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Palin: insert her foot into mouth......

27 June 2003


Please watch Palin STAMMER for words after being pinned down on her foreign policy... Cafferty nailed it when he said:

Jack Cafferty: If Sarah Palin Being One Heartbeat Away "Doesn't Scare The Hell Out Of You, It Should"

God help us if they win this. I'm sorry. ANYONE I have ever met is more qualified than her to be VP of this country! I don't know what you can say to excuse this non-sense.:mad:
Jack Cafferty: If Sarah Palin Being One Heartbeat Away "Doesn't Scare The Hell Out Of You, It Should.

Jack Cafferty. Now he's a great source to quote. LOL :confused:
Jack Cafferty. Now he's a great source to quote. LOL :confused:

Sure, kill the messenger, but what about the message?


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Please watch Palin STAMMER for words after being pinned down on her foreign policy... Cafferty nailed it when he said:

Jack Cafferty: If Sarah Palin Being One Heartbeat Away "Doesn't Scare The Hell Out Of You, It Should"

God help us if they win this. I'm sorry. ANYONE I have ever met is more qualified than her to be VP of this country! I don't know what you can say to excuse this non-sense.:mad:

You know, I've gone over in my head many many times why I'm so uncomfortable about Palin. As I said in a different thread, I would have a lot more respect for McCain as a candidate, if he had picked Lieberman or Romney (I would still vote for Obama though). Picture this:

A comedian who has decent jokes but his act bombs because he doesn't have the mannerism, looks and delivery to make the audience laugh. Same comedian, now telling the same jokes, as a new ventriloquist act, using a dummy that inspires laughter. Suddenly the crowds cheer. But what happens when the ventriloquist is gone and all that is left is the dummy? Not funny anymore...downright scary


Re: Biden: insert her foot into mouth......


You know, I've gone over in my head many many times why I'm so uncomfortable about Biden. As I said in a different thread, I would have a lot more respect for Obama as a candidate, if he had picked Clinton or Barney Frank (I would still vote for McCain though). Picture this:

A comedian who has decent jokes but his act bombs because he doesn't have the mannerism, looks and delivery to make the audience laugh. Same comedian, now telling the same jokes, as a new ventriloquist act, using a dummy that inspires laughter. Suddenly the crowds cheer. But what happens when the ventriloquist is gone and all that is left is the dummy? Not funny anymore...downright scary



Palin is a complete joke of a VP. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go back to school.


I've never not voted Republican for President...but this year they need to earn my vote...and I'll tell you what, they aren't doing a good job.

I may or may not vote for Obama...not sure yet...but as of today I am definitely not voting for McCain/Palin. They need to seriously pull it together.
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Re: Biden: insert her foot into mouth......


You know, I've gone over in my head many many times why I'm so uncomfortable about Biden. As I said in a different thread, I would have a lot more respect for Obama as a candidate, if he had picked Clinton or Barney Frank (I would still vote for McCain though). Picture this:

A comedian who has decent jokes but his act bombs because he doesn't have the mannerism, looks and delivery to make the audience laugh. Same comedian, now telling the same jokes, as a new ventriloquist act, using a dummy that inspires laughter. Suddenly the crowds cheer. But what happens when the ventriloquist is gone and all that is left is the dummy? Not funny anymore...downright scary




Touche!:smile: Point is McCain needs Palin more than and Obama needed Biden. I betting Biden knows more than Palin though.


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Biden knows more than Palin? Hmmm...

Well it's clear that Biden thinks he has a higher IQ...


And let me ask you a honest, straightforward question Danny...

If Biden knows SO much...and if Biden has such a high IQ...

Why did Joe Biden have to resort to plagiarism when in law school?

From Wiki:

He went on to receive his Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968,[10] where by his own description he again underperformed and ranked 76th of 85 students.[11][13] During his first year there, he was accused of having plagiarized 5 of 15 pages of a law review article. Biden said it was inadvertent due to his not knowing the proper rules of citation, and Biden was permitted to retake the course after receiving a grade of F, which was subsequently dropped from his record.[13] (The issue came up in 1987 during Biden's presidential campaign, and later that year the Delaware Supreme Court's Board of Professional Responsibility cleared Biden of the plagiarism charges regarding his standing as a lawyer, saying Biden had "not violated any rules".)[14] Biden was admitted to the Delaware Bar in 1969.[10]

Personally, I think that is a little weak. At least he finished law school and has been the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee and the senate judiciary committee during his career in the Senate.


