what would you do with the maersk / pirate situation?

First, if the USA is involved in any way with toxic waste dumping, depleting or harming Somalian fishing or other industries -- that must stop immediately. I recognize that his is extremely complex to track and enforce, but the United States cannot be contributing to Somalia's woes.

Second, the United States is not and cannot be the "World's Police Force." Candidly, if we once could afford it, that ended with a projected debt of $20 Trillion heading to $30 Trillion. So short or Ukrainian ships loaded with weapons, if it's not an American vessel, it's not our issue.

Third, as a policy, f you attack an American vessel (1) we don't pay ransoms; (2) we don't negotiate with terrorists; (3) we don't seek to "arrest," rather, you will be killed; and (4) to eliminated the risk of future attacks, known pirate safehouses, training centers, HQs and the like, will be pounded from the air. Yes, this is an attack on foreign soil and the UN will be "mad" at us -- so what? Once it is clear that the "cost" of attacking American flagged vessels is too steep, they will target the weakest of the herd -- good or bad, those are not our problem or our issue. Any other policy returns the United States to the 18th/19th century Barbary Coast piracy days when the United States did pay ransoms -- until Thomas Jefferson said, "enough."

As for the current situation, anything less than 4 SEALs, at night, from below the boat simultaneously taking out all four pirates and safely escorting the captain to the Navy ship will be a severe disappointment and will, unfortunately, signal a return to Carter-esq diplomacy and 444 day hostage standoffs.

Of course, that's just my opinion -- I could be wrong.
I hate to say it, but this is not our problem.

It's the problem of the shipping companies. If they can't afford to hire mercenary navy ships to escort them through somalian waters, well, then they should figure out another route.

Why should the rest of us worry about this as if it's our problem? We don't ask the shipping companies to protect our homes from robbery, so why do we care so much?

We can't do a damn thing about this. The shipping companies can. They just choose not to. I'm not going to lose sleep over their lack of action.

Also, remember in WWII when the US arranged fleets of ships with escorts to navigate through the atlantic to evade / fight the Nazi submarines? Why can't the commercial ships be bothered to pull together fleets together to sail as a convoy, with a security escort or two?

This would foil the pirtate attacks easily. But the shipping companies obviously can't be bothered to implement something like this. Guess it's cheaper to have a few ships lost to pirates than to pro-actively counter pirates like this. It's all about the money - cheaper to pay off the pirates.
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Pirates vs. Seals, end score was a slaughter by the Seals, Pirates lead in the begining up to the 3rd. quarter, the the Seals came from behind, a couple of well placed shots by the Seals left the pirates down by 2, then another Seal came in from the sideline and with a running shot scored another fine hit for the seals, The Pirates at this time were down by three and at the closing moments the Seals pulled it off. The captain was exhausted but it was a fine win for the Seals."The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat."

LOL ......:wink:
Pay the ransom. (more than 2M has been spent so far.
get the captain safe.
shoot the pirates.
I am relieved that this situation is resolved, and the Captain is safe, but somehow I think the piracy in that region will remain a problem.

Oh yeah- and Navy SEALs- FUCK YEAH! :biggrin:

Now, let's send the SEALs to Wall St to take out the other Pirates!
I just read this comment on the militarytimes website.

All four of these clowns should have been lying dead in the boat ten minutes after the Bainbridge got on the scene. Give them one chance to surrender, then get four sharpshooters up on the decks, pick a target, and drop them.

The beauty is that the comment was posted on April 10th. This vet's training wasn't wasted. Good to see that our military personnel know exactly how to play hardball. Makes you proud to be a US citizen.

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Jesse Ventura said it best.

"On the night that Jesus Christ supposedly rose from the dead,
The Navy SEALS shot three pirates straight through the head."
Each country should each take turn sending decoy warship cruising back and forth the most problematic routes. So when these mothaf@#kers approach these decoys to f@#k with them, then the decoys just launch some big mothaf@#king missles and f@#k them all!
Hey, I want to sound like Al Pacino in Scarface sometimes. :biggrin:
Watch Waterworld as part of the crews training before leaving port.:biggrin: