
5 August 2013

I'm considering a job offer(Energy Sector) to move to Houston with my NSX(coming from Canada). I've been doing reasearch on the city but I'm a little worried about how safe the city is.(carjackings, muggings..etc) Is it safe to have a nice car in Houston? Can I only drive it during the day in certain areas?

Any advice is appreciated


I think you will find that Houston is like any other big city. There are certainly places I wouldn't want to go/park regardless of what car I am in but for the most part the city is very safe. It really comes down to where you decide to live. Cinco Ranch and parts of Katy have great neighborhoods that wouldn't be that bad of a commute if you are working in the Energy Corridor. If you are working downtown then Fall Creek and Summerwood are good communities 25 minutes outside of downtown that are very safe (and affordable). There may be some greater variety as you begin to look closer to downtown but regardless you should look on It is a great website to research Houston real estate and should give you an idea as to what parts of town you would want to live in.

Also, there are a lot of nice cars in Houston. I can't compare to many other cities, but I think you would be hard pressed to find a better turnout (with more cars) than what shows up on a monthly basis at Coffee & Cars here. Feel free to PM if you have any specific questions.

Where in Canada you coming from?
I have had my NSX for about 6 years now and never had an issue. I guess it depends on where you live and that goes for every city or state.
What company are you looking at in the Energy Sector? (if you don't mind me asking.)
