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Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

What about the astronaut carved into a stone wall in Spain from 1102 A.D.??


Not really a hoax, but it was added in 1992 by an artist during restoration:

As for the pyramids, yes humans build them, and there were many theories on how they were constructed, including the aid from aliens, but it was discovered several year ago exactly how they were built, and it wasn't a "2-mile long ramp" :p.

Egyptians were smarter than you think :p

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/lasCXujNPfs&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/lasCXujNPfs&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

As for aliens, I believe they exist. Although there may not be definitive proof of their existence or of them visiting us, I do believe that they have. There is simply far too much circumstantial evidence to disregard this.

As for the video in the OP, it was interesting until the last 15min or so... wacko's IMO... totally discredited themselves in the last 15min.
As for the pyramids, yes humans build them, and there were many theories on how they were constructed, including the aid from aliens, but it was discovered several year ago exactly how they were built, and it wasn't a "2-mile long ramp" :p.

The internal ramp -- sounds good to me. I never really questioned the "2-mile long ramp" theory, but this internal ramp seems even more plausible (assuming the open ends provided enough light/oxygen to work). Interestingly enough, this actually supports my point, because it shows that even until 2000AD, sophisticated scientists devoting lifetimes' worth of work still hadn't "figured it out."

My belief is not based on whether/not man *can* produce the Great Pyramid using technology of that age, but *would* he. That is where the scientific community would say, "He could, therefore he did -- case closed." And people like myself would say, "NFW -- the inspiration/design/motivation/resources necessary to do so are hopelessly implausible without a divine or ET intervention." My belief also supports the thesis that the pyramids were built for a purpose meant to last an eternity -to send a message to future generations- and not just as tombs or monuments of a great Egyptian society.

(I wonder if the Mayan pyramids were built the same way. Wouldn't that be a striking coincidence?)
Also, of note, the Egyptians didn't spend much time "practicing" before going for the jugular with the Great Pyramid. The earliest pyramids were the largest, most resilient, and most symmetrically perfect. The later ones kinda look like pitiful, small copycats in comparison.

Chronology w/ pictures here:
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I skipped to the 27 minute part and was only able to stay interested in this for several minutes, but if NASA / US government has been in contact with aliens and has kept it classified all this time, then why is he able to go around and give speeches on this?

According to him, the Apollo astronauts and their families were threatened if they divulged this information, but he is onstage talking about it. If the photos themselves are legitimate and still pertain to classified material, then why is he not dead himself?

I think it is reasonable to assume other life exists, but I'll need more than blurry photos and wild theories.
Also, of note, the Egyptians didn't spend much time "practicing" before going for the jugular with the Great Pyramid. The earliest pyramids were the largest, most resilient, and most symmetrically perfect. The later ones kinda look like pitiful, small copycats in comparison.

Chronology w/ pictures here:

Ski i had no idea how much of a gentlemen scholar you are haha. I actually read all of your posts and was nodding my head the whole time. I agree on your opinion but the sad truth is unless the life form that is smart enough to travel through the universe just decides to SHOW THEMSELVES to everyone and create world wide panic, alot of people wont believe in something there is alot of proof of.
Simple equation.....older white haired guy with long poney tail + many shrooms+Lsd+purple microdot= many aliens:biggrin:

LOL. Good one Doc. +1 on that. :biggrin:

I think it is reasonable to assume other life exists, but I'll need more than blurry photos and wild theories.

As Carl Sagan once said: Extraordinary claims deserves extraordinary evidence.
As for the video in the OP, it was interesting until the last 15min or so... wacko's IMO... totally discredited themselves in the last 15min.

I am with you there. It was interesting until some loser looking guy comes out and says he has been to the mars base etc. etc. Come one. If you really have done that stuff, surely you have SOME evidence of it.

There have been many shows that suggest astronauts are not allowed to speak of any of the things they have seen up there. Who knows if it is true or not.

When you look at reports even like this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32451823/ns/technology_and_science-space/?GT1=43001

They explain A LOT of what has been reported, but they don't explain all of it.

