Schaw-Down with this mod.

22 August 2001
San Diego, CA, USA
I just don't understand why some nsx owners have swaped out thier beautiful OEM guages for any other, especially these!

I was just on the G-2 website and was shocked to see that some of the smaller gauges don't even line up! Look at the Oil PSI, voltage and gas gauges, you can't even see the entire picure of the oil can, small battery and gas pump. Wow! For the price they're asking for, just makes no sense to me. One thing people tend to forget is that the amber color of the gauge cluster of the NSX is that way for a reason. If you look at other exotics, (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, etc.) They all have red or amber guages for visability!
from previous: "One thing people tend to forget is that the amber color of the gauge cluster of the NSX is that way for a reason. If you look at other exotics, (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, etc.) They all have red or amber guages for visability![/B][/QUOTE]"

Due to a phenomenon called the "Purkinjie Shift" (I won't go into details) our eyes are most sensitive to yellow-green (like the tennis balls) during the day and to blue at night (hence blue flashers at night on police cars). So the blue really is better for nightime visibility.

[This message has been edited by airedale (edited 19 July 2002).]
You really shouldnt assert what you think is fact when you have only seen a picture. I bought these gauges and I have installed them. They were easy to install and they look great. Many people have looked at them and 9 out 10 give me very favorable comments. The fit is fine and all of the symbols are completely visible. I turn the indiglo off and just illuminate the blue numbers and markings. BTW the orange was horrible and was one of the first things I changed on my car. Gave the car a very dated look also.
All of the nighttime variations appear to be difficult to impossible to read at a glance. It looks like you have a choice of either black on black or orange on orange.
Looks to me like something for the crowd that would have neon lights on the bottom of their car and a big Acura decal on the windshield.
Poloman, didnt you look at doing the white face gauges at one time? I seem to remember you emailing me with that interest. You must have removed your neon and stickers and changed your mind.

[This message has been edited by SNDSOUL (edited 19 July 2002).]

Maybe we're not on the same page, I posted the following:

"Hey, let me know how much you want for the gauges YOUR REMOVING (Km). I want a spare."

I am STILL interested in obtaining a set of gauges in Kilometers. Now, as far as I'm concerned, these (Km) gauges are OEM overseas, thus identical to my current MPH!

So, if you still have them, let me know how much you want for your AMBER (OEM) "KILOMETER" GAUGES.

I actually like the white guage face idea I think I like Chris' at SOS a little better than the above, however. I am mainly concerned with how they look during the DAY. I do very little night driving in my NSX.
(I used to drive more at night but all my neon burned out

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by airedale:
So the blue really is better for nightime visibility.

No, it isn't. You're taking the phenomenon known as the Purkinje Shift and applying it incorrectly.

The sensitivity of our visual system to various colors in the spectrum changes in light and dark conditions (and transitions at dusk, when the "shift" occurs). During the day (under photopic conditions), colors with long wavelengths like yellow and orange will appear brighter than blues and greens. This is because longer wavelength colors appear brighter during the day.

However, at night, the reverse is true (as you indicate). Under scotopic conditions, shorter wavelength colors (like blue and green) appear brighter. This is EXACTLY why proper nightime cockpit instrument illumination (as in a sportscar or aircraft) is done in red or orange light.

The long wavelength light (red/orange) stimulates the photopic visual system, because it does still operate at night, but the scotopic visual system (which is what is being used to look at things in the dark out the windsheild as you are driving) is not also stimulated by these long wavelengths. Thus, your visual system does not have to "adapt" between photopic and scotopic visual systems while viewing the instrument panel.

In layman's terms, you don't lose your "night vision" by looking at the dashboard.

Originally posted by erobbins:
[BThus, your visual system does not have to "adapt" between photopic and scotopic visual systems while viewing the instrument panel.[/B]

I love this board.

'91 black/black
How could Lexus have overlooked this 'philantropic' and 'scrotumistic' stuff!!!!!

My only gripe with these gauges so far is that the needles don't light up unless you use the 'Tang' colored stock backlight in the dash.
Originally posted by Chris W:
Did you already know all that crap about the "Phunk Junkie" Shift or did you just cut and paste from the website below?

Actually, I have a textbook in front of me entitled "Visual Optics" by James Court and Hans Furmann from a course I took in college. Being a number of years since I had dealt with this stuff, I did refer back to it for help in explaining the phenomenon.

Looking at the website you linked above, I'd say that this textbook was the source used there, too! Even the graphic images they used are stikingly similar. Good find!
