What have you hit with your NSX?

2 May 2013
St Augustine, FL
This came up yesterday with a buddy, when I mentioned that I had hit the following:

- with my 99, hit a chicken crossing the road (didn't ask why) at WOT at about 70mph. Just lost the tow cover, did not end well for the chicken
- with my 91, hit a goose at 5mph having slammed on the brakes. No obvious damage to car or goose, goose just picked itself up and waddled off.

Needless to say, I am pretty nervous about what I'll hit if I ever get a 3rd car....turkey? Emu?
If you put your foot down and keep it there, you'll hit 270 km/hr! (if the track is long enough...:smile:).
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My wife is an entomologist. When I came back from a night drive with dead bugs all over my car, she said "it must have been over 60deg F". So then the next time on a colder night.. no bugs. No lie, then there are the other bugs that come out on a full moon.
Hit a already dead coon once. Watched it spin around in circles in the rear view then looked under the car when i got home and had fur attached to the triangle braced under the engine.
I hit a deer with mine 3 blocks from my house. It tried jumping over the car and it's ass landed in my windshield. Fortunately it was only a windshield replacement. It flew over the car, landed on its feet, looked at me with a pissed off look, then ran away.
I hit a tire carcass on the way to NSXPO 2013. Lost my tow hook cover and bumper bolt cover. Luckily I have a clear bra so the paint wasn't affected and I had our San Antonio NSX guru, Scott Oliver with me in the passenger seat. Scott got on the phone with Leith Acura in North Carolina, He gave them the part numbers and paint code for Imola Orange Pearl. By the time we got there, Leith had the parts painted and ready to be installed.
I had a raccoon hit me once. I was driving along about 40 mph and it came darting into the road and ran smack into the driver's front fender, bounced off, and ran just as fast right back into the woods.
Mine was running a bit hot last year; found a huge crow blocking about 1/3 of the radiator. Easy fix :->

I hit a huge buck with my 911 @ 70 mph, wrinkled the floor pan and totalled it. Which is what led me to owning an NSX, so all is good.


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I hit a person at last months cars and coffee...
Never hit anything...but it breaks necks all day long:biggrin:
Last fall when we went out our long weekend car cruise to the states I was cruising behind my buddies S2000 when he swerved to avoid a dead porcupine. I didn't see it until last second and smoked that thing at about 120kmh. It rooster tailed up and ripped apart and almost landed in my buddies Miata (top down). Needless to say I had quills and guts all under my car which then burnt to my freshly installed new Pride V2 with test pipes.
Hit a bird that was flying across the street. It bounced off of my windshield and kept going.
Hit a bird that was flying across the street. It bounced off of my windshield and kept going.
Once again, as with my deer incident, the aero of the nsx has all wind and animals flying up and over the roof.:biggrin:
Best one yet - any other exotic animal stories?

Last fall when we went out our long weekend car cruise to the states I was cruising behind my buddies S2000 when he swerved to avoid a dead porcupine. I didn't see it until last second and smoked that thing at about 120kmh. It rooster tailed up and ripped apart and almost landed in my buddies Miata (top down). Needless to say I had quills and guts all under my car which then burnt to my freshly installed new Pride V2 with test pipes.
I have pics of FuryNSX sucking a hummingbird into his bumper on a mountain run in San Diego. No idea why a hummingbird was flying that low near a road to begin with.
Here you can see where the deer tried jumping up into the passenger seat of the car. Pretty strong windsheild for being 25 years old and having a 200+ pound animal hit it at about 20 mph. I was expecting to get out and see severe damage. This was also right after I finally put all of the painted body panels and upgrades back on the car. Mother f%#ker. Just a new windsheild and 1 small scratch that buffed right out.

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