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Ride the Rockies 2006

27 April 2003
Denver, Colorado
Ride the Rockies 2006 ***DATE CHANGE/UPDATED INFO


Colorado NSXers,

Craig Latzke and I have started planning an "NSX Ride the Rockies" for this Summer. For those not familiar, "NSX Ride the Rockies" (RTR) is a term coined for a drive that took place back in July of 2001. 10 NSXs, four S2000s, and one Integra Type-R participated in the drive (one NSXer drove in from Louisiana). We drove about 580 miles over 2 days (310 the first, 270 the second), stopping in Carbondale for the evening. It was a very nice weekend - great roads, great cars, great people, beautiful state, good food, etc.

There's been a small change in the timing of this year's event, we couldn't find a hotel to accomodate us on the weekend of the 15th so we are going to reschedule for July 8-9. Reservations need to be secured prior to June 8th, we have a block of 12 rooms set aside for us. The group rate they're giving us is $119 (reg is $139). When you make your reservation, let them know you're with the NSXCA for the group rate. Please let myself or Craig know when you make your res., so we can keep track of who's in for sure.

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Hey Will,

I am the Chapter Director for the Mile High Chapter of S2kca and was wondering if ya'll would be interested having a couple S2000's join ya'll again on the trip? I had the pleasure of meeting Vader last week at the Arapahoe Exotic Car show event meeting, which are two clubs are sponsoring.

I would also, like to invite ya'll on a multi day drive our club is having to Yellowstone over Memorial Day weekend, Here is a link with more information. http://www.s2kca.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8254
It would be great to have a couple of ya'll join us.

Take care and FYI, on the site S2kca, my handle is "Nugget"


P.S. Most of our S2k members from S2ki changed membership to www.S2kca.com, which is a non-profit club site sponsored by Honda, We all felt they could support our club better, which they have. Please feel free to setup a free login and post on our Mile High Chapter site and we have an event calendar setup that details many of our events this year.
Nugget said:
I am the Chapter Director for the Mile High Chapter of S2kca and was wondering if ya'll would be interested having a couple S2000's join ya'll again on the trip?

I'm personally inclined to say yes, and I imagine Will is also (he drove an S2000 on RTR 5 years ago). I think it largely depends on numbers (if we put a ceiling on the number of cars, what that ceiling might be, and how much of it is occupied by NSXs). Where more and merry stop being directly proportional isn't something we've talked about (guessed at) yet.

Nugget said:
I would also, like to invite ya'll on a multi day drive our club is having to Yellowstone over Memorial Day weekend, Here is a link with more information. http://www.s2kca.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8254
It would be great to have a couple of ya'll join us.

Looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to check my schedule and see if I can come.

My wife and I went on a 10-day trip to Yellowstone/Tetons last September. The routes we took are pretty normal/usual ones (when starting/ending in Fort Collins).

There:287 to I-80 to 191
Back: 287 to I-80 (Rawlins to Larimie) to 287

I enjoyed the drive back more than the drive there. The roads were better, there was less traffic (because I-80 was largely avoided), better scenery, etc. I think going through Steamboat/Craig is an excellent idea (if taking 191 ultimately). If I did it again I'd proably skip the route that includes 191 and do the 287 route both ways (or one way and something creative the other way). Some friends of mine who are Yellowstone/Teton junkies (they go every year) recommend going 287 through Dubois on the way there (for view while approaching Tetons) and I regret not having done that.

You can see more pictures than you'd ever want to of this trip at: http://latzke.us/photo/yellowstone

We wrote up the trip, which might give you some ideas of what to do / what we enjoyed: http://latzke.us/yellowstone.html The hike to Osprey Fallswas the best non-geothermal part of our trip in Yellowstone. Lots of geothermal stuff also...so much that it has become a blur.

In the tetons we enjoyed Hiking around Jenny and up Cascade Canyon. You can remove the hike arount the lake (and just do the Canyon) by taking a ferry/shuttle across the lake. We started early in the day and the cloud cover made it real beautiful (http://latzke.us/photo/yellowstone/HPIM1603 - we liked this photo so much we had SnapFish make a 20x30" to have professionally framed for our livingroom).

The best driving (instead of hiking) destination was Lamar Valley (NE corner of Yellowstone). It's not super popular either, so it was less-crowded than most of the park (especially in the early AM when the wildlife viewing is the best).
Oh, and if you get the National Parks Pass (I think $50) that is good for Yellowstone, Tetons, Rocky Mountain National, and all/most of the other parks.

Way to hijack Will's thread, eh? Sorry about that...I just get real excited about the Tetons/Yellowstone.
Hey Craig,

I agree that a ceiling may need to be placed, but I guess it will just depend how many people ya'll have respond and commit. My interest is obvious. he he. I love any excuse to drive especially with people who share a similar interest.

Thanks for the great pics and information about yellowstone, it gets my mouth watering. As of now we have 4-5 confirmed S2k's that are going, Memorial day weekend is tough for some, because of graduations, but we thought it would be better because most people have that monday off and it is technically before the summer rush, so prices are better.
Hope Will doesn't think of this as a hijack, but more like 2 trips is better than one scenario. ;)

BTW, ya'lls wash and wax clinic looked like a blast I can't believe there was an Enzo there. Talk about heart stopper.

Take care,
Nugget said:
Hey Craig,

I agree that a ceiling may need to be placed, but I guess it will just depend how many people ya'll have respond and commit. My interest is obvious. he he. I love any excuse to drive especially with people who share a similar interest.

