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Why has marketplace become such a drag?


I'm willing to help moderate the market place, if LUD, ANYTIME, or D'ECOSSE don't mind

I think the people running it are'nt bad, just not enough of them or their time...I can honestly say when I have goofed up trying to edit or post something, usually (not always), but for the most part I get a response from one of them stating why it didn't get updated/posted and what I did wrong.
Re: solution..?

I don't even like to post on the marketplace anymore. You wonder when your ad will show up, and if your looking to buy something you figure that mods will get anything that's good first. So now I do use the free ones lately.

My suggestion. People could donate a few bucks and pitch in for Photopost classifieds. It's clean as heck. No need for bumps and people can delete their own ads etc. Heck Prime can make a few bucks using it too because you can charge for making the ads bold, highlited etc. Here is an example:

Re: solution..?

ryans said:
.... and if your looking to buy something you figure that mods will get anything that's good first. ...
Where are you guys dreaming up this stuff? I'm getting really tired of these completely unfounded accusations.

I have purchased only one thing I can think of off the marketplace this year & that was already on there for about 2 months already before I negotiated & purchased the item.

If people think that we are doing this as a 'perk' you are sadly mistaken - even if it was a 'real' perk it would not compensate for all of this crap.

There are NO privileges associated with being a moderator (or for that matter a donating member) - it is, as must be becoming obvious actually a pretty thankless task (OK - some members do appreciate it & to those I acknowledge).

Then there are totally ridiculous comments like that from PaulL who would like a preferential time for his time zone so he has 'equal' opportunity

PaulL said:
I've missed out on several deals because all the new ads show up at one time, and the early risers on the east coast, or folks who stay up late on the west coast get first choice on them.

- with an inferred suggestion that they are so timed currently that he misses out?
Give me a break - Anytime & I are both in his timezone so if anything he should be more advantaged if there is such a thing.
Maybe Lud needs to develop some special software that will release all the posts at a single time within the appropriate timezone only once per day? Yeah, right - I'm sure he'll get right on that ........

Also - guess what - I travel extensively & sometimes process posts from Asia or Europe & even when in CA could be early in the morning during the day or late, late at night, just whenever I get to it.

It is sooo tempting to just say screw it, resign & let someone else have 'all this fun' - but I refuse to submit to that culture and let that pressure prevail.
I've been proud to administer the rules as defined by the site owner equally & fairly for all. I go far beyond simple deletions for deviations from those by trying to give feedback that helps people meet the requirements - if they read the rules to begin with would not have been an issue!

If everyone adhered to the rules, then moderation would be a breeze & there would be no back-up. There is no monetary charge for listing items for sale - there is a 'price of admission' if you will in that you agree to meet the requirements - what is so onerous about that?
The reason people post their parts here is not only for the advantage of being 'free' but has the best visibility to the largest NSX community. Deal with the rules of admission to this particular community - it is NOT a democracy!

Oh - & for those who send me personal PMs drawing my attention that they have a pressing listing that they'd like processed immediately, please don't bother - I just ignore them. Like the other Mods, they get processed in the order they are sent (& actually get posted in order with an effective time of when they were sent anyway, regardless of the order in which they might be processed)
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D'Ecosse said:
& that opinion to me is worth about as much as you paid for your subscription.
Quite a disappointing comment from a moderator.

If you are unhappy...
I don't believe I posted being "unhappy" in this thread. I did, however, want to express my opinon on moderators being "compensated".

ryans said:
...and if your looking to buy something you figure that mods will get anything that's good first
Very true.
I see this as a form of "compensation", "a perk", "a fringe benefit", whatever you wish to name it and a moderator can take advantage of it at will.
LUVnSX said:
Quite a disappointing comment from a moderator.


First of all the moderators are not superhumans. They can't moderat 24/7. It can't be done. The marketplace needs to be moderated or else it will be just a big mess that will be unreadable like som many for sales forums on other forums.

Second I understand why the moderators react and reply the way they do. If you have asked them about things you find disturbing then they would have replied to you different than now when you accuse them of a certain behaviour.

Third it is my opinion that the moderators do not use their "power" to do anything they are now accused of doing. I "know" them throug this forum and there postings here and there on this forum. And I have found them to be true enthusiasts that share their knowledge beyond what is accpected of them.

Their job as a moderator is not always easy and bring up anger in people. Those who posts "where is my ad" have usually not read the rules before they posted.

Bottom line is that if you behave, they will answer your questions and concern in a civil way. When they are attacked like this they will ofcourse feel hurt and defend themself. That is just human nature. They are not here to be bashed on by you.

the moderators have explained their position(s) many times, so understand that unless something changes, the marketplace forum is what it is. and while i'm sure all offers are appreciated, allowing an person (essentially) unknown to you to moderate a site / forum you've built from scratch is a very questionable proposition.

it's already been suggested that craigslist and ebay are excellent alternatives for selling items. if you're unhappy with prime marketplace, give them a shot.
queenlives said:
the moderators have explained their position(s) many times, so understand that unless something changes, the marketplace forum is what it is. and while i'm sure all offers are appreciated, allowing an person (essentially) unknown to you to moderate a site / forum you've built from scratch is a very questionable proposition.

it's already been suggested that craigslist and ebay are excellent alternatives for selling items. if you're unhappy with prime marketplace, give them a shot.

jus' tryin to help:rolleyes:
not trying to brown nose my way into any hearts, but thats life.....

not everything is instant. I posted many stuff for sale, just follow the rules. If it does not get posted, contact admins and they'll tell you whats wrong with it.

It took me a few tries to figure out the ropes. If your stuff sells via prime, donate a % for services rendered.

take it easy and good luck.