One thing I always wondered is if we already have relationships with other worlds is NASA just a big HOAX? Do they sent shuttles up just to give the appearance we are still trying to explore space? If so, maybe that is why they use 20 year old crafts to go in to space when most people wouldn't drive a 20-year old car. (except a NSX :) )

Also, if going to the moon was so easy to do, why can't we go back until 2020 or whatever it was. Do we not have the techonology all these years later to go back? Why has no other country ever set foot on the moon? I mean, there are still bragging rights to be #2 IMO.
As Carl Sagan once said: Extraordinary claims deserves extraordinary evidence.

I 100% agree. What constitutes an extraordinary claim is quite debatable though.

Here's one: 97% of the world's population is delusional, ignorant and stupid. But I'm smarter, wiser, better educated and more knowledgeable than they are so that makes perfect sense.

Whoa! Talk about a doozy!
Also, if going to the moon was so easy to do, why can't we go back until 2020 or whatever it was. Do we not have the techonology all these years later to go back? Why has no other country ever set foot on the moon? I mean, there are still bragging rights to be #2 IMO.

Too $$ costly and nothing there. Surface of the moon is like Afghanistan. The only difference? ........ you're not getting "shot at" on the moon.
Anyone else have any serious thoughts on this matter? I mean -- not like it's an important topic or anything.

BTW, frankly, this thread makes great fodder for B-S silly comments. Heck, I normally would be one of those smart@sses. But I *do* think that there are Prime members with very real thoughts on the matter, and it would be a shame if this thread went Beavis N Butthead instead of letting them be heard. Save that nonsense for the other 95% of Prime, por favor. :redface:
anyone else have any serious thoughts on this matter? I mean -- not like it's an important topic or anything.

Btw, frankly, this thread makes great fodder for b-s silly comments. Heck, i normally would be one of those smart@sses. But i *do* think that there are prime members with very real thoughts on the matter, and it would be a shame if this thread went beavis n butthead instead of letting them be heard. Save that nonsense for the other 95% of prime, por favor. :redface:

Sure -- but in my last post you responded with ad hominem attacks. And I just don't have time for that kind of "debate".

Your first post had merit. Beyond that, you demonstrated your inability to read and comprehend what I was writing, and, after giving you an "out" (since we're both solidly in the realm of "opinion") which you dismissed, I made you look like the fool that you appear to be. Capiche?
Sorry, but I dont think "serious" can be mentioned in the context of this particular topic.

Provide actual evidence of anything. Not supposition framed by a pre-conceived notion. Not "gut feelings" and suspicions. Not events proven as a clear hoax. Not circumstantial occurances. "Circumstantial evidence" is nothing more than a random event. It doesn't accumulate into real evidence.

I have a scientific mind and so I am able to recognize clear pseudo science. I dont care how many thousand page diatribes are written and how many four hour speeches are given.

Until I see genuine hard evidence, or even a genuine *rational* theory, all of this is no more or less plausible to me than organized religion (meaning not very)

And I do very much view it as deeply insulting to Egyptians (and I have Egyptian friends infuriated by this) that the collective ego of Western Civilization simply cannot deal with the fact that there was a time when the Euro male was not the master of the earth.

I mean if we're going to talk soft sciences, lets throw in some psychology. Why is it, exactly, that it is always the works of ancient *non-Euro* civilizations that are being questioned (mezo-American, Egyptian, etc) and the questioning is always being done by men of European descent?

