s2000 rear torque

13 October 2002
Question guys: my neighbor and i were driving one another's cars, mine being a 95 nsx T, hers a 2000 S2000. She has some nasty pulling to the left on acceleration only. Allignment is perfect as per recent check, plus drives straight as an arrow if not accelerating. Over the last 2 months, her right rear tire is now practically bald, the others are fine. The car only has 13K miles. Any way to fix that rear torque? What the hell could be causing it?? Never been in an accident. Thanks.
Neither my 2001 nor my 2002 have ever experienced anything like this.

My advice is two fold. First post the query on S2ki.com. If that doesn't work then I'd second the notion of taking it to the dealer to get it checked out.
Check the tire pressure. Mine did this, I checked the tire pressure and the drivers side was about 10 pounds low. Also had a nice nail stusk into it.

2002 S2000
problem solved with new tires, no more pulling. it was indeed the excess wear on the right rear tire. now the question is, why is there so much torque to have obliterated that tire, while the rest still have adequate wear?
Originally posted by smonop:
problem solved with new tires, no more pulling. it was indeed the excess wear on the right rear tire. now the question is, why is there so much torque to have obliterated that tire, while the rest still have adequate wear?

I honestly think its related to the alignment on the car.

Unfortunately, the S2000 has experienced some alignment issues on a significant minority of the cars. There are theories which say that is caused during the trip over and there are theories which say the dealers are doing a poo poo job of checking alignment. Either way, a bad alignment can screw up the handling of this magnificent little car as well as ruin tires prematurely and in a worst case scenario be dangerous.

Your friend should find a very good and reputable alignment shop in the area and get the car re-checked. In my experience (sad as it is) few Honda dealers know how to service the S (one of my major gripes) and I would not be shocked to find out that the car was misaligned.