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OEM NSX Steering Wheel

7 December 2010
oceanside ca
I am getting ready to send my steering wheel to a shop to rebuild BUT it is in excellent condition. Would prefer to let someone on Prime (preferably SoCal) have it in exchange for their beat up wheel. $200 EXCHANGE. IF you aren't local so we can meet and do the exchange, buyer pays shipping both ways.

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What year?

the wheel was on my 97 when I bought it......had 66K miles on ODO BUT it looks newer......easily a 9.5 (as nice as the wheel on the 2005 red/tan you bought)

I'm in NorCal and interested in your offer. I will send you a PM. :)

If anyone wants pics send me a text request. 760-758-5858 (already sent to others who have asked)
SOLD :biggrin: Thank you natcc99. As discussed I will send you my wheel ASAP and you don't have to send me your wheel until mine arrives for you to do a one time swap with no down time.