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Vote to keep or lose the User Reputation system

Should we continue using the User Reputation system?

  • I like it - keep it running

    Votes: 73 47.7%
  • I do not like it - turn it off

    Votes: 80 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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effer said:
If I had to choose between losing the user rep system or keeping it while creating around 50% of dissatisfaction ( or only around 50% of non dissatisfaction; which doesn't necessarily mean only satisfaction but also indifference or indecision ) , I wouldn't hesitate to flush it.

IMO only with a score over than 90% shall I consider to begin to think about thinking about maybe keeping it.

When we used to live without it, remember a few years ago, there was nearly a 100% of satisfaction!

I also believe when someone has to say something that could lead to affect some other's reputation, at least he should have the courage to say it directly, not anonymously.

My 0,000000000000000000000000000002 cents.

What's in a name?

What's in a score?

We are more than that...

Peace every body.
Makes good sense :)
Hey, where's the "I don't care" button?

Apathetics, UNITE! Or, don't! Or...screw it, let's have another margarita. :biggrin:
Meeyatch1 said:
If the system stays in place, we should do away with the anonymous feature. It is far too easy for people to sling shots at others when they know they are hiding behind the safety of their computer screens and anonymity. I say be accountable for your actions....if you feel strongly enough to leave feedback about someone, you should feel strong enough in your conviction to support it by placing your name on it. If you do not support it this way, then your comment is most likely lacking the backbone and integrity that we deserve here on NSX Prime.

Could not have said it better myself..............
I still agree the system is dividing us. It lets people make snibe comments while hiding behind their pc. Look at this friendly comment I got after a thread that got nothing but good communication from a lot of people and let us all vent on how dumb some drivers are. It was a good post and I think people enjoyed it. But somebody dislikes it and makes some childish comment. I do not think this board needs childish comments. We are all adults here.


What a buch of crap! I do not know this was even made up. If you have something nice to say that is what the forums are for or PM and vice-versa. This is just pointlesss.........We are here for the cars not useless comments.

BTW..........I would love to find out who made this comment towards me. I have a few choice words for him. :mad:
Some words of advice,,,learn to not take these things personaly(as you said these folks don't know you).Do what I do, use this as a tool to learn about how strangers think and react to things.You will be surprised at what others think and how they perceive posts.So what if someone thinks you should be on your own,wuptidoo.Also look at the bright side,each of us should be getting some nice complmentary comments as well and those are sastisfying!If someone is not getting any positive feedback and is a frequent poster,,they may want to figure out why,guess what ,thier content may be frivolous and unhelpful. :smile:
docjohn said:
Some words of advice,,,learn to not take these things personaly(as you said these folks don't know you).Do what I do, use this as a tool to learn about how strangers think and react to things.You will be surprised at what others think and how they perceive posts.So what if someone thinks you should be on your own,wuptidoo.Also look at the bright side,each of us should be getting some nice complmentary comments as well and those are sastisfying!If someone is not getting any positive feedback and is a frequent poster,,they may want to figure out why,guess what ,thier content may be frivolous and unhelpful. :smile:

You have some good points there. I am not worried about getting + comments, just the childish, negative, behind your back ones get to me and have no place here on this board. I just have had way too many people stare at me and make snibe remarks toward me in my life where comments like this just bug me. But I get over it quickly b/c if I did not, I would go nuts! Merry X-Mas................ :smile:
Whoever gave me a RED MARK and told me to give me a it a rest. GET A FREAKING LIFE YOU COWARD. :mad: Are you too afraid to post your thoughts in this thread? Afraid of a bad reputation mark? Coward.

I guess I am not allowed to have an opinion???

Merry X-mas to all the non-cowards who have given me good marks.
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NetViper said:
I guess I am not allowed to have an opinion???
I can't speak to anyone else's comments, but... Everyone's entitled to an opinion, and to state their opinion here... once. However, I don't think anyone needs to post here ten times :eek: to say which way they stand. (That's the "campaigning" that Lud and others have decried.) I think most folks understood your position after your first or second post.

However, let's not kid ourselves into pretending that your objections are directed solely towards the anonymity of the system. You have received a bunch of positive comments (which is why you have "a great reputation"), yet you have never objected to the anonymity of any of them. (I know, because I know when I gave you one of those comments. The simple fact is, you don't like receiving a negative comment - and every time you do, you complain about it instead of trying to understand why you might have received it.

I suggest you re-read docjohn's post. Whenever I have received a negative comment, I have thought about whether that person (whoever he or she may be) may have a legitimate point. Sometimes, I have agreed; sometimes, I have disagreed; and sometimes, although I have disagreed, I have also realized why someone might view my post that way. On some of these occasions, I have gone back and edited or deleted my previous post (and sometimes, even more than once) to try to make it less objectionable to others.

What amazes me are the people who apparently think they are so perfect that they refuse to admit that they might have said something that others would find objectionable - especially those who already get enough positive comments to have "a great reputation". It's like a truly great pitcher who still complains every time an umpire calls his pitch a ball instead of a strike; after a while, his reputation is as a whiner instead of as a great pitcher.
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The internet is a tricky way to communicate. Sometimes thoughts don't translate to the computer the way they were intended. Messages that were meant to have a sense of humor can be perceived as smart a#% or sarcastic.:frown:

My perception on prime has been most changed by actually meeting members. At JGTC I had the opportunity to finally put over 100 screen names to real faces. I tend to see posts differently now. Some of these names are not faceless people sitting behind keyboards.

I would hope in the future that anyone who uses the rating system (good or bad) would leave useful comments attached. "Grow up and move out of your dads house" to Ekin95 is, need I say... useless as constructive criticism. We all don't have to agree, but we need to respect each others opinion. :smile:
nsxtasy said:
I can't speak to anyone else's comments, but... Everyone's entitled to an opinion, and to state their opinion here... once. However, I don't think anyone needs to post here ten times :eek: to say which way they stand. (That's the "campaigning" that Lud and others have decried.) I think most folks understood your position after your first or second post.

Ken, you have repeated your opinion on the system more than once in this thread. Should I give you a negative reputation mark also?

Plus, I didn't say a thing about the system, is said "look at the votes, the system is staying:("
NetViper said:
Ken, you have repeated your opinion on the system more than once in this thread. Should I give you a negative reputation mark also?
If you review my posts in this topic - this one is my 14th - you will see that I only expressed my opinion on whether the system should stay or go in two of them (#3 and #61). The rest of my comments have been about specific aspects of the system without expressing an opinion one way or another (#43, #71, #74, #82, #93), or a joke (#21), or - most often - an objection to the "campaigning", i.e., to hearing an opinion expressed by the same person over and over and over and over and over again (#52, #78, #84, #99, #111, and this one).

Here are the ten :eek: posts in which you have expressed your opposition to the system or to some aspect of it: #28, #39, #45, #60, #72, #80, #98, #106, #110, and #113, and here are the posts in which you have not expressed your opposition to the system: #40, #63.

That practically constitutes the definition of campaigning.

NetViper said:
I didn't say a thing about the system, is said "look at the votes, the system is staying :( "
Oh come on, Dave, get real. You know as well as I do that that frown is there to express your opposition to the system.
nsxtasy said:
If you review my posts in this topic - this one is my 14th - you will see that I only expressed my opinion on whether the system should stay or go in two of them (#3 and #61). The rest of my comments have been about specific aspects of the system without expressing an opinion one way or another (#43, #71, #74, #82, #93), or a joke (#21), or - most often - an objection to the "campaigning", i.e., to hearing an opinion expressed by the same person over and over and over and over and over again (#52, #78, #84, #99, #111, and this one).

Here are the ten :eek: posts in which you have expressed your opposition to the system or to some aspect of it: #28, #39, #45, #60, #72, #80, #98, #106, #110, and #113, and here are the posts in which you have not expressed your opposition to the system: #40, #63.