Palin is a complete joke of a VP. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go back to school.


I've never not voted Republican for President...but this year they need to earn my vote...and I'll tell you what, they aren't not doing a good job.

I may or may not vote for Obama...not sure yet...but as of today I am definitely not voting for McCain/Palin. They need to seriously pull it together.


I was a big Ron Paul and Mitt Romney fan, and I just will NOT vote McCain.

I am still unsure about Obama, but McCain is just out of the question. I have heard so many republicans share this point of view (usually voting GOP but won't this time because of McCain).

Here's the problem(s)...

There's no intellectual honesty being applied to the criticisms of McCain Palin.

For example, It's OK to criticize Palin for her "lack of experience" but it's not OK to criticize Obama's "lack of experience".

It's virtually impossible to find any substantive, honest, challenges against Palin that do not revolve around innuendo, misquotes, out-of-context nonsense or just outright lies.

For example...

Palin is abstinence-only - NOT TRUE
Palin wants to teach Creationism in schools - NOT TRUE
Palin wants Alaska to secede from the union - NOT TRUE
Palin is against contraceptives - NOT TRUE
Palin called Obama Sambo - OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE
Palin wanted to burn books - NOT TRUE

And then there's this gem from the honorable Democratic congressman from Florida, Alcee Hastings...

"If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention," said Hastings. "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."
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Here's the problem(s)...

There's no intellectual honesty being applied to the criticisms of McCain Palin.

For example, It's OK to criticize Palin for her "lack of experience" but it's not OK to criticize Obama's "lack of experience".

It's virtually impossible to find any substantive, honest, challenges against Palin that do not revolve around innuendo, misquotes, out-of-context nonsense.

For example...

Palin is abstinence-only - NOT TRUE
Palin wants to teach Creationism in schools - NOT TRUE
Palin wants Alaska to secede from the union - NOT TRUE
Palin is against contraceptives - NOT TRUE
Palin called Obama Sambo - OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE
Palin wanted to burn books - NOT TRUE

This is the beauty of our friendly discourse- Thanks!

I haven't heard Sarah Palin has wanted to secede from the union. However, her husband was a member of the Independence party, and it was wrongly reported that Sarah Palin was also a member after the head of the Independence party made that false claim to reporters

Sarah Palin is for Abstinence-only-until-marriage with the exception of contraceptives (which she finds relatively harmless). We've had a lenghty discussion on this in a different thread.

Never heard of Palin calling Obama Sambo" or that she wanted to burn books. I have heard that she fired the Wasilla librarian who objected to Palin's request to have certain books removed from the town library.

During a gubernatorial debate in 2006, she did say " "Teach both (evolution and creationism). You know, don’t be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."

As for qualifications, and relative lack thereof, I still feel a Harvard Law School education and graduating Magna Cum Laude and having been selected as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review speaks volumes of how much more capable Obama is than Palin. A discussion on the value of a 4 year experience in the US Senate vs. 2 years as governor of Alaska can go either way depending on the biases of the observer. Frankly, Biden can add to the Obama "porfolio", especially with Biden's experiences as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations and Judiciary committees if you will. What does Palin add to McCain?


I haven't heard Sarah Palin has wanted to secede from the union. However, her husband was a member of the Independence party, and it was wrongly reported that Sarah Palin was also a member after the head of the Independence party made that false claim to reporters.

Yes, wrongly accused and wrongly reported.

Sarah Palin is for Abstinence-only-until-marriage with the exception of contraceptives (which she finds relatively harmless). We've had a lenghty discussion on this in a different thread.

Yes, that was my point. I can't tell you how many people still claim that Palin is against contraceptives and wants abstinence-only taught in schools.

Never heard of Palin calling Obama Sambo" or that she wanted to burn books. I have heard that she fired the Wasilla librarian who objected to Palin's request to have certain books removed from the town library.

Yep she's been accused of the Sambo comment and of wanting to burn books. You can track ALL of the Palin smears here...


...including the fired librarian and the banned-burned books. The list grows every day and with the election getting closer, will grow even faster.

During a gubernatorial debate in 2006, she did say " "Teach both (evolution and creationism). You know, don’t be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both."


Yes, she did say that and since then really didn't push it as a policy. Her present position as I can tell, is that if creationism comes in school it should at least be allowed to be debated and discussed. As an agnostic-atheist I don't have a problem with this. It's a non-issue and won't affect educational policies at all.

