RIP Tony Soprano

12 August 2002
Austin, TX
James Gandolphini was a VERY talented actor. I feel like driving around with the Sopranos theme blasting.
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I was shocked last night when it came over the news feed last night. I loved Sapranos I have the full collection minus the one DVD that doesnt work and its new, went thru 4 sets tring to get a brand new copy of that dvd that never worked everytime I returned it or purchased another one so I can watch that DVD with 5 episodes on it. makes me mad.

He was a great guy. Rest In Peace
my any celeb dies it brings into focus whatever was the cause...and heart disease is preventable or at least controllable..if you heed the warning signs,get regular checkups with blood and habits also play a big role....
Sad for his family. When I heard of his death I asked my wife knew the cause of death. she replied, "no". I immediately
told her' I would bet the house it was cardiac arrest". During the last season of the Soprano's he would get winded
just doing simple things from being so over weight and out of shape. I also heard he was a smoker?

If there is any good that come out of his death let it be a warning for everyone to take their health more seriously.