendation on a tutorial for Thunderhill? I've never been there and it's always hard to judge a track from a diagram, since elevation changes make it different than you would imagine.
Glen, RSO has the best one, so that's probably all you need. But there's plenty of Youtubes of T-Hill, so if you go looking for more, just be sure you're looking at the east 3 mile (original course) and not the west 2 mile newer course..........or the combination (5 mile). I think we're doing the eagles nest T-5 (up steeply and then over a blind crest left hander). There is also the T-5 by-pass which is a blind crest with a slight right hand turn. That crest is lower and faster than the eagles nest T-5. That's the only variation on the east 3 mile course.
This is a good thread idea! I know i'm a terrible youtuber but I put this together to maybe help with THill preparedness. FYI: This video describes how I prepare and how I prioritize what I bring. It's by no means correct or appropriate for everyone but perhaps gives you an idea.


Here's another turn-by-turn on East as well. Though this guy turns in too early on a few turns.
"No trailers under the canopy" Correct.

"The canopy near the clubhouse is for vendors/registration" Correct, also for Organizer's and Special Guest Static Cars only.

3 mile Course, Bypass.
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Flagger at T-5 bypass

A critical thing about the bypass is that the flag station is up the hill & a long way to the right of the track. It’s the hardest flag station to pay attention to but also very important because the exit or 2nd 1/2 of the turn is blind & if there’s any trouble there, there’s not much time to react.

It’s a tough stretch for novices & still a pucker factor for the rest of us.
Then it's something that will be brought up in the drivers meeting and classroom for Novices.
To All HPDE Drivers

On behalf of the NSXCA NSXPO Committee & the Type R Club, we’d like to thank all of those that signed up for the HPDE event at Thunderhill Raceway. Your support is what makes events like this such a success.

We hope you’re are ready to have an educational and great time with all those you’ll be sharing the track with.

Passing along a couple of e-mails that have been circulated among staff members for the HPDE event.

Also, to avoid any further confusion, this is the track configuration we will be running.


See everyone soon !


From: Jay Haire
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2018
To: Jim Cozzolino; ryanconley; Austin Cabot; Bruce McPherson; Nick Tomlinson
Subject: NSXPO / Type R Expo Staff Intros

Hi All

This is a quick email to share everyone's contact info for next week.

Jim Cozzolino: NSXPO Track Director, Overall Track Director
Bruce McPherson: Chief Driving Instructor
Ryan Conley: Type R Track Director
Austin Cabot: Classroom Instructor
Nick Tomlinson: Race Control / Black Flag


From: Bruce McPherson
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018 8:06 AM
To: Jim Cozzolino
Subject: FW: NSXPO Instructors Checklist
NSXPO Instructors,
First a big thanks to all of you for volunteering to help instruct at NSXPO 2018! Obviously, we could not do this without you. We’re looking forward to seeing all of you next week. In advance of that, here are a few reminders:

• Everyone bringing and driving a car will need a completed Tech Inspection form before being allowed on the track – no exceptions. Please make sure you have had this inspection done before arriving at the HPDE! We’re on a tight schedule and won’t have time to tech a bunch of people’s cars at the track. The form is on page 15 of the Rules and Regs file WHICH CAN be found here: https://www.typerexpo.com/eventdocs/2018NSXPOTypeRExpoRulesRegs.pdf. Please also read and familiarize yourself with the Rules and Regs in their entirety before the event.

• Please make every effort to arrive and register the prior evening at the headquarters hotel from 5-9 PM; this will help to streamline things in the morning on Wednesday:
Holiday Inn Express Willows
545 Humboldt Ave.
Willows, CA 95988

• The Event Schedule can be found here: https://www.typerexpo.com/eventdocs/Expo-2018-Track-Schedule.png . Note that we will hold a Mandatory Instructors Meeting Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM in the classroom on the first floor of the control tower at the track. Please be sure to attend!
Please let me know if you have any questions – we look forward to an exciting and safe event!

Best Regards,
Bruce McPherson
Chief Driving Instructor, NSXPO 2018
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Will we be kicked out of the paddock Wed nite at 6 pm or so? IOW, will the gate be locked & those of us in a MH will have to move it to Walmart or the parking lot outside the gate? And if so, we can still leave our trailer & car in the paddock, right?
Cars and trailers can stay on the grounds Wednesday night, however, there no camping on the grounds.
So yes, you'll have to move your RV to Walmart, one of the host hotel parking lots or outside the gate somewhere.
You can also drop off your trailer on Tuesday from 5 PM to 6:30 PM
Thanks to all the organizers and staff

The track event was great and well run. I enjoyed both days, driving and instructing. Warren Woodcox was my student and a very enjoyable ride for both days.

So, a big tip of the hat to Bruce, Coz and many many others I didn't meet.
That layout looks like a fun nsx type track with flowing medium to high speed turns! Hope everyone had a thrilling safe event....now on to the drinking and eating:biggrin:
Thank you Sir !
Glad you enjoyed it !

The track event was great and well run. I enjoyed both days, driving and instructing. Warren Woodcox was my student and a very enjoyable ride for both days.

So, a big tip of the hat to Bruce, Coz and many many others I didn't meet.
Checking in for videos...
so where is all the prime coverage and event picks?
I guess the guys who can give you a neat synopsis are just getting home now. I'd be happy to relate what little I know, not being in "the loop".

Overall, it went well with no shemozzles or shunts or NSX's coming in the hook that I saw. It was hot; high 90's, not much breeze. Some tires getting greasy and going "off" in the afternoon. Sessions were on time. except when 2 cars dropped coolant on track at the almost the same time; A lot of the track had to be cleaned up as the delay was long; 1/2 hr. plus? Lunch line was insane on Wednesday, but no problem on Thursday with the parade lap/ photo ops taking place then.

The Type R group looked pretty serious overall; even the novices were pretty dang quick. Instructors meetings were short and to the point; no major issues really.

should be some good photos; photographers (at least one) took their life in the their hands crossing the track and standing right where a car would drive off in T-15 or the exit of T-5. Not sure why "Turbo" the old grizzled starter for 20 years didn't yell at those guys; he yelled at us parked temporarily in the lane to the radio shack even though there were was plenty of open access for track staff !!! :rolleyes:

What else can I tell you?
I remember when
kip was just a hpde shmuck like the rest of us..just a little quicker:cool:
Yeah, a wolf in sheep's clothing

when he showed up with his first X, he kinda shuffled his feet and mumbled that he's "just a country boy but damn, driving is sure a heap of fun. And I just wanna have fun, that's all." Sounded good to me. I believed him for about a week and a half. :rolleyes::biggrin:

Ya know, when you got the killer instinct of a Dick Butkus, you oughta look mean, doncha think?
Car Number decals

Has anyone completely scraped their paper car numbers off yet? I'm sure the organizers have heard all they want to hear about this. But wow, I'm still working on mine. But then I didn't have any window glass to put them on, so they are on the body of my Lotus 7 and not coming off the paint. Prolly gonna have to buy a case of WD-40. I know i'll spend more time getting those off than I spent prepping the car for the 2 day event. That is my only frown about the well run event. Sorry to have to vent, but..............:rolleyes:
Mine came off in about 30 seconds each, with no difficulty whatsoever. Then again, I have Rain-X on all my windows so that may be a factor, and my stickers were rained on during the 2700 mile drive home to the Land of Cleve.
Mine came off in about 30 seconds each, with no difficulty whatsoever. Then again, I have Rain-X on all my windows so that may be a factor, and my stickers were rained on during the 2700 mile drive home to the Land of Cleve.

how did you like the track as a student?