Where is everyone..........

RSO 34 said:
I had a water shortage but fortunately your tears gave me enough to finally clean the wheels so turn that frown upside down and let's see the happy Miled.

Wooo hooo!!!
When I move, you move... just like that... lol
Hello, Folks,

I have been extremely busy at work (trying to wrap up a case before the break this week) spending majority of my time in the office. Consequently, I missed out driving my NSX over the past two beautiful weekends..

Nevertheless, I check the website during every single break.. so I am quite up-to-day with you guys.

Have a wonderful week!!

Tired and grumpy,
TigerNSX (Yong Kim)
Down Time

Hi Guys,

I have been down about two weeks on and off. I just sign up for broadband service today. So I am back..

I will have the mac up and running later today and hope to update the web site with some stuff ( including Northeast Event info as it becomes available) to keep us sane in during the evil, winter months.

It is pretty nice in NH today. Have a nice holiday, don't eat, drink too much!!

Missed you guys.
NSXLNT said:
I went for a nice long drive yesterday, allmost 200 miles. Started out in the direction we take towards Limerock up NY Rt22, then headed over into Litchfield County, CT. Lots of quick back country 2 lane highways, past farms and along rivers & gorges. Beautiful day. The car was running like a top. Man, I love this car. It is so fun to drive, so balanced, so easy to become one with. Anyone who has never driven one will never understand. HP and 1/4mile times mean absolutely nothing. And oh, the sound of that Tubi, echoing off of the rocks along the river.......................:)
The car turned a lot of heads, and I got several compliments. Great day.

Hi Keith,

You should have called! lol I have a full tank (half Sunoco Ultra '94 from a few weeks ago & half of the "new" Ultra '93
) and was ready to go... I have new plates and will swap this week.

Everyone out this weekend and I don't C anyone

It WAS a beautiful weekend, I had to get out and enjoy a little ride each of the two days. Yesterday, on the way back to my house, I pulled off the Hutch behind a pretty white TR, man does that look fat from the rear. But what a beautiful rear it is!!! Everyone, stay healthy, and enjoy the holidays!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I see some posts from old acquaintences (sp?) here.

Just wanted to say hi and to let you know I lurk here occasionally.

I ended up selling my '97 NSX to another NE NSX'er who was selling HIS '93 at the same time. Sort of like being serially monogamous, I think.

Anyways, I ended up buying an M5 and am having a good time with that car. Plenty fast and carries 4 adults to boot. Just out of the break in miles. Too bad winter is around the corner.

I have a sport muffler going on this Friday and am working on upgrading the tunes.

I hope to see you guys around sometime. Hopefully I can make NSXPO 2004!

David Hwang
nsxguru said:
I see some posts from old acquaintences (sp?) here.

Just wanted to say hi and to let you know I lurk here occasionally.

I ended up selling my '97 NSX to another NE NSX'er who was selling HIS '93 at the same time. Sort of like being serially monogamous, I think.

Anyways, I ended up buying an M5 and am having a good time with that car. Plenty fast and carries 4 adults to boot. Just out of the break in miles. Too bad winter is around the corner.

I have a sport muffler going on this Friday and am working on upgrading the tunes.

I hope to see you guys around sometime. Hopefully I can make NSXPO 2004!

Hi Dave,

I remember you sold your Spa Yellow a while back due to having a new addition to your family. You got the right car because after all, M5 = Mom + 5 kids?

You are the reason why this NSX Club exists and are welcome to any event, anytime!


Well, I managed to keep the NSX through 2 kids. (And I'm stopping there, btw). But I couldn't justify having 2 play cars and only 3 garage spaces. In retrospect, I should have just added garage spaces! (Which is actually in the planning stages....)


nsxguru said:
In retrospect, I should have just added garage spaces! (Which is actually in the planning stages....)



I just cannot imagine you not having an NSX.
Nice to see we still have some nostalgic lurkers!I went for a spirited run in the Poconos!Nice to share stories.I had more than a few younger folk in lowered(slammed) imports trying thier darndest to keep up!John,sorry to hear about your sad familly issues on the paddock thread,our condolences.Well lets keep this thread alive!
Nice Doc, real Nice

docjohn said:
Nice to see we still have some nostalgic lurkers!I went for a spirited run in the Poconos!Nice to share stories.I had more than a few younger folk in lowered(slammed) imports trying thier darndest to keep up!John,sorry to hear about your sad familly issues on the paddock thread,our condolences.Well lets keep this thread alive!

Let's see, you're referring to "younger folk", and you're how old? Are you trying to make some of us feel ancient? I thought that you were a radiologist not a gerontologist (sp.?). In any case, cut the crap, you're young, and so am I. Or is it that driving a NSX makes you feel that way:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I love feeling older and acting younger! BTW what should I call people 20 yrs my junior? Whats really funny is that I'm poking fun at those slammed bazooka exhausted imports from the driver seat of the Bee,thats funny!
docjohn said:
I love feeling older and acting younger! BTW what should I call people 20 yrs my junior? Whats really funny is that I'm poking fun at those slammed bazooka exhausted imports from the driver seat of the Bee,thats funny!

Wow, John! I noticed you have 839 posts??? Do you have a bet against Ken Sax on who gets the most?:D
that is funny

docjohn said:
I love feeling older and acting younger! BTW what should I call people 20 yrs my junior? Whats really funny is that I'm poking fun at those slammed bazooka exhausted imports from the driver seat of the Bee,thats funny!

That is funny, coming from the "BEE", but if they're driving and 20 years younger than you, is it a pedal/battery powered car, or "Hot Wheels", I don't think that they're old enough to drive, after all, Trish is only 21 years old, how old are you?:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
NSXLNT said:
I went for a nice long drive yesterday, allmost 200 miles. Started out in the direction we take towards Limerock up NY Rt22, then headed over into Litchfield County, CT. Lots of quick back country 2 lane highways, past farms and along rivers & gorges. Beautiful day. The car was running like a top. Man, I love this car. It is so fun to drive, so balanced, so easy to become one with. Anyone who has never driven one will never understand. HP and 1/4mile times mean absolutely nothing. And oh, the sound of that Tubi, echoing off of the rocks along the river.......................:)
The car turned a lot of heads, and I got several compliments. Great day.

I was in the same area doing the same thing on the same day.
Surprised we didn't see each other. I ended up in Millerton and bought some work clothes at a buddy's dept. store.
Now I feel at home again,Bob is cutting me in half! Sadly looking at the weather I think this last wkend may have been it.
Hey DocJohn.....I was toying around with this, have you ever thought of doing it to the Bee?? It would bee:) hard to keep clean, but I think it looks great!!


  • thebee.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 154
Hey Bob....I love your silly smiley animations, they make up for your general lack of computer skills quite nicely:D:D:D However, if you haven't noticed the Doc's car has just a few yellow accents on it already. I don't think the wheels will do anything besides compliment it.:)
jadkar said:
I don't think the wheels will do anything besides compliment it.:)

As long as we are talking about DocJohn, it would be appropriate if you would respect his earlier stated elation over the growing use of modern Western English on Prime. To that end, your use of "compliment" rather than "complement" most likely will offend him and I suggest that you cease and desist from your bastardization of the English language.


com·ple·ment ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kmpl-mnt)

Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.
hahaha....you got me. I guess my generation relies too much on spell check:D Maybe next time before a take a cheap shot at someone I should get my spelling correct:)
or Jailbait

RSO 34 said:

By the way, if you cut Doc John open, I think you'd only find one ring, afterall, wasn't he a virgin before he got married to Trish?:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: