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Water found on Mars!!!!

The impact of this of potetially huge. Is Eve the mother of all living?
The impact of this of potetially huge. Is Eve the mother of all living?

No, she's the mother of all people ;) not all living things.. eg bacteria. However, if there was bacteria on the planet, now that would be cool!

I can't wait to get to Mars - I'm just not looking forward to nuclear war over the land...
Eve. "because she was the mother of all the living." Genesis 3:20
Eve means "life," "life giving" or "mother of all who have life."

No, she's the mother of all people ;) not all living things.. eg bacteria. However, if there was bacteria on the planet, now that would be cool!

I can't wait to get to Mars - I'm just not looking forward to nuclear war over the land...
Great now we have to worry!Imagine a martian bacteria or prion sitting there in the soil waiting to be unleashed on our fertile earth,mutating faster than our ability to control it,it killed the once thriving martian ecosystem turning the red planet to dust:eek: .........Anyone want the screen play I've got one:wink:
Until they complete mars terraforming projects and construct proper roads the NSX won't operate as good as it does on earth. I've heard of attempts by Honda in their mars simulation lab to get an electric NSX to function properly, but regardless of what they come up with, the lack of scheduled road projects will make driving on mars horrible. Toyota already has plans to get the upcomming prius-suv working in the mars environment but they are equipping it with tri spoke tires similar to the vehicle in the movie damnation alley damnation alley. While Toyota's new solution will work on Mar's bad road the price tag will be much too steep and it's not being offered with a sport package.
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Damn! I was hoping they'd find oil! :eek:

Still, this is amazing news. Total Recall is now one step closer to reality! :D
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Thoughtful comment:
It's a historic milestone. We're lucky to be alive during a time when such questions are finally answered.

Wiseass comment:
Vacation in Vegas instead. Infrastructure on Mars SUCKS.
Great now we have to worry!Imagine a martian bacteria or prion sitting there in the soil waiting to be unleashed on our fertile earth,mutating faster than our ability to control it,it killed the once thriving martian ecosystem turning the red planet to dust:eek: .........Anyone want the screen play I've got one:wink:

Something similar was actually a series of books that the author never finished and pissed off a lot of people in the process because he kept promising the next one was coming. The Chtorr Chronicles or something like that, IIRC it was written by the same guy who did the script for Star Trek's The Trouble With Tribbles..... Don't make me google... it will come to me........ remember.......... David Gerrold!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so I'm slower than google, but at least the info was still in my skull somewhere.

14 years since Book 4 - that's more than enough time, especially since he's written OTHER books in the meantime. Comment below stolen from Amazon book review:
At the time of writing Book 4 (in 1994), Gerrold mentions that he was about 30,000 words into Book 5. I've looked up various mentions on the Internet since then, and one thing that Gerrold has repeatedly states was that Book 5 was very hard to write. From what I gather, Book 5 is literally a book where Jim goes insane and becomes at least partially terraformed by the Chtorran ecology. I gather that much of it will be halucinations.

In early 2001 David Gerrold mentioned on his website that he had just finished an important turning point in the plotline of the novel, and had also passed 100,000 words (with a projected book length of 300,000 words). His website now has not been updated in months, but still posts a 2002 release for A Method For Madness.

For all of you who are upset over the long wait, keep in mind that he is quite busy with other things. As his website says, he has a special-needs child that takes up a lot of his time and is more important to him than anything else. Just give him time.
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Mhhhhhhh, we all know there is a giant ice cap over the north pole of mars....

Ice = Water... = H2O = life...

I know it is hard for some of you to comprehend, but it has been there for a very long time; you can see it, ever since people invented strong enough telescope to reach that part of the Red Planet....

Amazing achievement for NASA....

I bet you the next thing they will find a some kind of amoeba... I promise. My crystal ball is telling me that... When the time is right, like... when NASA needs more funding....
Mhhhhhhh, we all know there is a giant ice cap over the north pole of mars....

Ice = Water... = H2O = life...

I know it is hard for some of you to comprehend, but it has been there for a very long time; you can see it, ever since people invented strong enough telescope to reach that part of the Red Planet....

Amazing achievement for NASA....

I bet you the next thing they will find a some kind of amoeba... I promise. My crystal ball is telling me that... When the time is right, like... when NASA needs more funding....

i thought it was under the surface, are those x-ray telescopes, or are they looking threw telescopes while wear x-ray specs?

maybe it wasnt under the ass and i sound like an ass just then:redface:
i thought it was under the surface, are those x-ray telescopes, or are they looking threw telescopes while wear x-ray specs?

maybe it wasnt under the ass and i sound like an ass just then:redface:

Discovery/Science Channel!!!

Where do you think the water in the ice cap came from?:wink:
Mhhhhhhh, we all know there is a giant ice cap over the north pole of mars....


I know it is hard for some of you to comprehend, but it has been there for a very long time; you can see it, ever since people invented strong enough telescope to reach that part of the Red Planet....

I don't know who you're speaking to, but the purpose of the Phoenix mission is not to establish the presence of water on Mars. Since Viking, it's been widely accepted that the permanent part of the cap is frozen water, as opposed to frozen CO2 (although there is seasonal frozen CO2). The landing site was specifically chosen to "follow the water".

The actual objectives of Phoenix are to "study the history of water in the Martian arctic and search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary." So, what we are interested in is water in the soil.

That said, the sampling of water is still very significant: It's the first time we have "touched" and "tasted" water on another world.

More info:
Isn't the "ice" cap on Mars frozen CO2?

More like a dry ice cap, actually. :rolleyes:

Per Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geology_of_Mars

Polar ice caps

The Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of the Martian north polar ice cap in early northern summer.