ANYTIME does get all the hook ups! :biggrin: every time i see some nice stuff, its like :eek: !#87562@ beat me to the PM AGAIN! DoES THIS GUY SLEEP!?:biggrin:

we got people that donate a lot more and bitch a lot less .... your 25$ is a donation. You dont DONATE with the expection to get something in return. ohya. speaking of that. i hate the retards that donate to public radio and select a prize. Just do the damn donation already. No need for your coffee mug or NPR T-shirt to show the world you donated :rolleyes:

meh, its hard being admin for forums. Alota bs you gota deal... so what if they get perks or get to see the posts first? money talks, just up your offer over theirs.:tongue: If i was admin.... you think you guys would even get a chance to see the POSTS?! I THINK NOT! All you guys would get is the crap i DONT want. lol, i would low ball the guy till he sells the goodies to me. Hold his PRIME account hostages too as leverage. HAHAHA! be happy you guys got decent admins.

to be honest, you cant even pay me enough to admin.... well $2 a day and a cup of coffee. for free? FORGET IT! keep up the slow admining admin. strike patience into these minute men.:biggrin:
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btcog82 said:
jus' tryin to help:rolleyes:
bt: my comments weren't directed to you / your offer to assist; apologies if it came off that way.

actually, my take is that if lud wants to add mods to off-load from some of the current folks, he's likely to go to folks who actually use marketplace on a frequent basis. in reading your profile, it seems like you fit that qualifier.

i own a couple of websites, myself, and only allow my longtime friend and webmaster to manage / work on them because (1st) i'm really comfortable with our relationship and (2nd) he understands how i think / work and want to be represented... once i hand it off to him, i know he's got it and i can move on.

again, no offense intended, bt.
ediddynsx said:
OT: How much does it costs to run a site like this?

I spent almost $5000 on MR2Board.com in 2005. I don't have the figures for 2006 yet, but it will be more than 2005 was since we purchased new hardware this year. Hosting and support alone cost us around $2,000 a year, and that is with a screaming good deal on bandwidth. There are licensing fees for software, and a large amount of the site owner's personal time involved not to mention having to deal with unwanted BS at times. NSXPrime runs well and hasn't had any outages that I've seen since I've been using the site in 2003 and that type of reliability is not cheap. Pricing overall can vary greatly, but I can tell the NSXPrime does not take the cheap route with this sort of thing. While I have no first hand knowledge of the costs to run Prime, my guess is that it is not cheap to do so if my own experiences are any indicator.

Someone mentioned Photopost ads, and I like that idea. We implemented a seperate site with www.mr2trader.com, but I am wondering in retrospect if Photopost might have been a better option. Everything is a trade-off though. :) I would consider hosting an NSX trading site if there was enough interest.
NA1/2-R said:

There have been numerous complains, but yet solutions!
Why there's no one else share the moderating work load with ANYTIME?
There has to be at least 1 more inttelligent person out there to be a MODERATOR. As a community why don't be vote for some more MODERATORs to share the moderating task with ANYTIME???

Just my .01 cent

Because it's not a community in that sense. This is not a publicly run site. Ultimately it is a website owned by one individual. He pays all of the bills for it and is ultimately responsible for the site. He has moderators that help out free of charge (kudos to them). He has people who have donated monetarily to the cause (kudos to them as well). He's had plenty of offers for help, but speaking from experience, you have to be very careful who you "give the keys to", per se. At the end of the day, it's his house. You are welcome to build your own house if you don't like this one. I'm betting that no one is unhappy enough with this site for it to be worth the effort and expense involved to start their own. From what I can tell, the majority of the members are happy with this site and the way it is run, and we all know it is impossible to please everyone anyway. My .02. :)
NA1/2-R said:
.....Why there's no one else share the moderating work load with ANYTIME?
There has to be at least 1 more inttelligent person out there to be a MODERATOR. ....
Can't speak for the intelligent part but Anytime is not the only Moderator ....
martin said:

First of all the moderators are not superhumans. They can't moderat 24/7. It can't be done. The marketplace needs to be moderated or else it will be just a big mess that will be unreadable like som many for sales forums on other forums.

Second I understand why the moderators react and reply the way they do. If you have asked them about things you find disturbing then they would have replied to you different than now when you accuse them of a certain behaviour.

Third it is my opinion that the moderators do not use their "power" to do anything they are now accused of doing. I "know" them throug this forum and there postings here and there on this forum. And I have found them to be true enthusiasts that share their knowledge beyond what is accpected of them.

Their job as a moderator is not always easy and bring up anger in people. Those who posts "where is my ad" have usually not read the rules before they posted.

Bottom line is that if you behave, they will answer your questions and concern in a civil way. When they are attacked like this they will ofcourse feel hurt and defend themself. That is just human nature. They are not here to be bashed on by you.


Well stated and quite true about people responding in-kind. However I do not agree with your statements related to behavioral accusations or bashing being done by me. Also, I do not believe I posted on whether the marketplace should or should not be moderated in this thread.
LUVnSX said:
Well stated and quite true about people responding in-kind. However I do not agree with your statements related to behavioral accusations or bashing being done by me. Also, I do not believe I posted on whether the marketplace should or should not be moderated in this thread.


You did post that the moderators are "well compensated" which to me is a accusation. They way it was written is a bit "bashy" and thats why you was quoted in my orginal post.

My initial statement about the marketplace needs to be moderated was a comment in general that it is a necessary "evil" and not perfect it is much better than the alternative.

martin said:
You did post that the moderators are "well compensated" which to me is a accusation. They way it was written is a bit "bashy" and thats why you was quoted in my orginal post...

You are correct, I did. Accusation, to me, is a charge of wrongdoing; imputation of guilt or blame. Although a debatable opinion, I don't think "well compensated" is an accusation nor should it be interpreted as bashing. As to not stray from the intent of this thread, PM me if you wish to discuss further.