what's the difference?

I have seen them side by side. The Kaiser Silver and the Silverstone Silver are almost exactly the same shade of gray (and both are considerably darker than Sebring Silver). However, the metal flakes in the Silverstone Silver are larger, so that it appears more "sparkly" than Kaiser Silver.
supra2nv said:
kaiser is darker than silverstone. personally I like Kaiser better as it only comes on the NSX and no other Honda product (i.e. insight, S2000).


DAYYYYM!!! That's has got to be the most pictures of one NSX that I've ever seen!!! :eek:
supra2nv said:
kaiser is darker than silverstone.
Not by much, it isn't. At thirty feet away, you can't tell them apart. No way, no how.

Sounds like you've never seen them side by side in direct sunlight.
nsxtasy said:
Sounds like you've never seen them side by side in direct sunlight. [/B]

yes i have....I went to a Honda dealership specifically to see the difference for my friend who is doing a repaint on his Supra TT. He of course picked Kaiser over Silverstone;)

His supra will be posted on the "official Kaiser thread" soon..
supra2nv said:
sorry about that...that is when I was tempted to sell the car. Not anymore thankfully:)

No need to be sorry, just made my jaw drop at the never ending pictures!

Beautiful car btw, I love silver...any shade. And I personally can't tell the difference between kaiser and silverstone.

- Z
At thirty feet away, you can't tell them apart. No way, no how.

Kaiser silver was my first choice of color when I first looking to buy an NSX. I actually talk to Supra2NV a few times about 6-7 months back (not sure if you remember me? Nick from Houston, TX) and I also flew to CT, NY area for one. I end up with the RED one (and loving it). YES, I can tell the different.