Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?























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sirius = dog star = morning star





The name Sirius comes from the Latin sirius. It is situated in the eye of the greater dog Canis (canine) Major, therefore it is known as the 'Dog Star'. Other meanings:

Transition Stage - Moving consciousness from one reality (frequency) to another
Spirit of Wisdom - Zoroastrian Translation
Brightly Radiating One - The Shining Ones




swamp gas
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The Joker's Kitchen Syncs part II - Electric Boogaloo





Q: Have they given or asked you to read certain comics?

Heath Ledger: The Killing Joke was the one that was handed to me. I think it’s going to be the beginning of The Joker. I guess that book explains a little bit of where he’s from but not too much. From what I’ve gathered, there isn’t a lot of information about The Joker and it’s left that way.




Three months beore Ledger, Killing Joke's Bassist Paul Raven died of heart failure in bed, Ledger was found dead in his bed of heart failure, and many compared his death with that of Brenden Lee.



Raven/crow appears at 1:10


Joker was based on a German actor named Conrad Veidt - specifically his portrayal of the character Gwynplaine in the film The Man Who Laughs.




Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989 - and who was furious he wasn't consulted about the creepy role - offered a cryptic comment when told Ledger was dead.

"Well," Nicholson told reporters in London early Wednesday, "I warned him."


Liber BABALON - The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General - An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch





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NASA is preparing its return to the Moon with the Orion 17 mission


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Hubble, Bubble, Toil & Troubles with the Hubble Telescope

'Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble' is actually a misquote from Shakespeare's Macbeth. The original words were 'Double, double toil and trouble' and this is how the scene plays out:

Act 4 scene 1: Thunder. Enter the three Witches.

Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed.

Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whined.

Harpier cries! 'Tis time, 'tis time!

Round about the cauldron go;
In the poisoned entrails throw:
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one.
Sweltered venom, sleeping got,
Boil thou first i'the charmèd pot.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Smoking Mirror and the Smoking Cauldron , let's look at another example of a modern-day magical device. Hubble has taken us way out to the Macrocosm and in our very near future it'll be time to get up close and personal with the deepest regions of the Microcosm. To achieve this task our Collective Consciousness has manifested the Large Hadron Collidor:

The Eye of the Tiger = Golden Eye = 007 = Dr. Dee


Try this out for size:

Take the word Hadron and Collidor, and then reverse them (giving you Collidor Hadron), and then combine the two words, you arrive at the word Colldron, or Cauldron. Yes?

The Large Hadron Collidor could, from a slightly distorted synchromystic perspective, be considered to be a Large Cauldron.


We find that the Large 'Hadron' Cauldron is connected to the Cat/Jaguar thanks to a statue of Shiva, a gift from the Indian government, which stands outside the very same CERN building which houses the Large Hadron Collidor.


Shiva, the Destroyer of Illusion, seems to be overseeing the bubbling Cauldron of sub-atomic particles, dancing inside the CERN compound as we transition into higher, yet deeper, levels of Consciousness.
In January through March of 1918 Crowley began a series of magickal workings called the Amalantrah Workings in furnished rooms in Central Park West, New York City (The Dakota Building). These were a performed via Sexual & Ceremonial Magick (his spelling) with the intent to invoke certain "intelligences" to physical manifestation. In actuality, the workings typically manifested as a series of visions and communications received through the mediumship of his partner, Roddie Minor.


Be that as it may, at least one such "intelligence" was brought into physical manifestation via the Magickal Portal they created. (A portal in this context is a "magickally" created rent in the fabric of time and space.) Crowley maintained the picture is actually a portrait and drawn from real life. This entity either called itself "Lam," or was named "Lam" by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of interdimensional origin, which was the term then for extraterrestrial. In communications with Lam, the symbolism of the egg featured prominently. Crowley included the portrait of Lam in his Dead Souls exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919.


According to the face value of the evidence, one could also theorize that the Magickal Portal that Crowley created in the Amalantrah Working brought through the first of these beings. However, the Portal constructed was properly closed. In contrast, when Parsons and Hubbard did their similarly constructed Babylon working involving the opening of the same Portal, either they ripped the portal beyond ability to be repaired and closed, or it was enlarged beyond their ability to close it. In either case, the Portal - according to the evidence - has remained opened ever since to all manner of interdimensional entities to ingress upon the earth-world at will. The Parsons/Hubbard working effectively opened the world to the modern UFO entity situation. And, based on the Lucifer-Gnosis construct, O.T.O.-style occultists have continued to pull further interdimensional entities through this rip or unclosable portal.


