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Palin: insert her foot into mouth......

Actually, I think that Biden was picked for his senate foreign relations (Iraq, Iran, Afganistan) and judicial experience (At least two Supreme court replacements) and was the harder choice. Clinton would have been the easy choice if Barack's only intention was to get elected (assuming Clinton wanted the VP slot).



Biden was chosen to compensate for Obama's biggest weakness... lack of experience at all levels, especially on the international front. Whether Biden was on the right side of history during his career, like the Cold War, is another discussion. Either way, he definitely has a ton of experience he brings to Barack Obama's table.

McCain has a ton of 'experience' and has no need to prove anything on that front, particularly when he is competing against a freshman Senator. McCain's biggest weakness is a lack of a dynamic/spark-like element to his personality. He is steady-freddy... not exactly the best recipe for campaigning, though it does have value on the job. That's where the Palin comes in and yang's his yin, just as Biden yin's Obama's yang.
That's where the Palin comes in and yang's his yin, just as Biden yin's Obama's yang.

Too Funny Sig!

I can't help it.. but does she put on lipstick when she "yang's" his yin? You do know the Roman significance for lipstick don't you? Thanks for a great analogy and a great laugh! Holy shit!, the gays are gonna have a ball when Biden "Yin's" Obama's Yang!


That's politics... for better or for worse. VP choices are selected almost purely on their perceived ability to get more votes. By that very nature, redundance is avoided at all cost. Don't fool yourself, Biden is no different than Palin in this respect.

Let's say you are correct and both VP picks are used mainly for political purposes, and limited "actual usage". Biden back-fills Obama's lack of experience, and Palin back-fill's McCain's lack of "spark", as you put it. But at least Biden actually brings to the table foreign policy experience. What does Palin materially bring to the table, besides the spark?
But at least Biden actually brings to the table foreign policy experience.

That's good, because Biden doesn't know squad about domestic polices and US history.lol

If he screw up any foreign relationships, oh well, no big deal, it's already been damaged by Bush.:wink:

After all, he saw Roosevelt on TV in 1929 during the depression.

But than again, Biden did say Hilary would have been a better choice. Maybe Obama had some grudge against her since she did say McCain was a better choice, and Obama only give a speech in 2002?

Love the honesty.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/T2DECDKOFnw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/T2DECDKOFnw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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Palin can't even do an interview by herself....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9RywhPtebuM&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9RywhPtebuM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
But at least Biden actually brings to the table foreign policy experience. What does Palin materially bring to the table, besides the spark?

As I alluded to earlier, there is no direct correlation between experience and judgement. All the experience in the world does not compensate for poor judgement... in fact it usually makes matters worse as that individual feels more justified in his judgement because they've been around for a while. Relative to Biden, his stances throughout the Cold War were always on the wrong side of history.

This is easily seen in daily life. It's usually the oldest relatives that have the most ingrained opinions on matters. Some are dead on with their assesments and others are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off base. Both camps tend to feel extremely comfortable with their judgements based on their years with a pulse.

In the end, experience is useless without good judgement.
Too Funny Sig!

Holy shit!, the gays are gonna have a ball when Biden "Yin's" Obama's Yang!



Equal rights for all my friend. The blue dress treatment is no longer reserved just for female interns, even a male VP can get in on the action;) I predict 95% approval rating in Haight-Ashbury if Obama wins the election:)
In the end, experience is useless without good judgement.

So in your opinion, McCain picking Palin was good judgment?

Along this vein of experience is useless without good judgment, one of the pillars of attack by the Republicans on Obama is his lack of experience. Sounds like this doesn't really matter if the candidate can display sound judgment. So let's talk about each candidates making sound judgments.
Let's say you are correct and both VP picks are used mainly for political purposes, and limited "actual usage". Biden back-fills Obama's lack of experience, and Palin back-fill's McCain's lack of "spark", as you put it. But at least Biden actually brings to the table foreign policy experience. What does Palin materially bring to the table, besides the spark?

I'll offer an answer.

What does Sarah Palin bring to the ticket?

