Spoon NSX-R GT vs. Mine’s GT-R

27 October 2006
great videos, japans greatest sports cars

im still not crazy about the new gtr although it has great performance #s.
in the video, the owner of spoon said that the car was a 2006 NSX Type-R with only 5 built. after tuning of every performance aspect of the car by spoon themselves, he said they called it the NSX-R GT. which brings more mystery into the equation.

possibly, after spoon got hold of 1 of the 5, after they tuned it, called it the NSX-R GT, that's when honda released it to the press as a limited production car to race? no idea.
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The video says 3.2L 420 bhp/ 289 lb-ft.

It's not stroked and not ITB, SC or turbo....

so where the heck do they get this kind of power from N/A???????
The video says 3.2L 420 bhp/ 289 lb-ft.

It's not stroked and not ITB, SC or turbo....
so where the heck do they get this kind of power from N/A???????


Ah... missed the Turbo.

Missed it? How could you not hear the hissing come off that thing?

Anyway, really like the back bumper on the NSX, and the wheel combo looks clean.
GTR looks like someone put a Kenmore fridge on wheels and decided it looked good as a super car.
Getting inspiration from Gundam for big robots. Good. Inspiration for designing cars. Bad.
Is it the:

"Spoon NSX-R GT"
Spoon's, NSX-R GT?
Did Spoon work with Honda to develop the NSX-R GT?
Is this 1 of 5 Honda NSX-R GTs?
Is this 1 of 5 "Spoon NSX-R GT"s?

The picture isn't an NSX-R GT,
It isn't an NSX-R
Does an NSX-R GT exist?
Does an NSX-R exist?
Does the NSX even exist?

The picture's don't match, Nothing adds up, I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaah.........

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I thought they made the NSX-R GT because the changes Honda/Mugen were making to their JGTC cars were so drastic that they had to make/sell a minimum of 5 road legal vehicles with these changes to comply with the JGTC rules. I'm not too sure about this but I think I remember reading it in C&D or Motortrend back in 05.:confused: And I had no idea that the RGT was turboed before this video...
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Honda Japan did release 5 NSX R-GT back in 2005 for JGTC reasons, however only 1 was officially sold to a owner of DHC in Tokyo. I'm not 100% sure, but the Spoon NSX shown in these video isn't the real R-GT as all R-GTs have ID badges showing the limited prodcuction numbers. Not to mention they were never turbo charged, but strictly aero dynamics tuning. Ichijima's close relatives really tied up with Honda so I'm assuming he gets the first dibs on all the parts and vehicles. either way, one of a kind vehicle for sure.
mister spoon said its a nsx-r that spoon tuned so they call it a gt, kind of how they call it a 2006 the year they must have completely rebuilt the car into what it is

i was just coming on to search for the thread about the gt-r spoon nsx and factor x nsx to call them a tease for not telling us about gt channel filming the run in!(maybe they did and i forgot)

check out the tease of the factor x nsx at the end
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Take a look at the November '08 Road & Track. They do a comparison test at Willow Springs of the Spoon NSX-R GT, Mine's GT-R, TechArt Porsche 997 Turbo and D3 Cadillac CTS. Supposedly suspension changes result in a lateral acceleration of .97 g vs .92g for a stock 2005.

What is most interesting is Spoon plans to sell a limited number of left hand drive NSX Type-Rs for "around $120,000" in the US in 2009. Supposedly this is being done in cooperation with Honda. What's far from clear is how close the Spoon NSX Type-R will be to the Spoon NSX-R GT in features, performance, etc.

'96 NSX-T, red/tan
Take a look at the November '08 Road & Track. They do a comparison test at Willow Springs of the Spoon NSX-R GT, Mine's GT-R, TechArt Porsche 997 Turbo and D3 Cadillac CTS. Supposedly suspension changes result in a lateral acceleration of .97 g vs .92g for a stock 2005.

What is most interesting is Spoon plans to sell a limited number of left hand drive NSX Type-Rs for "around $120,000" in the US in 2009. Supposedly this is being done in cooperation with Honda. What's far from clear is how close the Spoon NSX Type-R will be to the Spoon NSX-R GT in features, performance, etc.

'96 NSX-T, red/tan

The Spoon car was not driven anywhere close to its potential. Unlike the GTR that 'drives itself' :wink: the mid-engine RWD turbo NSX (Spoon) required more driving talent to show its potential. The Spoon NSX-R GT was far better than 1 second faster than a stock NSX.

From what I read in R&T they took a real NSX-RGT and modified it to improve it.Thats what they are saying .I cat believe they took one of like 5 made and modified it.
From what I read in R&T they took a real NSX-RGT and modified it to improve it.Thats what they are saying .I cat believe they took one of like 5 made and modified it.
The owner of SPOON said that 2 of the 5 NSXR-GTs were turbo charged, 2 were stroked, and 1 was left stock. Spoon has a close relationship with Honda, Dome, etc... so it wouldn't surprise me if Spoon or Dome was involved with the build of the NSX-R GT with all of their racing experience. Manufacturers often work with or outsource work to race teams/private shops for R&D work, manufacturing, and testing. I'm not going to call the Spoon owner a liar.