Mars has polar ice caps that contain 85% highly carbon dioxide (CO<SUB>2</SUB>) ice and 15% water ice that change with the Martian seasons.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-water_23-0>[24]</SUP> Each cap has surface deposits of carbon dioxide ice that form a polar "hood" during Martian winter, and then sublimate during the summer uncovering the underlying cap surface of layered water ice and dust. The southern polar cap (Planum Australe) differs from the northern polar cap (Planum Boreum) in that it appears to contain at least some permanent deposits of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, which are changing on the time scale of years.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-warming_24-0>[25]</SUP> The southern polar cap has recently been confirmed to be a 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) thick slab of about 80% water ice. An interesting finding of the radar study is the suspected existence of a small sheet of what looks like liquid water between the ice and Mars' crust.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-radar_15-1>[16]</SUP>
NASA scientists calculate that the volume of water ice in the south polar ice cap, if melted, would be sufficient to cover the entire planetary surface to a depth of 11 metres.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-25>[26]</SUP> Additionally, an ice permafrost mantle stretches from the poles to latitudes of about 60°.<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-26>[27]</SUP>
That said, the sampling of water is still very significant: It's the first time we have "touched" and "tasted" water on another world.

I guess NASA has never been to Mexico then. Still... they could be on to something here- Martian Bottled Water. A taste of mars in every bottle!

Even at a hundred and sixty billion dollars a bottle, come on- their is a sucker born every minute. Which would you choose between at the quicky mart? The boring Earth water... or the exclusive imported martian water with Marvin the Martian on the label? :confused:
I don't know who you're speaking to, but the purpose of the Phoenix mission is not to establish the presence of water on Mars. Since Viking, it's been widely accepted that the permanent part of the cap is frozen water, as opposed to frozen CO2 (although there is seasonal frozen CO2). The landing site was specifically chosen to "follow the water".

The actual objectives of Phoenix are to "study the history of water in the Martian arctic and search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary." So, what we are interested in is water in the soil.

That said, the sampling of water is still very significant: It's the first time we have "touched" and "tasted" water on another world.

You see, "widely accepted" does not mean it is a fact, but "Most likely."

It is also "widely accepted" that Mars at one point, was earth like. Therefore, water, atmosphere, land, ocean, river existed.

If E=MC2 is same on Mars, it is not another world. The biggest hype of this story is the fact that NASA has pulled water out ground - They found a "farthest" water source to date.

I can see the headline now..."We have taste and touch the water from Atlantis, from another world." or "Water leaked out of 11th dimension.":biggrin:

Since the end of the Cold War, NASA has been loosing its ground with our government. They're funding source is getting dryer and dryer ever year; they need to make a big splash get people's attention. "New news" derived from old stories is the best way to get uninformed people's attention at a super low cost!!! It is actually sad to see NASA publish some thing so insignificant as this water on Mars story instead of some thing like "new plans to set up a moon observatory." or "The design of space colonies to help ease the earth population and pollution issues.":wink:
Photo Evidence!!!

rock on!

You see, "widely accepted" does not mean it is a fact, but "Most likely."
Oh, I see now. I never realized that. Thanks science man!

If E=MC2 is same on Mars, it is not another world.
Oh, so "world" doesn't mean "the planet Earth" or "the Earth and everything on it" or "a particular part of the Earth" or "an astronomical body considered to be inhabited, e.g. a planet". Boy, do I feel stupid! Thanks theoretical physicist / English prof dood!

It is actually sad to see NASA publish some thing so insignificant as this water on Mars story instead of some thing like "new plans to set up a moon observatory." or "The design of space colonies to help ease the earth population and pollution issues.":wink:

Yeah, totally! Nevermind the fact that the link I pointed you to outlines the four goals of Mars Exploration Program (the program the Phoenix mission is part of), one of which is the preparation of human exploration of Mars. I guess you're right though: NASA really has no business sharing anything about any of their missions with the public if it's too "science-y". It's like you're saying: sci-fi stuff is cool, but no-one could possibly be interested in science-without-the-fi.
Re: rock on!

Oh, I see now. I never realized that. Thanks science man!

Oh, so "world" doesn't mean "the planet Earth" or "the Earth and everything on it" or "a particular part of the Earth" or "an astronomical body considered to be inhabited, e.g. a planet". Boy, do I feel stupid! Thanks theoretical physicist / English prof dood!

Yeah, totally! Nevermind the fact that the link I pointed you to outlines the four goals of Mars Exploration Program (the program the Phoenix mission is part of), one of which is the preparation of human exploration of Mars. I guess you're right though: NASA really has no business sharing anything about any of their missions with the public if it's too "science-y". It's like you're saying: sci-fi stuff is cool, but no-one could possibly be interested in science-without-the-fi.
Science Man? Now a chance, how about "a man with common sense.":rolleyes:

I guess you couldn't sense the sarcasm but tried to counter with sarcasm. Way to go!!! I dig that.

Nope, sharing information is great, but hyping it is not cool. Ten years ago, they found life on Mars because the meteor they found in the North Pole, Bill Clinton, our president even had a huge news conference about it. Interestingly today, right before I ready you last post, the news channel was talking about how life on Mars is unlikely - because of "certain" toxic contend. Dude, talk about shoot first, trial later. As I have indicated, "Widely accepted" does not mean fact. Because they NOW telling people water exists on Mars, that does no means they didn't know about, or people didn't about it, or think they know about, or "widely accepted" that they know about it.

Doesn't matter what they want to do on Mars, without government funding, they can't do squad!!! All of the sudden we get all these Mars mission after they found a rock in the North Pole that Supposedly came from Mars and showing fossil life form?

This is like the GTR hype. I guess it is some thing for me to read since my afternoons have been pertty boring.