SUV driver beaten by biker mob after high speed chase

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One of my bucket list items is to open my door into a biker doing around 40mph in between the lanes during traffic congestion. It would be worth every penny of damage it would cause to my I don't think you could get in any trouble for it either.
They should have a city ordinance that if you get caught or participate in this kind of activity your bike is impounded and crushed. It might make some think twice.
One of my bucket list items is to open my door into a biker doing around 40mph in between the lanes during traffic congestion. It would be worth every penny of damage it would cause to my I don't think you could get in any trouble for it either.

WTF is wrong with you?? You're not better than these dumbass riders.
I agree, open your door since he shouldnt be going between cars to pass, I would love to see that.

someone that drives between cars is an A-hole motorcycler.
I've been riding sportbikes and dirtbikes for over 40 years, and I've never seen anything like the hooliganism in these videos. Outrageous as it give good bikers a bad name, and the media will now pounce on anyone on a bike, perhaps any bike, as a monster. Horrible examples.
As for lane splitting, it's legal in some states. I do it in the states it's legal, and in fact, the drivers seem to know and understand that and help the nimble bikes move through. In states where it's not, there is resentment for sure when you're sitting traffic and watch someone breaking the law and going by when your stuck. I wouldn't hurt them over it, but it pisses me off too.
I've been riding sportbikes and dirtbikes for over 40 years, and I've never seen anything like the hooliganism in these videos. Outrageous as it give good bikers a bad name, and the media will now pounce on anyone on a bike, perhaps any bike, as a monster. Horrible examples.
I guess it depends on where you live. I see groups of sports bike riders blocking all lanes of the freeway, slowing down, so the others have wide open space to race and/or do their stunt tricks, like riding backwards, standing on their bike seat, riding on the handle bars. I've seen it all on the freeway. It really pisses everyone off. I've been blocked in behind all that mess before. The Harley or Chopper bike riders never seem to do this. I guess Sports Bikes attract the young riders. I know some are illegally carrying too because just last month a Sports Bike rider was arrested after firing two rounds from his handgun as warning shots because of a road rage incident with a vehicle. The two or three bikers following the car to the girls home.

Let's face it. This is America in the year 2013. Respect has been on the decline year after year. It will only get worse as we live in the "All about me" attitude world and "It's everyone else's fault but my own" time. This kinds of stuff happens all the time. Some states are just lucky it's not a problem in their area.
When I first saw the videos, I thought the Range Rover just over-reacted and went nuts. After looking over this, and reading some of the accounts, these guys were a mob looking for a problem.
Mob mentality... never fails...
Ain't this the truth......

Let's face it. This is America in the year 2013. Respect has been on the decline year after year. It will only get worse as we live in the "All about me" attitude world and "It's everyone else's fault but my own" time. This kinds of stuff happens all the time. Some states are just lucky it's not a problem in their area.
why do you think people frequently got stoned to death in biblical times mob mentality and your dead.

this is exactly what happend
This reminds me of a Mad Max movie. Simply unbelievable this can even happen.
My friend got his bike stolen in front of his house a few days before this event. The cops set up check points near time square to make sure these guys don't harass the tourist in the area. The scumbag who stole my friend's bike saw the check point, dropped the bike and ran. The ironic thing is that they completely repainted my friends bike with plasti dip, and put a big picture of jesus with a cross on the windshield. Who does this? This is what boggles my mind, that you can represent jesus while being a low life thief.
I was a avid sport bike rider for the better part of 15 years and did a lot of stupid shit(excessive speed, wheelies, passing) on public roads, but I always was aware of the possibility of someone else getting hurt. When I was riding, the idiot stunt rage hadn't even started yet. The stupid part was me taking the risk of hurting myself. Riding sport bikes in a large group will almost always lead to riders taking risks. Every "end of season" I would think of how lucky I had been to not be hurt in so many near misses that I and my fellow riding buddies had escaped.
I quit riding about 12 years ago because it bothered me too much to realize that sitting in a wheel chair watching life go by because I made a mistake wasn't worth the fun of riding. I still love sport bikes, but seeing the video of the van and bikes just bothers me. It's so easy to become enraged about a traffic issue when you are on the bike, but when the adrenelin slows down, you realize that perhaps you were in the wrong. Add a pack of riders, and the whole deal becomes unmanageable. I think that the riders in the video were just a bunch of idiots who think that because they are in a group gives them immunity to laws and general courtesy. I bet that the majority of them are now watching the video and asking themselves, "what were we thinking?". While I'm sure there was something that provoked the whole deal, nothing could have been so bad that it had to get violent.
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Here's more video of these apes terrorizing NYC.