That practically constitutes the definition of campaigning.

Oh come on, Dave, get real. You know as well as I do that that frown is there to express your opposition to the system.

Geez Ken, You have WAY too much time on your hands! :biggrin:

Nonetheless, regardless how I feel, the coward that gave me a negative mark is welcome to expressive his/her opinion in this thread and I sure wouldn't give them a negative mark because of it.
Hard to really understand what could possibly be offensive about that - unless it's the spelling police

(That was a joke - I can't seriously believe anyone would give a negative for spelling)

But hard to find anything inflammatory in there either? Unless it was your pre-edited comment?
The reputation system can only work if the feedback makes sense. If all feedback were accompanied by comments telling why it was given, I think that would improve the system. (I wonder if it's possible to require comments, and not permit feedback unless it's accompanied by comments?) I try to make it a habit of including comments with my feedback. IMO it's every bit as important for positive feedback as negative feedback. It's a lot more helpful to me as a recipient to know that I received the positive feedback because a post was funny, or helpful, or generous, and I would think others would want to know the same thing. Not that I am quibbling with positive points earned without comments - but I am left to my own idea of why it might have earned it, rather than hearing from the person giving the points. And of course, the same thing is true of negative feedback - you want to know why someone gave it, so that you can avoid doing the same thing in the future, and/or go back and edit it. (Or, at a minimum, think that the comment is silly, particularly when it's refuted by the post right after it like the one I got this morning :mad: ).

Brian, I cannot imagine why anyone would have given you negative points for that post. :confused: Heck, you're one of the most helpful people around (as I've noted here). Most of us really appreciate all that you do, in your posts as well as with your repairs. I would suggest you just chalk it up to someone who's either clueless, or envious of how much you do for other people (which is pretty silly). Maybe Lud can delete it or follow up with the person who posted it. I'll send him a note...
Briank said:
Someone dinged my reputation on this post


I don't really care but they could have at least added a comment on why they disapproved :tongue:

It is not a ding - the user who left it has zero reputation power. Possibly just a new user clicking the wrong thing, who knows. That's why I set it to require 50 public posts before someone has any reputation power.
NSX Prime said:
It is not a ding - the user who left it has zero reputation power. Possibly just a new user clicking the wrong thing, who knows. That's why I set it to require 50 public posts before someone has any reputation power.
You can tell for yourself when someone has zero reputation power, meaning that their feedback carries no points (positive or negative). In such cases, the feedback is shown with a gray box next to it, instead of a green box (positive points) or a red box (negative points).
Lud has already posted that the anonymous feature of the rep. system is built into the software and that the debate on that point was moot since it can't be changed.

In that same vein I would like too add this:

To the folks that dislike the "anonymous" feature of the reputation system and challenge folks to have the "courage" and "backbone" to show who they are I would like to go one better and put a challenge to all as it applies.
I suggest that you first stop being anonymous members of Prime. Show your full name and what city you are from in your profile.
I voted against it mainly because I have no use to rating what a person says. I still look at threads and scan them completely if the title apeals to me. I am in favor of a trader rating system though. But in all honesty don't know if I've ever rated anyone or used the system until looking at this thread.
I guess my point is that why have a system that creates so much controversy and dislike from members. This website and board is one place where you can go and share stuff with people that have the same interests and you should not have to put up with snibe comments behind your back.

Heck I am a shoe collector and I have a message board I visit all the time and I am one of the oldest people on it. Most of the board is full of 17-20 yr olds and there are no comments like I have seen and heard b/c of this rating system. We have a section for comments about people called the flamethrower. If you have a problem with someone, duke it out (so to speak) and get it over with for everyone to see. No hidden comments and stuff like that. That is childish and if any childish behavior should take place it should be on my message board with young people and NOT here. But yet it is the complete oppopsite.

Just take it down and this board will be like it is supposed to. A fun place to visit....... :smile:
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