Maybe aliens built Buckingham Palace and the Roman Aqueducts. I mean really, why not? In Egyptian society, the Pharoah was god. It is purely a modern conceit (and an ethnocentric one as well) to harp on the idea that there simply *must* be some metaphysical motivation behind the resources they devoted to constructing those monuments. Why don't we question the Great Wall? Because we believe we understand its purpose. I would argue that those who worship "aliens" as a divinity (because psychologically, I truly believe thats what this is about), sieze on the pyramids because they seem enigmatic enough. Siezing on a wall (even though it is just as breathtaking of an accomplishment) would seem ridiculous. If these structures are a "warning" or a "message" then they are an epic failure because 99% of the population thinks they are what they appear to be - tombs. I guess our alien masters in their endless and massive knowledge and wisdom, working in hand with the ancients, goofed on this one. Maybe they should have just carved the "message" into the hieroglyphs which, surprisingly enough, we are actually able to *read* up to this day. Wouldnt it have made a *lot* more sense to use *language* to convey some giant message? After all, every human civilization shares the same flaw in assuming it is immortal. Unless you're going to now tell me that the Egyptians worked under the assumption that they would one day see their empire collapse into dust and so assumed that their language would be lost and only a giant mysterious building would be adequate in passing on the knowledge. If that was the case, why fill it with hieroglyphs at all? And since they did, why not take a gamble and include the message anyway? And what IS this message exactly? That there is a vast nuclear stockpile buried beneath them? Are you really serious?

Ski-banker, with all due respect, no matter how ironic and glib you may manage to be jousting on forums like this, I view the things you wrote as a roadmap laid down to a pre-determined destination. Not a path discovered by someone seeking genuine truth. Good science doesn't blindly assume a destination and then chart its way there and in "debates" on this topic, that is all I see.

Everytime I bother getting into a discussion like this, I inevitably come away marveling over the parallels with the discussions I have engaged in with those who believe in intelligent design (the folks who refute evolution). It is the exact same personality and mindset. The mythology has simply been updated in the minds of many modern folks so it is more compatible with modern science.

What we know for sure is no more or less than the following:

It is possible that there is other life in the universe

It is possible that extra-terrestrial life forms have visited earth

There is no hard evidence that there is life anywhere else in the universe and, outside of some mathematical models, there is mounting evidence that sentient life may be far more rare than we think (absence of RF chatter, prevalence of binary stars, frequency of atmosphere killing cosmic events, etc)

There is no evidence that extra-terrestrial life has visited earth and, unless we have a staggering misunderstaning of physics (maybe the aliens didnt want us to know too much), or unless aliens have some kind of "magic technology", it is damn likely that such a voyage would be, if not impossible, hardly worth the effort

The dinosaurs were heading pretty much nowhere before a planetary event (or series of events) rendered them extinct and paved the way for human evolution and dominance. If not for that one twist of chance, the earth woudld be populated by giant, brainless, animals. Anyone who thinks they're using "common sense" and playing some game of averages should give serious thought to that. Billions of stars? Try trillions. But now eliminate the binaries... Eliminate the systems that cannot support planets that can sustain life... Now eliminate the planets that suffered planet-killing events... Now eliminate the planets where *intelligent* life simply never evolved (it wasnt evolving here until the dinosaurs were cleared)... Suddenly the idea of 23km wide motherships hovering over human cities doesnt seem quite as likely...
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What makes the earth so special? Why is it the only planet that is covered in water? How could it be that we are exactly the right distance and rotational axis from the sun to maintain temperatures that life can tolerate? We are literally talking hundreds if not thousands of variables have to be right in order for life to exists.

What if we are the aliens to Earth? Planted here thousands of years ago by our space ship that crashed onto Earth? Quickly turning us into savages and then finally into civilized people.

Now they say the Universe ends? Whats at the end? A glass wall? Are we all living in some huge fish bowl in some other Aliens living room?

So many what ifs, and why's it will drive you crazy if you dwell on it too much that we all just say screw it, i'm on this planet rotating at 24K MPH per day... Just live your life enjoy what we got here :)
Unless you have really studied astronomy/astrophysics/biology/paleontology/ ect ect the average joes knowledge and ideas are made up from various sci fi movies or whatever is on the cable as documentary:rolleyes: So take it from someone who has had formal studies in those areas .....My cliff notes :cool: mankind is amazing and we lazy asses of today relying on computers and machines can't fathom what 10,000 or 100,000. motivated people can acomplish together:smile: For me the single hardest idea to comprehend and one that bends my neurons is the singularity of the origin of all matter.How did the elements that form our universe all the particles and the laws that govern thier behavior come to be??????
Sorry, but I dont think "serious" can be mentioned in the context of this particular topic.