Also and perhaps most significantly, Kenneth Grant, head of the current O.T.O., states that: "Lam is a Great Old One whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants." It would seem from this official Typhonian statement that the current invokers of Lam are absolutely clear that Lam and the grey-aliens are one.

To quote from Grant’s Typhonian O.T.O. website:

"The Cult [of Lam] has been founded because very strong intimations have been received by Aossic Aiwass, 718’.’ to the effect that the portrait of Lam (the original drawing of which was given by 666’.’ to 718’.’ under curious circumstances) is the present focus of an extra-terrestrial - and perhaps trans-plutonic - Energy which the O.T.O. is required to communicate at this critical period, for we have now entered the Eighties mentioned in The Book of the Law.

It is Our aim to obtain some insight not only into the nature of Lam, but also into the possibilities of using the Egg as an astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam’s domain, or for exploring extra-terrestrial spaces in the sense in which O.T.O. Tantric Time-Travelers are exploring the Tunnels of Set in intra-cosmic and chthonian capsules.

Members of the O.T.O. who feel strongly attracted to this Cult of Lam are invited to apply for participation therein. It is open only to Order members. They should contact Frater Ani Asig, 375’.’ of the Sovereign Sanctuary, O.T.O. and submit a formal, typewritten and signed acceptance of the conditions of Working outlined here.

It should be understood that proficiency in the magical formulae of this Cult does not necessarily comport eligibility for advancement in the O.T.O., its parent Order."

Concurrently, a manuscript called "The Lam Statement" was circulated among O.T.O. initiates with a view to "regularizing the mode of rapport and constructing a magical formula for establishing communication with Lam."

It is interesting to note that since Crowley’s time, in occult terms at least, Lam is considered a class of entity rather than an individual being. When one invokes Lam, they are invoking an entity of that type, rather than a specific being. For occultists operating along O.T.O. lines, the idea is to invoke these Lam entities through Magickal Portals (intentionally created rents in time and space) into physical manifestation on planet earth. Why this is desirable is not always so clearly stated.

Michael Bertiaux, a Lam contactee and invoker of note, viewed Lam as the "subterranean burgeoning of Lucifer-Gnosis." Considering that Gnosis means an intuitive knowing, this would mean that knowing Lam is to know a welling-up from the unconscious of an inner knowing of Lucifer. (The Occult being the occult, it is important to bear in mind that occultists at least may not necessarily see Lucifer as the devil, but rather as a "light bringer" who fell to earth.)

Bertiaux goes on to say that Lam is the natural mode of human evolution in the present Aeon - indicating that to him and his followers this Lucifer-Gnosis is the appropriate path of human spiritual growth at this time.

Crowley termed the intentional cultivation of spiritual growth the "Great Work."

And the Great work for Crowley,

"...involved precisely the establishment of contact with non-human intelligences."

Intelligences such as Lam. Using the language of Crowley’s time, certain non-human intelligences such as Lam were what we today would term "extraterrestrial."

I have no idea where you are going with this... Random pictures?

Yes, people occasionally make movies/pictures that might resemble something else. If I draw a triangle, it doesn't mean I'm referencing the great pyramid of Egypt.
I have continued posting, in part, for the benefit of Mr. Ski_Banker, if he is still hanging around. Who, by no meddling of mine, seems to have gotten himself possessed by a spirit entity claiming to be Lucifer. Often, the ones that I encounter in haunted places, or attached to obsessed people, speak in visions, metaphors, and strange coincidences that I sometimes don’t fully understand until months later, if ever. This is just the way of work in the astral light. You wanted proof of "ELien contact", careful what you wish for. It just doesn't fit in with your (non) belief system expectations, and so you seek some additional rational scientific explanation. The doctor made his diagnosis, and I made one of gnosis. The analytical mind vs. the creative. Small wonder than, that many black ops scientists wind up studying mysticism...and older artists begin wearing suits. The first time I saw a ufo as a child, I could control it's movement with my thoughts. That didn't jive with my idea of ufos, and so I dismissed what I saw as a figment of my imagination.

I watched the last Batman movie, for the first time, after posting about the Joker the other day. During the climax of the film he throws out the line I fed flaminio: "What happens when a unstoppable force hits an immovable object?"


The Joker?

Susanna Clarke in her Novel “Jonathan Strange and M. Norell” noted that Humans and Fairies have an inverse relationship regarding Reason and Magick. Humans having great capacity for the former and less for the latter, whereas fey have enormous magickal power but comparatively little capacity for reason. For this reason the Shaman and the Sorcerer who is not content to deal only with those incorporeal beings that are listed in the Occult Grammaries (who are themselves sometimes far from pleasant characters), must learn to communicate with the spirits in the spirits own round about fashion.