I am presuming the guy in the Prius was making the left with the light and the bikers didnt seem to like it (1:10) Beating on the persons car and reaching in the window... terrible.

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donation fund for injured motorcyclist.

One of my bucket list items is to open my door into a biker doing around 40mph in between the lanes during traffic congestion. It would be worth every penny of damage it would cause to my I don't think you could get in any trouble for it either.

Have to say that as a rider I'd prefer that you change your bucket list.
Seriously dude, your post is just wrong... really kinda fucked up to be honest :frown:

Drive a few months in LA during rush hour
Those riders are just regular folks going to work to feed their families.

WTF is wrong with you?? You're not better than these dumbass riders.

This is really nothing compared to some of the posts NA1MT posts...

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Have to say that as a rider I'd prefer that you change your bucket list.
Seriously dude, your post is just wrong... really kinda fucked up to be honest :frown:

Drive a few months in LA during rush hour
Those riders are just regular folks going to work to feed their families.


This is really nothing compared to some of the posts NA1MT posts...
I got cought up in a similar event once at lake Mead, it was named "the take over" (based on the T-shirts participants wore), it happened about 8 years ago, my cousin his girlfriend, my girlfriend and I drove out from SoCal to have a good time and ride our personal water craft out on the lake, we got there early in the AM launched and set up our Canopy's a few feet from the water, at the time there were about 3-4 other families within sight, around 10Am all of a sudden a large crowd swarmed the place acting very disgusting, rude and loud, setting their EZ-UP's right against ours ridiculously surrounding ours all around while we sat under ours, as we just looked at each other in disbelief when all of a sudden a pair of females start to push the legs of our EZ-UP's and my cousin asked them to stop and immediately one of them started yelling as the other one called some of the males in the group we were surprised that they approached and just listened to what was going on, as we were practically surrounded and would have to walk trough theire set up (literally they set up EZ-UP's right against ours on all four sides) we opted to pack up and leave, and yes we were pissed yet very, very out numbered.
wanna drive on the road wait behind the car in front of you just like everyone else, god attitude I ride a bike I am special I can drive on sidewalks and between cars at red lights

not drive between them I would open my door also and laugh cuz he has to pay for my repairs and his medical bills.

brake check me and your bike will be on the ground even in my NSX

respect the rules of the road you will get home safe, try and go between cars so you can be first at the red light you may not make it home safe.

wanna play on the road you got take the risk of someone opening their door to dump out a soda and bammmm your dead.

it sucks for the guys kids cuz " daddy why cant you throw a baseball with me? " " well son I did something stupid and I can never walk again "
sucks for the kids really does
wanna drive on the road wait behind the car in front of you just like everyone else, god attitude I ride a bike I am special I can drive on sidewalks and between cars at red lights

not drive between them I would open my door also and laugh cuz he has to pay for my repairs and his medical bills.

brake check me and your bike will be on the ground even in my NSX

respect the rules of the road you will get home safe, try and go between cars so you can be first at the red light you may not make it home safe.

wanna play on the road you got take the risk of someone opening their door to dump out a soda and bammmm your dead.

good luck with that.

I feel bad for this guy and wish he wasn't hurt but he was hanging out with the wrong guys and those guys were the cause of the incident that seems to have paralyzed him. Like the police don't have enough to deal with in NYC now they have to deal with these idiots. 'Hollywood stuntz"... give me a break. You want to pull wheelies do it off a public highway. Now that SUV driver, his wife, and his kid have to deal with the mental trauma as well of having been dragged out of the car and beaten in front of wife and kid, as well as knowing some guy he drove over is paralyzed for life.

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Police say they are getting zero cooperation from the riders in trying to find Lien's assailants.
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