Administrative and executive experience at the city and state level.
A record of cutting spending and getting rid of corruption.
She's the only candidate who did not accept money from Fannie or Freddie
Fought big oil and has oil-energy experience.
A woman's perspective on issues.
She's not part of the good ol boy - Wash DC beltway network.
She has stated she will work on behalf of special-needs children.

Along this vein of experience is useless without good judgment, one of the pillars of attack by the Republicans on Obama is his lack of experience. Sounds like this doesn't really matter if the candidate can display sound judgment. So let's talk about each candidates making sound judgments.

The "experience" issue really didn't blow up until the Democrats had the guts to question her experience when it wasn't that much different from Obama.

This is the kind of stuff that just makes the Dems look so silly.

They question Palin's inexperience time even though Obama is also inexperienced - and do so while ignoring the fact that Obama's at the top of the ticket. Shouldn't the least experienced one be the VP?

They criticize a Palin over a stumble or bumble - but will give Biden a pass. In all fairness, this is mostly the fault of the MSM.

There should be no doubt that the MSM has the fix in for Obama. They refuse to run negative Obama-Biden stories - and feature negative McCain-Palin stories. Lately, there's been some MSM insiders who have come out to confirm this. This might be a Watergate-type of scandal when it's finally and fully exposed.
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Jimbo, I have been telling them over and over of what you wrote above, but they can't rise above the SNL sketch. But what is really sad is, they can't even accept the fact that Biden is a complete idiot.

The last time when people/media of extreme ideas who painted a messiah like figure to a person (who is probably an atheist) were literally the guys who marched into Moscow, Shanghai/Bejin, Havana, Saigon, etc. after the removal of their enemies through propaganda of selling "Change, Fair, Equal" idealogy. Those people bought the program and most of them are still suffering, after generations

Obama is the second largest charity case for Fannie in a short three years. He was the only politician (with any major significance) who voted against keeping the baby alive if the fetus survived the abortion (Yes, he want those babies to be killed on the table, some thing Hilary, Boxer, etc refuse to endorse). The worse part of his message is raising taxes, to help the poor, when Obama him self and Biden donated practically NOTHING.

He also back peddled from "I will withdraw our troops from Iraq in 2009" to "I will consult with out generals" with a flick of a switch. Don't forget "Withdraw" was his central campaign theme.


None of the Obama supporters are willing to post on this thread either because they honest believe Obama is a Messaiah, a person who is perfect, or they are in denial of letting people know that they do acknowledge his flaws.

The only thing they have is to attack palin for her religious believe (which is 100% legal, just ask George Wahsington, Abe Lincoln, and even Ronald Reagan), and her pregnant daughter who is almost 18 years old. In fact, you and I have answered plenty of questions, but when ask opposite side to answer questions regarding Obama/Biden, they flip it back to Palin and continue their bashing.

Obama, a candidate without substance and accomplishment. A fraud or our life time. I'm going to play the song "76 trombones"!!!
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I know. For most of the Obama supporters I've talked to. It just doesn't matter what I say or what I show them.

It's as if they have their hands tightly over their ears and everytime I say something, they scream....


This, along with the mainstream media's coup.... Oh, well.

I know. For most of the Obama supporters I've talked to. It just doesn't matter what I say or what I show them.

It's as if they have their hands tightly over their ears and everytime I say something, they scream....


This, along with the mainstream media's coup.... Oh, well.

Unfortunately, Obama supporters can say the same about McCain supporters. On these points, I think we all will just have to agree to disagree. Since these discussions, albeit healthy, will yield as much result/meaning as a divide-by-zero, I'll leave with one last comment. It relates to the democrats and its propaganda media...let's leave it to some republican media voices:

"More worrying for McCain is that noted conservative figures are now joining the barrage of attacks.

Writing in the conservative National Review, columnist Kathleen Parker said Palin should step down.

"Palin's recent interviews with Charles Gibson (ABC News), Sean Hannity (Fox News) and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League," Parker wrote.

"As we've seen and heard more from John McCain's running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem," she added."

Whoever wins, let's hope they turn the country around.
Unfortunately, Obama supporters can say the same about McCain supporters.