As for qualifications, and relative lack thereof, I still feel a Harvard Law School education and graduating Magna Cum Laude and having been selected as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review speaks volumes of how much more capable Obama is than Palin.

Obama should be credited for graduating MCL. However, are lawyers inherently more capable to be President? I don't think so. What about engineers, doctors? A law degree doesn't guarantee honesty, values, ethics, intelligence, compassion, does it?

Did you know Nixon was a lawyer that graduated 3rd in his law class? I guess I feel the same way as William F Buckley when he said...

"I'd rather live in a society governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone directory than in one governed by the 2,000 members of the Harvard faculty."

A discussion on the value of a 4 year experience in the US Senate vs. 2 years as governor of Alaska can go either way depending on the biases of the observer.

Well, how long has Senator Obama's efforts been focused on running for President? Did Obama really participate or just vote "Present"?

But more to the point, what about actual accomplishments? What has each person accomplished during their time in public office? I can point to a number of McCain accomplishments and Palin accomplishments too. What would you consider Obama's accomplishments to be?

Frankly, Biden can add to the Obama "porfolio", especially with Biden's experiences as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations and Judiciary committees if you will. What does Palin add to McCain?

Yes, Biden adds experience to Obama. That's why he was chosen. He was the safe choice. Palin, of course, doesn't add experience to McCain. Here's what she adds...

She has consolidated the conservative vote behind McCain. The conservatives weren't thrilled about Bush and frankly many weren't thilled by McCain either. Palin has changed that. Like her or not, she has invigorated the Repubs. Her addition to the ticket brings youth and new ideas into the party. She also brings a record of reform and accomplishment. She brings an insight and experience into the energy issue with respect to Alaskan oil. Drilling in ANWR and offshore in an environmentally prudent manner is important and she can move this issue to the forefront. Palin is an outsider and not part of the old-boy Washington belt elite and that should not be underestimated.

She also is able to elucidate a woman's perspective on issues and concerns. Of course, she is also put down for not being an acceptable woman from the radical feminist perspective.
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Obama is LIGHT YEARS more articulate and intelligent than Palin... She can barely carry on a half intelligent conversation with Katie Couric let alone run this country! If you even watch the news, you would be more able to answer the questions that Katie Couric posed to Palin. It really is embarrassing to watch her fumble like that.

Obama never has to read from pre-written speeches - it comes right off the top of his head. Now as Bush, McCain or Palin to do that. I for one can not wait until the next debate. :)

I kept waiting for her to make some sort of coherent statement about her "foreign policy" experience... oh wait shes more qualified because she can see Russia from her back yard? Watch that Cafferty video again dude...

Cafferty nailed it when he said we should ALL be scared of this woman.

McCain does not have sense enough to choose even a somewhat more qualified VP... He's old and he's not going to live forever - so if he wins, and croaks, we're fk'd! :mad:

I dont care if u are republican or democrat, this is just re-god-damn-diculous.

There really is no excuse for it.

Jimbo, since I doubt you even watched the interview, let me break this down for you. And you tell me if this makes any sense to you.

Couric: In preparing for this conversation, a lot of our viewers … and Internet users wanted to know why you did not get a passport until last year. And they wondered if that indicated a lack of interest and curiosity in the world.

Palin: "I'm not one of those who maybe came from a background of, you know, kids who perhaps graduate college and their parents give them a passport and give them a backpack and say go off and travel the world.

No, I've worked all my life. In fact, I usually had two jobs all my life until I had kids. I was not a part of, I guess, that culture. The way that I have understood the world is through education, through books, through mediums that have provided me a lot of perspective on the world."

:eek::eek::eek: Who's parents did that for you? No one that I have ever heard of. I had to get my passport on my own and travel on my own dime. Wtf is she talking about?

Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters.

Couric: Mocked?

Palin: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

Couric: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials.

Palin: Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of. And there…


Couric: You recently said three times that you would never, quote, "second guess" Israel if that country decided to attack Iran. Why not?

Palin: We shouldn't second guess Israel's security efforts because we cannot ever afford to send a message that we would allow a second Holocaust, for one. Israel has got to have the opportunity and the ability to protect itself. They are our closest ally in the Mideast. We need them. They need us. And we shouldn't second guess their efforts.

Couric: You don't think the United States is within its rights to express its position to Israel? And if that means second-guessing or discussing an option?