The Yaminahua Shamen of Peru, who are famous for working with Ayahuasca induced trance call this type of Spirit language “Tsai Yoshtoyoshto” which literally translates as "language-twisting-twisting.". The Anthropolohist, Graham Townsley translates this expression as “Twisted Language”. Again, one Shaman he interviews states "With my koshuiti I want to see - singing, I carefully examine things - twisted language brings me close but not too close - with normal words I would crash into things - with twisted ones I circle around them - I can see them clearly. "

Direct and concrete language frightens the spirits and therefore according to Townsley must be "deliberately constructed in an elliptical and multi-referential fashion so as to mirror the refractory nature of the beings who are their objects." He concludes: "Yoshi are real beings who are both 'like and not like' the things they animate. They have no stable or unitary nature and thus, paradoxically, the 'seeing as' of 'twisted language' is the only way of adequately describing them. Metaphor here is not improper naming but the only proper naming possible."

Jason Louv in a footnote to his essay “Spooky Tricks” compares the Twisted Language of spirit with David Bourland, Jr.’s idea of E-Prime, an approach to English that banishes all forms of the verb “to-be”. While writing and speaking in e-prime can be an excellent exercise for re-training the brain to think in different ways, and even to help understand occult and psychic messages, don’t expect the spirits to adhere to any kind of fixed rule about verbs and nouns, or any kind of fixed rule at all!

Best to say your prayers out loud, unless you believe all angels are telephathic.

Which brings us to Twin Peaks.

I have had many initiations both formal and informal. One of the strangest, and one that hit me completely from left field, involved nothing more than watching Twin Peaks, every episode back to back, followed by the movie, without stopping, over the course of one weekend. This is a magickal initiation... a magickal training technique.

In Twin Peaks, Dale Cooper is charged with solving the Murder of Laura Palmer, a murder which was physically committed by someone close to her but was directed by the discarnate spirit BOB. In the course of his investigation in Twin Peaks, his first real clue is given in a dream in which he appears as himself 25 years later in a room walled off by red curtains containing someone that looks like Laura Palmer, and a dancing midget in a red suit who tells him things like "That gum you like is going to come back in style", and "She's filled with secrets. Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song, and there's always music in the air." The girl that looks like Laura tells him "I feel like I know her but sometimes my arms bend back…"

Later, after being shot, he encounters another spirit that manifests as a Giant who tells him: "The owl's are not what they seem.", "There's a man in a smiling bag.", and "Without chemicals he points." These all turn out to be valuable clues as to what is going on, and have very concrete meanings. Other mysteries, in Twin Peaks, are not so clear cut. The Log Lady, for instance, utters some zingers like: "Shut your eyes and you'll burst into flames.", and "Fire is the devil hiding like a coward in the smoke." There is also the spirits of a little boy and his grandmother ,who appear in the series as one thing, and in the movie as another, and are trying to get their messages across using creamed corn! And of course most famously, Mike, the one armed man (who points without chemicals BTW) utters the famous incantation:

“Through the Darkness of future past the Magician longs to see. One chance out between two worlds, Fire Walk with Me.”

Of course, perhaps he was really saying “One chants out between two worlds” or perhaps he means both. That’s the twisted language for you.

Dale and crew discovers a portal to the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks that was opened up by Evil Tibetan sorcerers called Dugpas, but in the end, its not clear if the Midget, the Giant, and the one armed man, are agents of the Black Lodge, White Lodge, or perhaps in an attached waiting room with doors into both. You can’t figure the answers out with reason, so don’t try. You must learn the twisted language.

Twin Peaks is an occult training video in modes of spirit communication. When you figure out who is in the Log Lady’s Log, what Creamed corn represents, and if the Little Man from Another Place is the Giant's Black Lodge opposite, or the discarded Arm of the one armed man, than you will have graduated from the course.

It is a relationship a bit like Baked Alaska... Flaming Ice Cream. Get it?
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Twin Peaks is an occult training video in modes of spirit communication. When you figure out who is in the Log Lady’s Log, what Creamed corn represents and if the Little Man from Another Place is the Giant's Black Lodge opposite, or the discarded Arm of the one armed man, than you will have graduated from the course.

It is a relationship a bit like Baked Alaska... Flaming Ice Cream. Get it?

I'm going to have to watch Twin Peaks....
Wow, STONER. The fact that you have incoporated me into your bizarro mythology is at once flattering and frightening.

Do me a favor. Read this:


And then read it again.
More spit, piss, and vinegar?



