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Real Carbon Fiber, LLC Says Hello!

3 May 2005
Springboro, Ohio
Hello NSX Prime members! As NSX Prime’s newest advertiser, I would like to introduce myself to the community. My name is Steve Osborne and along with my business partner, Mark Graham, we own a company called Real Carbon Fiber, LLC. We currently manufacture and distribute what we feel is the ultimate license plate frame made from Real Carbon Fiber. And, this license plate frame was designed from the beginning for the NSX!

I am proud to say that I have the privilege of having, in my garage, #107, a 2005 Silverstone/Onyx NSX! I got it brand new and have had this spectacular car for about 20 months now. Also, this is my second NSX. I owned #320, a red/onyx ‘97.

After picking up my new NSX in late April ’05, the hunt was on to get the perfect finishing touch to my new pride and joy; the right license plate frame. When you have this beautiful, handmade exotic car I wasn’t about to put any old license plate frame on it (you guys know what I’m talking about). What I wanted was a license plate frame that would compliment the extraordinary fit and finish of my new baby. I wanted a frame that was made from real carbon fiber, had a clear window and most importantly no exposed screws, caps or buttons or any other exposed mounting hardware on the face of the frame and allowed for easy on & off removal to replace those yearly state stickers and allowed for the stickers to be fully visible. Boy was I in for a big surprise!

As the journey began, I visited all of the local auto parts stores and spent hours on the internet looking for a license plate frame worthy of my new NSX. After being totaling frustrated, I finally settled on a stainless steel frame with fake carbon fiber tape that I found for sale from a major catalog/internet retailer (I won’t mention their name) and paid $59.95 plus shipping and eagerly awaited its arrival. It was closest to the frame design that I wanted, but it really didn’t meet the criteria I had set.

Well, it finally arrived and I put it on my car and stood back studying it trying to decide if I liked it or not (my wife thinks I’m crazy when she catches me lovingly staring at my NSX for extended periods of time, but I’m sure you guys understand). I finally told myself that it was OK, for now, but I’ll keep looking for something better. After a few days, I almost slapped myself upside my head for being so dumb. Here I had this spectacular car and I put something on it that was just “OK”! I didn’t buy a new NSX because it was just “OK”. I bought my NSX because it was a stunningly beautiful and state-of-the-art engineered wonder. The frustration continued until……

A month or so after getting my NSX, my friend and next door neighbor, Mark, who just so happens to be a gifted mechanical engineer, came over to admire my new NSX and listen to me go on and on about the various virtues of my new car and how disappointed I was in trying to find the perfect license plate frame. During one of those visits, he said “Let’s design a real carbon fiber frame like you want and if it meets your requirements we’ll set up a company and sell this frame and other carbon fiber accessories to all the other car guys out there”.

So, after several months of hard work, prototype design, patent filings and final production we are proud to offer this great carbon fiber license plate frame to the NSX Prime community and with special pricing, as well!

To all of my fellow NSX owners and NSX lovers on Prime, we’re offering special internet pricing. We’re offering $10 off our regular internet pricing, plus free shipping! That’s a savings of $15.95! The total net cost to get one of these beautiful frames on your NSX or other car is only $39.95! When you go to our web site, click the purchase tab and then enter the quantity you wish to purchase and then click on the process order button. Then fill in all of the required fields on the process order page. On this same page toward the bottom right is a field: “Promotional Code”. In this box: type in NSX (lower or upper case). When we process your credit card you will only be charged $39.95 for each frame ordered. Plus, if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, simply return the frame(s) to us for a full, unconditional refund! This is truly a no downside offer. Simply click on our banner at the bottom of each page of Prime to go directly to our web site or click now at: www.realcarbonfiber.com and we’ll get one out to you right away.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but being a dyed in the wool car guy, I wanted to share not only my desire to sell you a great carbon fiber license plate frame, but my passion for our beloved car-the NSX!

If you have any questions or concerns about this great frame, please e-mail me at: [email protected] or call me at 513-505-0842. I would love to hear from you! Further, if you are in the Cincinnati or Dayton area, and want to come by and pick one up or just to come by and say hi, contact me and we’ll set a time to meet.

Thanks again and best regards,


I ordered two of the CF Frames and thanks for bringing a design that will work in all states with different license tag placements. My tags from Oregon are on the bottom of the plate.

Hi JDMnsxR! Thanks for the welcome! I hope my first post wasn't too long. I'll keep this one short.

Thanks again!

B-rad said:

I ordered two of the CF Frames and thanks for bringing a design that will work in all states with different license tag placements. My tags from Oregon are on the bottom of the plate.


Hi Brad:

Thanks for the order!! Here in Ohio our stickers are on the bottom, as well. We tried to design the frame to accomodate all the different states requirements for sticker placement.

We really put a lot of thought into the design. You're going to love the look of these frames.

Let me know your thoughts when when you receive them. I'll get those two frames out to you on Monday.

Thanks again!

Welcome and thanks. I look forward to receiving my new CF plate frame.
Any other NSX CF parts in the works?
Hi Ruddyduck. Thanks for your order!!

Yes, we are finalizing designs for a carbon fiber motorcycle frame. Once we get that in production we're looking to do interior trim pieces.

Thanks again and I'll get your frame out right away. When you get it, please let me know how you like it.

Best regards,

omeys_berlina said:
Welcome to PRIME!!!

Will your guys be making any other carbon fibre parts, such as the center console?



Hi Omar:

Yes, but we probably won’t get to the prototype stage for interior trim pieces until late ’07. The next series of products, after the carbon fiber motorcycle license plate frame, will be a non-carbon fiber frame that will be made in a variety of colors including chrome, while still incorporating our patent pending design. The beauty of our current design, besides the carbon fiber, is the way it attaches to your car with no face-on exposed hardware. The design also provides for theft resistance.

For the last few months, we have been in talks with a nationwide auto parts chain about our carbon fiber and new, non-carbon fiber frame and hope to get our products in their locations by late spring or early summer.

While we would love to speed up our interior designs, we’ve been pretty much covered up by working on the above new products.

Thanks for your question!

Thanks Steve. I just ordered a frame for my recently purchased 2003.

Welcome and looking forward to your future products!
Just Got my CF frame OMG is this thing nice!!!! It's just what I was looking for THANKS !!!!!
Hi fanofxs:

Thanks for the order! It's going to look great on your '03 NSX cruising around South Florida! I'll get it out to you right away.

Let me know how you like it.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

Ruddyduck said:
Just Got my CF frame OMG is this thing nice!!!! It's just what I was looking for THANKS !!!!!

Hi Ruddyduck.

Thanks for the huge compliment! You sound like me in that I won't settle for just any accessory for your car, especially our NSX's. I think you agree that this CF frame is a perfect finishing touch on the NSX!

Thanks again and have a great Holiday!

B-rad said:

The CF Frame looks fantastic and the quality is second to none.


Hi Brad:

Thanks for your kind words! The positive responses I've received from the members of Prime, such as yourself, has been great! And, is very much appreciated!

Thanks again!

Last edited:

I just wanted to say thanks for your support and the great response we've received. We think it's the best looking CF frame on the market and your comments have confirmed it. I also wanted to mention that we have a silver frame available that looks great on black NSX's. We've worked very hard and are very proud of this product and we're happy to share it with other car guys like yourselves.

Thanks again and have a Happy New Year !

Best Regards,
Any pics of the silver frame?


Hi DaveG:

I'll get some pics posted this weekend. The silver frames are really beautiful and look great on dark cars. They provide a nice contrast.

Thanks for you inquiry!