Palin: No, abso … we need to express our rights and our concerns and …

Couric: But you said never second guess them.

Palin: We don't have to second-guess what their efforts would be if they believe … that it is in their country and their allies, including us, all of our best interests to fight against a regime, especially Iran, who would seek to wipe them off the face of the earth. It is obvious to me who the good guys are in this one and who the bad guys are. The bad guys are the ones who say Israel is a stinking corpse and should be wiped off the face of the earth. That's not a good guy who is saying that. Now, one who would seek to protect the good guys in this, the leaders of Israel and her friends, her allies, including the United States, in my world, those are the good guys.

90% of the people I have met in person are more qualified, more articulate and have a better sense of whats really going on in this world. I pray that Palin has no future with leading this country. We can not afford another 4+ years of the same BS that we have been going thru. :mad::rolleyes:

"A growing number of Republicans are expressing concern about Sarah Palin's uneven -- and sometimes downright awkward -- performances in her limited media appearances.

Conservative columnists Kathleen Parker, a former Palin supporter, says the vice presidential nominee should step aside. Kathryn Jean Lopez, writing on the conservative National Review, says "that's not a crazy suggestion" and that "something's gotta change."

Tony Fabrizio, a GOP strategist, says Palin's recent CBS appearance isn't disqualifying but is certainly alarming. "You can't continue to have interviews like that and not take on water."

"I have not been blown away by the interviews from her, but at the same time I haven't come away from them thinking she doesn't know s--t," said Chris Lacivita, a GOP strategist. "But she ain't Dick Cheney, nor Joe Biden and definitely not Hillary Clinton."
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obama is light years more articulate and intelligent than palin... She can barely carry on a half intelligent conversation with katie couric let alone run this country! If you even watch the news, you would be more able to answer the questions that katie couric posed to palin. It really is embarrassing to watch her fumble like that.

Obama never has to read from pre-written speeches - it comes right off the top of his head. Now as bush, mccain or palin to do that. I for one can not wait until the next debate. :)

i kept waiting for her to make some sort of coherent statement about her "foreign policy" experience... Oh wait shes more qualified because she can see russia from her back yard? Watch that cafferty video again dude...

Cafferty nailed it when he said we should all be scared of this woman.

Mccain does not have sense enough to choose even a somewhat more qualified vp... He's old and he's not going to live forever - so if he wins, and croaks, we're fk'd! :mad:

I dont care if u are republican or democrat, this is just re-god-damn-diculous.

There really is no excuse for it.

There is no good option in this race. Its a race of mediocre candidates, at best.

Obama scares me. McCain scares me, but just a bit less.

Im on the fence.....

The only thing I do know is that typically a good vice president can only make the president better. We have had lots of losers and I'm not sure it really affected the country day to day.
Think of her what you will, but when the bottom of one ticket is attacked for inexperience while the top of the other ticket is even more inexperienced than the individual being attacked for said inexperience... it, more than anything else I've seen in national politics, is the height of hypocrisy.

Obama, like him or dislike him, was only a Senator for about 150 days before he began campaigning. The difference, only one is running for President. Perhaps most people only started paying attention to Barack after his coronation when he was selected to keynote the DNC convention a few years ago, but recall that he didn't even have to win a real election for his Senate seat. If it wasn't for a Democratic rival's sex scandal during the Illinois Senatorial Democratic Primary, Obama would not have even been on the ticket for the Dem's in that election. Further, if it wasn't for the Republican candidate's sex scandal during his divorce proceedings, Obama would not have won the Senate seat. Two sex scandals in the same election allowed him to coast in. Then he basically served 6 months as a freshman Senator before his soft Pres. campaigning began.

If you are to attack Palin for experience, at least be intellectually honest and tear down Obama too, who has less experience than everyone in the Pres/VP sweepstakes. The media certainly showed their stripes by only going after Palin, just in case their collective political contributions didn't speak loud enough already.

I think freshman Senator Barack is a very smooth and gifted politician. It's too bad that I disagree with just about everything he supports.
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Think of her what you will, but when the bottom of one ticket is attacked for inexperience while the top of the other ticket is even more inexperienced than the individual being attacked for said inexperience... it, more than anything else I've seen in national politics, is the height of hypocrisy.