Thanks for the great pics and information about yellowstone, it gets my mouth watering. As of now we have 4-5 confirmed S2k's that are going, Memorial day weekend is tough for some, because of graduations, but we thought it would be better because most people have that monday off and it is technically before the summer rush, so prices are better.
Hope Will doesn't think of this as a hijack, but more like 2 trips is better than one scenario. ;)

BTW, ya'lls wash and wax clinic looked like a blast I can't believe there was an Enzo there. Talk about heart stopper.

Take care,

No problem Nugget, I may try and make the mem day drive as well. What will traffic be like at/on the way to Yellowstone that weekend? Will it be too crowded?

WillErickson said:
No problem Nugget, I may try and make the mem day drive as well. What will traffic be like at/on the way to Yellowstone that weekend? Will it be too crowded?


Craig - 4 days is alot, but we didn't want to rush it either and felt that we needed two days to see what yellowstone had to offer. I definitely think we will be tired by the end, but with a HUGE grin on all of our faces with some great pics.

Will - We aren't expecting it to be too bad, because we are taking mostly back roads, and we have some guys who have done it before and they said it was never bad no matter what the time. To be honest since this is our first time doing it like this is will be a crap shoot either way, but imho I don't think it will be bad. Hope that helps and hope you can make it.

Take care,
has there been a decision on a weekend yet? I was just curious. We are attending a CE class in Denver on the14th and 15th and I thought the 15th and 16th would work great for us. We could try and cut out early on the class and catch up with you guys. I just was wondering if the weekend had been decided yet. Thanks for all you're doing. Take care. :smile:
Sweet, Keep in mind we are having a car show this coming Sunday. check www.s2kca.com for more details if ya'll are interested in entering or attending. It raises money for the Fountain Police Department.

Also, I just updated our S2k calendar tonight to show a GTG that we are having on Saturday night for the Denver car show. Of course, ya'll are more than welcome to attend.

Take care,
I don't know if the weekend for RTR has been decided yet, but with the 8th and 9th are close to the 4th of July holidyay, perhaps the 15th and 16th would be a better bet.

Either way, I should be able to make either weekend.

I won't be able to make the memorial day weekend drive, I'm going to be in California.

Nugget said:
Sweet, Keep in mind we are having a car show this coming Sunday. check www.s2kca.com for more details if ya'll are interested in entering or attending. It raises money for the Fountain Police Department.

Also, I just updated our S2k calendar tonight to show a GTG that we are having on Saturday night for the Denver car show. Of course, ya'll are more than welcome to attend.

Take care,

To help people find this info...here is the 2006 calendar for the Mile High Chapter (of S2KCA). I've noticed "real" go-carting scheduled for May 20th.
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latzke said:
To help people find this info...here is the 2006 calendar for the Mile High Chapter (of S2KCA). I've noticed "real" go-carting scheduled for May 20th.

Thanks Craig for adding the links.
The go carting event is not those little 15-20 mph things at putt putt golf places, but lower end shifter carts (no shifter though) that do 55mph around a 1/4 to 1/2 mile track. I recall it being about 35 bucks for 10 laps and we can run together. It is a blast. The date is subject to change, but should be good. I just need to call them and confirm.

It will be a blast.
I've been to that track I think. It's a BLAST!!!! Don't know which one you're talking about, but the one I went to was up in the Brighton area. It's a lot of fun for $35. Don't think I can make it, but you'll have a great time.
Hello all, we've settled on July 15/16 as the dates. I'm currently working on setting up our hotel arrangements for the night, will post info as soon as its finalized.

Doc C said:
I've been to that track I think. It's a BLAST!!!! Don't know which one you're talking about, but the one I went to was up in the Brighton area. It's a lot of fun for $35. Don't think I can make it, but you'll have a great time.

Hey Doc, I was referring to the same track. I have only done it once a while back and had an amazing time. Sorry you won't be able to make it, it will probably be so popular we might do it twice this year.

Hey Will,
Did ya'll ever decide on the car count, to see if a few of us S2000's can go or were ya'll waiting for more response to try and form a better idea? Thanks and you are more than welcome to join us for our monthly meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday, at Dave and Busters at I-25 and Colorado.
Of course any of ya'll are welcome to attend.

Take care,
WillErickson said:
What time is it tomorrow night? I may be able to make it.

It will be at 7:30pm and we are normally parked in the back. I will PM you my cell number if you have any questions. We are expecting 7-9 people at least. Take care and hope to see you.

Hey Will,

It was great to meet you at the meeting, I hope you enjoyed the nascar race where I pushed you into the wall. :wink: You definitely took me on the second race though.

Take care,

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Hey Guys,

I saw a Black NSX today about 12:30 pm with nice rims driving onto Union near the federal center in lakewood. Does it belong to anyone here? Looked to be coming out of the federal center or near it.

Also, are there anymore details on the drive?


New NSX owner in Tempe, Az. Wife has relatives in Denver. We have discussed combining this Ride the Rockies with a short Denver visit. Have dates free. Will keep posted for details.

Spa Yellow '98
Hello all, small change in plans. We couldn't find a hotel to accomodate us on the weekend of the 15th so we are going to reschedule for July 8-9. We are staying at the Carbondale Comfort Inn, which is the same hotel we used in RTR 2001, they took really good care of us. Reservations need to be secured prior to June 8th, we have a block of 12 rooms set aside for us. The phone # is 800-473-5980, the group rate they're giving us is $119 (reg is $139). When you make your reservation, let them know you're with the NSXCA for the group rate. Coral Dillon is the contact, but I'd imagine anyone can take your reservation. Please let myself or Craig know when you make your res., so we can keep track of who's in for sure.

[email protected]