Carl Sagan's essay on cannabis

Below are a few citations from an essay that astronomer Carl Sagan wrote in 1969 for Marihuana Reconsidered, a book published by Dr. Lester Grinspoon. At that time Sagan was 35 years old. He continued using cannabis for the rest of his life.

"The cannabis experience has greatly improved my appreciation for art, a subject which I had never much appreciated before. The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I'm down. This is one of many human frontiers which cannabis has helped me traverse."

"A very similar improvement in my appreciation of music has occurred with cannabis. For the first time I have been able to hear the separate parts of a three-part harmony and the richness of the counterpoint. I have since discovered that professional musicians can quite easily keep many separate parts going simultaneously in their heads, but this was the irst time for me. Again, the learning experience when high has at least to some extent carried over when I'm down. The enjoyment of food is amplified; tastes and aromas emerge that for some reason we ordinarily seem to be too busy to notice.

I am able to give my full attention to the sensation. A potato will have a texture, a body, and taste like that of other potatoes, but much more so. Cannabis also enhances the enjoyment of sex - on the one hand it gives an exquisite sensitivity, but on the other hand it postpones orgasm: in part by distracting me with the profusion of image passing before my eyes. The actual duration of orgasm seems to lengthen greatly, but this may be the usual experience of time expansion which comes with cannabis smoking."

"I do not consider myself a religious person in the usual sense, but there is a religious aspect to some highs. The heightened sensitivity in all areas gives me a feeling of communion with my surroundings, both animate and inanimate."

"When I'm high I can penetrate into the past, recall childhood memories, friends, relatives, playthings, streets, smells, sounds, and tastes from a vanished era. I can reconstruct the actual occurrences in childhood events only half understood at the time. Many but not all my cannabis trips have somewhere in them a symbolism significant to me which I won't attempt to describe here, a kind of mandala embossed on the high. Free-associating to this mandala, both visually and as plays on words, has produced a very rich array of insights."

"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."

Well said, Carl...

The entire text can be read here: Dr. Lester Grinspoon's Marijuana Uses
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The Joker's Sync Hole




Ambient/trance electronic albums by The Fireman, a pseudonym for Paul McCartney and producer Youth.

Martin Glover, also known as Youth, is a record producer and a founding member and original bassist of the UK band Killing Joke.

Paul Raven, replacement bassist with post-punk band Killing Joke, died of a suspected heart attack aged 46. Raven replaced original Killing Joke bassist Youth in 1982.

Beatles to Batman - Batman to Joker - Joker to Killing Joke Comic - Killing Joke comic to Heath Ledger - Ledger to Bass Player for band Killing Joke - Bassist for Killing Joke to McCartney - Mccartney to Beatles

Six degrees of Separation

In his writings of the late 1980s, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. presents the concept of Signifyin(g). Wound up in this theory is the idea that the “master’s house” can be “dismantled” using his “tools,” if the tools are used in a new or unconventional way.To demonstrate this process, Gates cites the interactions found in African American narrative poetry between the trickster, the “Signifying Monkey”, and his oppressor, the Lion.

According to Gates, the “Signifying Monkey” is the “New World figuration” and “functional equivalent” of the Esu trickster figure of African Yoruba mythology. The Lion functions as the authoritative figure in his classical role of “King of the Jungle.” He is the one who commands the Signifying Monkey’s movements. Yet the Monkey is able to outwit the Lion continually in these narratives through his usage of figurative language.

According to Gates, “[T]he Signifying Monkey is able to signify upon the Lion because the Lion does not understand the Monkey’s discourse. The monkey speaks figuratively, in a symbolic code; the lion interprets or reads literally and suffers the consequences of his folly…” In this way, the Monkey uses the same language as the Lion, but he uses it on a level that the Lion cannot comprehend. This usually leads to the Lion’s “trounc[ing]” at the hands of a third-party, the Elephant. The net effect of all of this is “the reversal of [the Lion’s] status as the King of the Jungle.” In this way, the “master’s house” is dismantled when his own tools are turned against him by the trickster Monkey.

In the Batman Movie, the yellow school bus (sun symbol) the Joker uses to make his first getaway is marked "District 22". This calls to mind the Fool trump of the Tarot (the predecessor of the Joker card in modern playing decks) which is numbered as 22 in esoteric circles.

checkerboard squares = masons
emergency = 911
hospital = Knights Hospitaller = The Dark Knights
The coin Two-Face flips has the goddess Columbia on it.

The Joker's planned big finish gets thrown a Joker...
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Oct. 1976 issue = on sale in early September, exactly 25 years before 9/11.


Kooky Monsters!