Upper Bulkhead Panel Replacement

15 January 2006
Dallas, TX
This piece is giving me fits! There's a pin on the left side of the panel that goes into a hole in the bulkhead. It's apparently there as a guide to make sure it's positioned correctly, but I can't seem to get the pin into the hole. I can't see or feel behind the panel so it's quite frustrating. I'm about to just cut the damn pin off unless anyone has a better suggestion.
OK, I'm about to fire up the dremmel!

Has anyone had issues trying to get this thing back into place?
Sometimes the pins get bent, and they will not align very well. Make sure all the pins are pointing in the same direction, both vertically and horizontally.

If you cut the pin off, the panel will not attach as firmly, and the panel has a tendency to come loose at high speeds when the windows are down. Ask me how I know this:(
I see the panel has a keyhole slot in it where the fastner goes. Do you put the fastner in the panel first, or do you put the fastner into the bulkhead and slide the panel over the fastner?
The fasteners should be attached to the panel first. I believe there are 3 of them.
Install the panel by engaging the upper lip first then "rotating" it into position. if the pins are straight and the fasteners properly inserted into the keyholes you should easlily be able to apply pressure to the back of the panel with everything lined up and engage the fasteners.
No to the Dremel!

I use a "two hand" approach to locate an install the pin. Do button up the panel from the passenger side to the offending metal pin (driver side).

Open the driver door wide and put knee(s) on driver seat facing rear window.

The pointer finger of one hand (my left) is pushed against the destination hole and the other pointer finger (my right) is held against the metal pin.

It goes in rather quickly with the sight impaired techinque.

Thanks for everyone's input. The reverse seating position made it a "snap"!