Whoever wins, let's hope they turn the country around.

Uhh well the majority of persons I know voting for McCain are actually not that overwhelmed by him...Most the "Conservatives" I know refer to him as a "RINO" Republican In Name Only....He has a less than Conservative track record.

As for the Obama voters...oh my goodness....I was talking to one guy a few weeks back and he was in tears he was so emotionally invested in Obama...I was like "Dude....pull yourself together"

Another I spoke to was going on and on about how palin couldn't be trusted cuz she tried to use her power to fire a state trouper (track record of drinking on the job) that was her ex brother in law and then fired the in between (track record of being a guy that argued with and swore at his managers and didn't do what he was told)......well if that is the worst they can find about her performance?....sorry I don't care....she could fire every state trouper in Alaska or my state for that matter..

...but Obama can buy property for way less than market value from known organized crime figures and it's OK?....humm...:rolleyes:

As far as Biden?....that guy is a joke....can't be taken seriously...everytime he talks he says something really stupid.

Ron Paul gets my vote.
Unfortunately, Obama supporters can say the same about McCain supporters.

That's fair

How about this one. What do you know about Obama that will make this nation better?
That's fair

How about this one. What do you know about Obama that will make this nation better?
i like the fact that he is well educated, articulate, openly solicits input from others and appears to be a consensus-style leader. my experience and belief is that is the type of leader we've needed for some time now.

edit: please note, i have historically supported and voted for mccain.
what does sarah palin bring to the ticket?

administrative and executive experience at the city and state level.

of a town of under 6,000 people... :rolleyes:

a record of cutting spending and getting rid of corruption.

cutting spending when she did nothing to stop the construction of the road to nowhere? When she knew that the bridge would not get build? Spending millions of tax payers $? :rolleyes:

fought big oil and has oil-energy experience.

fought big oil when??

i like the fact that he is well educated, articulate, openly solicits input from others and appears to be a consensus-style leader. my experience and belief is that is the type of leader we've needed for some time now.

edit: please note, i have historically supported and voted for mccain.

+1. Please add intelligent, reflective, thoughtful and visionary. When you are the only 800 pound gorilla in the room, even a chimp can represent you. When you're no longer the only 800 pound gorilla, you'll want someone like Obama to represent you.


i like the fact that he is well educated, articulate, openly solicits input from others and appears to be a consensus-style leader. my experience and belief is that is the type of leader we've needed for some time now.

edit: please note, i have historically supported and voted for mccain.

Thank you, you have prove what I have said all along. He knows how to talk.

He votes less like Bush than McCain does.

40% vs 90%

I can't think of a better reason.

And thank you also, you have admit to the world that the only reason you're voting for him is because you don't like Bush, and you can't make a single statement on ANY of this issues that will make this country better.
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And thank you also, you have admit to the world that the only reason you're voting for him is because you don't like Bush, and you can't make a single statement on ANY of this issues that will make this country better.

I never said it was the only reason, just probably one of the best reasons.

How do you make the country better if he IS the same as Bush?! The dude is completely unoriginal. We can't handle another 4 years of the same.

There's no point arguing with someone with their blinders on. Why waste time?

I'm just looking forward to your assessment and probable stated "Palin triumph" on the upcoming debate.
Thank you, you have prove what I have said all along. He knows how to talk.

And think, and listen, and look ahead. If (thoughtless) talking is all that we needed, please watch the Palin/Couric interview. Last time I saw something like that was the speech by Miss Teen (USA) S. Carolina last year.



I know. For most of the Obama supporters I've talked to. It just doesn't matter what I say or what I show them.

It's as if they have their hands tightly over their ears and everytime I say something, they scream....


This, along with the mainstream media's coup.... Oh, well.

This is exactly how I feel about people who strongly support McCain.

They're impervious to logic. They abandon reason. They overlook countless contradictions and missteps and plain blunders and, against all evidence to the contrary, continue to hemorrhage inane, untrue and entirely negative talking points.

Keep it up McCain people! It's working beautifully.:biggrin: