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Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

Isn't there a simpler way to diagram this? :confused:

How about this?

<a href='http://cheezburger.com/View.aspx?aid=2691656704'><img src='http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/10/5/128992356302151894.png' id='_r_a_2691656704' title='Alien Venn Diagram' alt='Alien Venn Diagram' /></a><br />moar <a href='http://icanhascheezburger.com'>funny pictures</a>

I'm just kidding of course!!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Of course, this is completely lost on someone that doesn't know that the White House is a Roman Temple to the White Goddess Diana. You know, the lady whose WAY is MILKY, the pagan goddess that your wife dressed up as on your wedding day. Diana, also known as Columbia, has her temple in her district. Diana/Columbia, also known as ISIS.

If you are in crISIS, you wouldn't see EVIL if they put it up on your television screen and highlighted it in red for you.

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Of course, this is completely lost on someone that doesn't know that the White House is a Roman Temple to the White Goddess Diana. You know, the lady whose WAY is MILKY, the pagan goddess that your wife dressed up as on your wedding day.

Of all the things my wives have dressed up as, Diana the Pagan Goddess was not one of them. :biggrin:
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Finally proof! Now we know! Obama is an Annunaki! :) :tongue::wink:
Somebody please tell MAJOR STONER that the joke's over. We had some good times and a few laughs, but it's time to move on.
I like Venn Diagrams. Lol! :biggrin::tongue:

<a href='http://cheezburger.com/View.aspx?aid=2694472448'><img src='http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/10/6/128993219750682944.png' id='_r_a_2694472448' title='Flaminio's Post in a Venn Diagram' alt='Flaminio's Post in a Venn Diagram' /></a><br />moar <a href='http://icanhascheezburger.com'>funny pictures</a>

Just playing around. :biggrin::tongue:
What!?!? After all this, absolutely NO discussion of NASA "bombing" the moon!?! :confused: Surely there HAS to be some theories related to aliens as to NASA spending 79 million dollars to crash two probes into the moon's surface. Come'on people! It's NASA! Who know the untold number of secrets behind this mysterious action. Searching for water... pishaw! More like double crossed by our secret alien contacts on the moon and just like Jimmy Hoffa, we need to bury them and hide the evidence! Or perhaps the remains of Area 51 experiments gone wrong and we need to launch them in a place where they won't be found. Or maybe the "we didn't land on the moon" theorists were right and now we had to take a chunk out of the moon so that we could use that as an excuse if we never found the remains/evidence of our lunar landings. :confused:
I think it was because the "bombing" was so lame. Plus this thread isn't really about anything anymore. Just random crap.
they are obviously attacking the inhabitants moon... the mooninites of course!



The July 4th re-opening of the Statue of Liberty's Crown was an Illuminati code that the Veil of Isis...


Most of you seem to be missing the point. The Veil of Isis was never a physical cloth. The veil refers to that barrier between the material and the spiritual. No mortal may pierce it because mortals concentrate only on the material realm (logic, science, five senses), thus to penetrate this mystical veil, one must use your Divine nature which is immortal (Wisdom, Belief, et cetera). If you doubt this Veil exists then you only prove that you can't penetrate it.



Barack Obama-claims to have been born at 19.5 degrees (Hawaii).

Barack won Ohio (Columbus) with 11% of the votes counted, at 195 electoral votes, and was declared The Sun King Pharaoh with a final of 365 electoral votes at 11:00.


The slaves will even build Obama a pyramid/pillarmid/temple and call it a Presidential Library. They like to put lions on the outside of these halls of records to symbolize the sphinx.


McCain (Son of Cane) gave his concession speech at 11:11 from the "Biltmore" Hotel, outside "Phoenix", AZ.

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Been There/Done That-Clementine 1994

Clementine was a joint project between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The objective of the mission was to test sensors and spacecraft components under extended exposure to space and to make scientific observations of the moon and the near-Earth asteroid 1620 Geographos.

Following launch on January 7, 1998 UT aboard a three-stage Athena 2 rocket, the Lunar Prospector had a 105-hour cruise to the moon. During the cruise, the three instrument booms were deployed. The MAG and APS collected calibration data, while the GRS, NS, and ER outgassed for one day, after which they also collected calibration data in cis-lunar space.The craft was inserted into an 11.6-hour period capture orbit about the moon at the end of the cruise phase. After 24 hours Lunar Prospector was inserted into a 3.5-hour period intermediate orbit, followed 24 hours later (on January 13, 1998) by transfer into a 92x153 km preliminary mapping orbit, and then on January 16 by insertion into the near-circular 100 km altitude nominal lunar polar mapping orbit with an inclination of 90° and a period of 118 minutes.

Lunar calibration data was collected during the 11.6- and 3.5-hour orbits. Lunar mapping data collection started shortly after the 118 minute orbit was achieved. The data collection was periodically interrupted during the mission as planned for orbital maintenance burns, which took place to re-circularize the orbit whenever the periselene or aposelene was more than 20 to 25 km from the 100 km nominal orbit - about once a month. On December 19, 1998, a maneuver lowered the orbit to 40 km to perform higher resolution studies.

The orbit was altered again on January 28, 1999, to a 15x45 km orbit, ending the 1 year primary mission and beginning the extended mission. The mission ended on July 31, 1999, at 9:52:02 UT when Lunar Prospector was deliberately targeted to impact in a permanently shadowed area of a crater near the lunar south pole. It was hoped that the impact would liberate water vapor from the suspected ice deposits in the crater and that the plume would be detectable from Earth, however, no plume was observed.

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Kanye West: "Me and my spaceship have crash landed on this planet, can you help us get home?" ;-)

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If this isn't evidence enough then I don't know what is... these astronauts have everything to lose and nothing to gain by coming out and giving these reports to the public against their orders from NASA.

Buzz Aldrin Interview on C-SPAN 6 part series:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Enjoy! :)
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These mortal bodies are NOT suited for space travel, so the next 'upgreyed' will be silicon based.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wSbyrwNbW7U&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wSbyrwNbW7U&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

In the Terminator series, machines are sent to take control over humans to alter reality.

"Salamon worries that if humans and AI have divergent goals, we could find ourselves in competition with the AI for resources to achieve those different goals. And when you compete with something vastly smarter than yourself, you lose. She stressed that assuring humanity and AI have the same goals requires a level of care and responsibility greater than even our stewardship of nuclear weapons technology."

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tt2yMQ-HmQw&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tt2yMQ-HmQw&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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If this isn't evidence enough then I don't know what is... these astronauts have everything to lose and nothing to gain by coming out and giving these reports to the public against their orders from NASA.

Whether it's an Apollo astronaut or Cletus in his cornfield, they both suffer the same burden of proof. You can ask any CSI junkie about the value of eyewitness testimony: it's practically worthless. Hard evidence is what it takes to make a case, not 50 year old remembrances.

Look, I will readily concede that there is plenty in the universe that we either don't know about or don't understand. It's one of the truisms of science that the more we learn, the more we realize how much we don't yet know.

Buzz Aldrin saw something outside the window of Apollo 11. He was a top astronaut, in top condition, and so I wouldn't insult him by suggesting that he didn't. HOWEVER, it is a HUGE leap to go from "saw something" to "alien spacecraft". You must acknowledge this. The video that they showed alongside Buzz looks more like a lens artifact than any sort of spacecraft, to me. The fact that Buzz described his UFO as moving with the Apollo craft suggests to me that it was some sort of reflection or mirage, and not a real physical craft at all.
Whether it's an Apollo astronaut or Cletus in his cornfield, they both suffer the same burden of proof. You can ask any CSI junkie about the value of eyewitness testimony: it's practically worthless. Hard evidence is what it takes to make a case, not 50 year old remembrances.

Look, I will readily concede that there is plenty in the universe that we either don't know about or don't understand. It's one of the truisms of science that the more we learn, the more we realize how much we don't yet know.

Buzz Aldrin saw something outside the window of Apollo 11. He was a top astronaut, in top condition, and so I wouldn't insult him by suggesting that he didn't. HOWEVER, it is a HUGE leap to go from "saw something" to "alien spacecraft". You must acknowledge this. The video that they showed alongside Buzz looks more like a lens artifact than any sort of spacecraft, to me. The fact that Buzz described his UFO as moving with the Apollo craft suggests to me that it was some sort of reflection or mirage, and not a real physical craft at all.

So you think Buzz Aldrin saw a mirage? :rolleyes:
So you think Buzz Aldrin saw a mirage? :rolleyes:

I don't know what he saw. All I'm saying is that to go from "I saw something out the window" to "alien interstellar spacecraft" is a huge leap with no hard evidence to support it.

Remember what the "U" stands for in "UFO". If it's any alien craft, it's not really "U" any more, is it...
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