Provide actual evidence of anything. Not supposition framed by a pre-conceived notion. Not "gut feelings" and suspicions. Not events proven as a clear hoax. Not circumstantial occurances. "Circumstantial evidence" is nothing more than a random event. It doesn't accumulate into real evidence.

I have a scientific mind and so I am able to recognize clear pseudo science. I dont care how many thousand page diatribes are written and how many four hour speeches are given.

Until I see genuine hard evidence, or even a genuine *rational* theory, all of this is no more or less plausible to me than organized religion (meaning not very)

And I do very much view it as deeply insulting to Egyptians (and I have Egyptian friends infuriated by this) that the collective ego of Western Civilization simply cannot deal with the fact that there was a time when the Euro male was not the master of the earth.

I mean if we're going to talk soft sciences, lets throw in some psychology. Why is it, exactly, that it is always the works of ancient *non-Euro* civilizations that are being questioned (mezo-American, Egyptian, etc) and the questioning is always being done by men of European descent?

Maybe aliens built Buckingham Palace and the Roman Aqueducts. I mean really, why not? In Egyptian society, the Pharoah was god. It is purely a modern conceit (and an ethnocentric one as well) to harp on the idea that there simply *must* be some metaphysical motivation behind the resources they devoted to constructing those monuments. Why don't we question the Great Wall? Because we believe we understand its purpose. I would argue that those who worship "aliens" as a divinity (because psychologically, I truly believe thats what this is about), sieze on the pyramids because they seem enigmatic enough. Siezing on a wall (even though it is just as breathtaking of an accomplishment) would seem ridiculous. If these structures are a "warning" or a "message" then they are an epic failure because 99% of the population thinks they are what they appear to be - tombs. I guess our alien masters in their endless and massive knowledge and wisdom, working in hand with the ancients, goofed on this one. Maybe they should have just carved the "message" into the hieroglyphs which, surprisingly enough, we are actually able to *read* up to this day. Wouldnt it have made a *lot* more sense to use *language* to convey some giant message? After all, every human civilization shares the same flaw in assuming it is immortal. Unless you're going to now tell me that the Egyptians worked under the assumption that they would one day see their empire collapse into dust and so assumed that their language would be lost and only a giant mysterious building would be adequate in passing on the knowledge. If that was the case, why fill it with hieroglyphs at all? And since they did, why not take a gamble and include the message anyway? And what IS this message exactly? That there is a vast nuclear stockpile buried beneath them? Are you really serious?

Ski-banker, with all due respect, no matter how ironic and glib you may manage to be jousting on forums like this, I view the things you wrote as a roadmap laid down to a pre-determined destination. Not a path discovered by someone seeking genuine truth. Good science doesn't blindly assume a destination and then chart its way there and in "debates" on this topic, that is all I see.

Everytime I bother getting into a discussion like this, I inevitably come away marveling over the parallels with the discussions I have engaged in with those who believe in intelligent design (the folks who refute evolution). It is the exact same personality and mindset. The mythology has simply been updated in the minds of many modern folks so it is more compatible with modern science.

What we know for sure is no more or less than the following:

It is possible that there is other life in the universe

It is possible that extra-terrestrial life forms have visited earth

There is no hard evidence that there is life anywhere else in the universe and, outside of some mathematical models, there is mounting evidence that sentient life may be far more rare than we think (absence of RF chatter, prevalence of binary stars, frequency of atmosphere killing cosmic events, etc)

There is no evidence that extra-terrestrial life has visited earth and, unless we have a staggering misunderstaning of physics (maybe the aliens didnt want us to know too much), or unless aliens have some kind of "magic technology", it is damn likely that such a voyage would be, if not impossible, hardly worth the effort

The dinosaurs were heading pretty much nowhere before a planetary event (or series of events) rendered them extinct and paved the way for human evolution and dominance. If not for that one twist of chance, the earth woudld be populated by giant, brainless, animals. Anyone who thinks they're using "common sense" and playing some game of averages should give serious thought to that. Billions of stars? Try trillions. But now eliminate the binaries... Eliminate the systems that cannot support planets that can sustain life... Now eliminate the planets that suffered planet-killing events... Now eliminate the planets where *intelligent* life simply never evolved (it wasnt evolving here until the dinosaurs were cleared)... Suddenly the idea of 23km wide motherships hovering over human cities doesnt seem quite as likely...

