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should I leave my NSX running?

17 November 2008
If i'm at 7-11 and i'm going to be in there for lets say 5 mins, should I leave my nsx running or should I kill the engine or does it even matter?
What's the advantage to leaving it running? I can see several disadvantages, getting locked out of the car, having it stolen, etc.

If you're concerned about the weather being cold, it's summer, and the car would be warm (so it should start right up regardless). There isn't much convenience lost in turning the key a second time. :wink:
Can't think of any benefit to keeping the NSX running while you run into the store other than possibly weight savings from burning off the fuel.

My Clifford alarm allows me to keep it running with my key out (and security system armed) if I need to make a stop as you mentioned, but I don't see a benefit unless it's super cold (not so much here in Southern California) or super warm and want to keep the climate control on. Still, I would only do it because I can take my key with me and arm the alarm.
I did that once. Let's just say I know the NSX can idle for over 2 hours without stalling or overheating.

lol:biggrin: You can't leave it at that. There must be a great story about what happened.
if you need money for gas I will buy your nsx and then you dont neded to worry about leaveing it running you will have 30K in the bank, or a civic and 29K in the bank. LOL

if you really care about your car wouldnt you just turn it off.
I mean if your in antartica maybe but
come on is this even a real question?
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if you're doing a lot of stopping and going, doesn't start-up cause more engine wear than any other action/event?

I leave mine running when I know it's gonna be a few mins... or if I know I plan on making quite a few stops.
If you have a diesel transplanted into your NSX, then yes. If not, then no.
I did that once. Let's just say I know the NSX can idle for over 2 hours without stalling or overheating.

LOL I did the same thing I was going to go to get some food and went back into my house to get something. I was intrested in a show that was on T.V. so about 1 hour later I went back to the garage and notice the car was on. On the plus side at least I did leave the garage door open.
LOL I did the same thing I was going to go to get some food and went back into my house to get something. I was intrested in a show that was on T.V. so about 1 hour later I went back to the garage and notice the car was on. On the plus side at least I did leave the garage door open.

Sounds like you forgot to turn your TV off as well.:biggrin:
I wouldn't leave the engine running no matter where you leave the car. If it is running, you'd better be sitting in the driver seat waiting. That being said, 7-11 is the worst place to leave the car unlocked and unattended. You may think you'll be in and out in 5 minutes, but here a couple scenarios I ran into at 7-11 that screwed up my hit and run purchase.

  • A guy buying $100 in lottery tickets for his office pool, where the machine is running super slow.
  • Guy buying every form of packaged food in the store and insists in paying in nickles.
  • Girl with maxed out debit card insists cashier try again and again only to realize her total is around $3.
  • Guy wants to look at porn magazines behind the counter but can't make up his mind between playboy and penthouse--no that was not me
This is one of the more interesting, if not perplexing, questions I've seen on NSX Prime in the past year or so..... :confused: I can tell you that if I'm out of sight beyond 30 seconds, I turn it OFF. It sounds so good to crank her back up !! Jay
In the old days of carburetors you would leave it running because startup would use more fuel than just idling for a minute or so. The NSX has fuel injection. No waste of fuel to turn it off and then turn it back on again. You won't wear down the starter either.
In colorado, they'd write you a ticket for that.

And why would you want to make it easier for someone to steal your car?
Reminds me of a story an old friend told me. It was a friday night, he was going racing for the weekend so he had truck / trailer loaded up , moved his 60-something pontiac out of the driveway onto the street so he could pull the truck out of the way with the intention of pulling the pontiac back into the driveway - so he gets intothe truck and just drives away...

So he gets back home sunday night and realizes that the car was still running on the front street, almost out of gas but totally fine , the car was so quiet that nodody even noticed it was running all weekend!
This thread brings up an interesting something I always wondered about.

How much fuel is consumed at idle? How long does it take to consume 1 gallon of gas at idle?
The only time I let my cars run after I've driven them was when I owned a turbo. I had a turbo timer installed that would allow the engine run for 1-2 minutes so the turbos would get the proper lubrication to cool down. If this is what you had in mind, you can have a turbo timer installed in your car. However, that would probably make you look like a poser and you might as well put spinners on your car too.
I'm almost 100% sure that it is illegal to leave a car running like that, at least in Md, anyway.
I have a 1993 honda accord, it was my first college car.
still have it and will never get rid of it. to many chicks were in the backseat.
anyway the car looks like shit, I start the car up every week to keep things running/ like a boat. "use it or lose it" well I started the car one friday night, then woke up the next day walked outside to get the newspaper and OH geez. I left it running all night. why didnt anyone steal it. well its looks bad. LOL
What is best for the engine?
I'd wager that if you stop and start the car normally, the engine will probably last 250,000 miles.

If you leave it running for five minute stops, you'll probably get 255,000 miles out of it.

Except that -- you won't -- cause some low-life will see an NSX running, smash the window, and help himself to a joy-ride.
I did this once to my old MR2. I was crashing at my sisters place during the summer while at a co-op program for my degree. I woke up at like 5 to be able to get to work at 6. I noticed my sisters car was behind mine so I had to move their cars before I could leave. I moved their car out of the way then got the MR2 out of the parking lot. I then moved their car back in and realised I had locked my door and left my car on....

I had to call a lock smith to come and open my car for me. Took them about 1.5 hours to get there. So in total my car was on for probably a good 2-3 hours straight. Never gave me problems afterward, although I did notice in the drivers manual it said to never leave the car idling for more than 15 min because it's bad for the engine. They must include this note for a reason I wonder why.
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