Obama, like him or dislike him, was only a Senator for about 150 days before he began campaigning. The difference, only one is running for President. Perhaps most people only started paying attention to Barack after his coronation when he was selected to keynote the DNC convention a few years ago, but recall that he didn't even have to win a real election for his Senate seat. If it wasn't for a Democratic rival's sex scandal during the Illinois Senatorial Democratic Primary, Obama would not have even been on the ticket for the Dem's in that election. Further, if it wasn't for the Republican candidate's sex scandal during his divorce proceedings, Obama would not have won the Senate seat. Two sex scandals in the same election allowed him to coast in. Then he basically served 6 months as a freshman Senator before his soft Pres. campaigning began.

If you are to attack Palin for experience, at least be intellectually honest and tear down Obama too, who has less experience than everyone in the Pres/VP sweepstakes. The media certainly showed their stripes by only going after Palin, just in case their collective political contributions didn't speak loud enough already.

I think freshman Senator Barack is a very smooth and gifted politician. It's too bad that I disagree with just about everything he supports.

Hey America! It's 60 days until the election! Here's the lady no one outside of Alaska has ever heard of who plans on being VP for the next four years. Who knows, maybe even president if that 72 year old dude kicks it!

I'm tired of the "media bias" suggestion. The media goes where the story is. You can't drop an unknown into the mix and expect them to just roll-over and say "It's good enough for McCain so it's good enough for us!" And it's not as if she hasn't had AMPLE time to, oh, I don't know, clear up the slander and misquotes and whatnot by, oh, I don't know, going in front of the media and explaining to the American people what she believes and where she stands. The McCain campaign has sequestered her off like a delicate artic flower...no questions! And for good reason. She's done a whopping 3 interviews! 3. And in all but that "interview" with FOX she looked like a damned retard.

Now. Experience. Who's got the experience? I frankly don't care. (and that does not mean that I agree, as you claim, that Obama has less "experience" than Palin.) The republicans are offering a guy with loads of "experience" and I'm so underwhelmed with him that I could spit. I want vision. I want a plan that doesn't involve frightening Americans into compliance. I want Canadians to stop feeling sorry for us. We're Americans dammit! We don't act out of fear! We're better than that and we're better than McCain/Palin.
Hey America! It's 60 days until the election! Here's the lady no one outside of Alaska has ever heard of who plans on being VP for the next four years. Who knows, maybe even president if that 72 year old dude kicks it!

I'm tired of the "media bias" suggestion. The media goes where the story is. You can't drop an unknown into the mix and expect them to just roll-over and say "It's good enough for McCain so it's good enough for us!" And it's not as if she hasn't had AMPLE time to, oh, I don't know, clear up the slander and misquotes and whatnot by, oh, I don't know, going in front of the media and explaining to the American people what she believes and where she stands. The McCain campaign has sequestered her off like a delicate artic flower...no questions! And for good reason. She's done a whopping 3 interviews! 3. And in all but that "interview" with FOX she looked like a damned retard.

Now. Experience. Who's got the experience? I frankly don't care. (and that does not mean that I agree, as you claim, that Obama has less "experience" than Palin.) The republicans are offering a guy with loads of "experience" and I'm so underwhelmed with him that I could spit. I want vision. I want a plan that doesn't involve frightening Americans into compliance. I want Canadians to stop feeling sorry for us. We're Americans dammit! We don't act out of fear! We're better than that and we're better than McCain/Palin.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Best Regards,

I'm tired of the "media bias" suggestion. The media goes where the story is.

Now. Experience. Who's got the experience? I frankly don't care. (and that does not mean that I agree, as you claim, that Obama has less "experience" than Palin.) The republicans are offering a guy with loads of "experience" and I'm so underwhelmed with him that I could spit. I want vision.

Perhaps you don't care for the term 'media bias', but when donations to democratic/liberal groups vs. republican/conservative groups from credentialed media members run approximately 100:1 ... it is impossible to deny the stripes of the aggregate.

I agree with you that vision is important. When evaluating a candidate's vision for the country... you have a more substantial conversation at hand. However, that was not the issue being discussed, nor is it representative of the most common attacks levied against Palin. My statement stands, if one is tear down Palin for inexperience, they should be intellectually honest and tear down Obama for same.
Jack Cafferty. Now he's a great source to quote. LOL :confused:

Huh? :confused: You can see for yourself that he said that. Not sure what you're getting at.

If I have ever seen a real American than Jack Cafferty who is not afraid to tell it how it is, then I never will.