First, thank you for a very well reasoned and articulated post. I would agree with 99% of it. In fact, probably 100% of it.

My thoughts:
1. I COMPLETELY AGREE that beginning with an idea/thesis, and then searching for supporting data, is prone to error. Unfortunately, that's just how humans think and make decisions. The more intellectual ones recognize this and try their best to not fall for the trap, but they all still do it. All I can say is that I didn't "start" with Ancient Aliens as a hypothesis, but that I became aware of it and it (for me) better explained certain very big historical events than did the prevailing wisdom I was taught (by people that don't know any better than anyone else). Specifically:

a. How were the pyramids were built -- Science seems to have gotten the physical construction part figured out, but science does not have an answer to the bigger question (for me) of how the civilization supported such a massive project. More importantly, science doesn't attempt to answer it. It's "case closed" once there is evidence of people, chisels, and a workable solution to stacking 3 ton bricks 450 in the air.

b. Why does Mayan civilization and its pyramids mirror that of the ancient Egyptians? Dramatic rise, stunning math & astronomical knowledge, pyramids, mysterious decline after the pyramids were built (same as Egypt -- the impressive 4th dynasty only lasted 100 years). Again, scientists refuse to ask those questions, postulate generalities (must have been famine), or simply chalk it up to "we don't know." Not knowing is perfectly fine and works well for the scientific method, but it does NOT mean that the widely accepted hypothesis is factually correct. It's still an opinion and will always be that way until our time machine is up and running. :rolleyes: Hence my irritation at the intellectual dishonesty of a person, equally clueless as myself, posts "Darn that science and reason! Always getting in the way of a good story!" And then that same person refusing to recognize his views as being an opinion -- turning what could be an interesting discussion/debate into a "You're wrong and I'm right" farce.
Your first post had merit. Beyond that, you demonstrated your inability to read and comprehend what I was writing, and, after giving you an "out" (since we're both solidly in the realm of "opinion") which you dismissed, I made you look like the fool that you appear to be. Capiche?
No capiche. I posted logic and reason, you responded with some kind of weird typographical analogy. I never called you a "fool" or "not the wisest", yet you seem to have no trouble dismissing me with such language.

Your first response to me was also littered with attributions to me which I did not make and do not believe. You did not want to rebut my actual argument, so you made up your own argument against your point and rebutted that. This is how you debate?

And after reading all your posts, I must admit I am at a loss to understand what your point is. You concede that the construction of the pyramids is within the technology of the ancient Egyptians, but insist that the real question (which "scientists" can't answer) is "Why?". In this case, I do agree with you, and "why were the pyramids constructed" is an open question, worthy of investigation and research. That's rather what Egyptologists do, after all.

I feel like I'm dancing with shadows when reading your posts. You hint around to what your real meaning is, but you never explicitly say it, and then attack those who attempt to have gleaned meaning.

Maybe I am unwise and foolish; in such case, can you please state your case in a manner that my feeble mind can comprehend?
Unless you have really studied astronomy/astrophysics/biology/paleontology/ ect ect the average joes knowledge and ideas are made up from various sci fi movies or whatever is on the cable as documentary So take it from someone who has had formal studies in those areas .....My cliff notes mankind is amazing and we lazy asses of today relying on computers and machines can't fathom what 10,000 or 100,000. motivated people can acomplish together For me the single hardest idea to comprehend and one that bends my neurons is the singularity of the origin of all matter.How did the elements that form our universe all the particles and the laws that govern thier behavior come to be??????

The simple most acceptable answer for most people is god. The great thing with this answer is you don't have to study advanced level math and physics. I remember when I took quantum physics in college, my professor said "If you think you understand quantum physics the first time, you really don't understand quantum physics."