Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Smoore Strikes Again!

11 May 2003
Midland, TX
A few members have already written about their experiences with NSX Prime member Smoore. Unfortunately, I didn’t know this on 6/2 when inquired about an Alpine S634 CD changer he was selling for $170. He said he’d send it out as soon as the check cleared.

My check cleared on 6/13. I waited a week. . . I waited another week. . . I sent another message and he said it had already been sent. I waited another week. . . I finally received it on 7/5.

I opened the box and found out that there was no CD magazine for the CD changer. After a few more emails going back and forth, he said he “found” an extra CD magazine, and said he’d send it out right away. I waited a week. . . I waited another week . . . Then he said it had already been sent. I waited another week. . . After a couple more emails he said he’d overnight it to me. I waited a week. . . I sent another message telling him that unless I received the CD magazine in the next few days, I would be sending it back to him. Since I got no response, I paid $11.33, and I sent it back to him.

On 8/5, he signed for the CD changer. I waited a week . . . On 8/13 I sent him a reminder that he still had my money. He sent me back a message asking if I wanted him to send the CD changer and the CD magazine. Dude! This is what you were supposed to do over two months ago!

I waited a week. . . I waited another week. . . Now, after almost 3 months, I’ve lost my patience. Today, I filed a report with the FBI Internet Fraud Division and the Post Office Mail Fraud Division for my original $170 plus the $11.33 I spent shipping the unit back to him.