Year 9

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
2013 was a good year. As has become a bit of a habit with me, here are a mess of pictures and a few stories to go with.

My turn in the car hole.

If it's January, it must be time to take the roof off and go driving around in the dirt and grass in Old Florida.

But at least I had this behind me!

This is my wife's car. It's very hairdresser, but I've always been jealous of that "Kompressor" badge on the side. Always wanted my own...

What I said earlier about it being my turn in the car hole has real meaning around the middle to end of February. That's when the oak tree orgies drop pollen bombs night and day.

In March I made a long-delayed decision and traded a treasured keepsake for a pile of cash. Literally. I sent this to a guy in California in a USPS registered mail box.

And he sent me this in a USPS registered mail box. :eek:

That pile of cash bought me into the CT Supercharger group buy, but the realization of that dream was still months away. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, my wife expresses her opinion of spending that pile of cash on my car while showing off her fancy put-down-the-roof-without-getting-out convertible.

Certain times of year the sun is just great for stopping and taking pics on the way to work in the morning.

In May, an unpleasant first. My car's first ride on a tow truck. It popped a radiator hose just as I was getting to work one morning. Thank you AAA!

I have a long road trip in June. 2 weeks where I take the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive then up to Providence RI then back to Florida via overnights in Atlantic City, Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, and St Augustine before home. This is what I allow myself for car care.

I've done the Blue Ridge Parkway twice before, but from the other direction. While I enjoyed myself this time, I think I prefer starting in Virginia and traveling south/west. I'm a morning person and would rather have the sun at my back for the morning drive. Anyway green NSX at Green Knob? Har har!

On the Parkway. What a great way to kill a couple days!

Back in Florida, the consequences of it not being my turn for the car hole.

In the meantime, I go places, take pictures.

Remember that pile of cash? I traded it for this.

Shortly thereafter, my car is in the shop having its new toys installed!

My targa roof holder and engine cover don't fit any longer and I. Don't. Care.

The supercharger is freaking awesome. I wanted reliability and drivability and it is both. I love it.

The year is going well.

October, perfect roof-off weather for a drive.

In November, a mistake on my part. I have this rule that I never take the roof off while the car is in the car hole. There's just not enough room. So this morning I broke my rule and as I was rotating the roof I scraped a corner against the fender resulting in this scratch. :(

Closing out the year, just because it's December doesn't mean you don't have to keep the car clean, especially if you want the car hole!

Until next year!
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I know nothing about guns so I'm wondering why does that handgun cost so much? Is it a war relic or something?
Nice write up. So the guy really sent that much cash in the mail? That would freak me out!!
I went straight from the post office to the bank. :)

It was a sad day, but basically what I was doing was trading a toy I couldn't play with any more for a toy I could play with every day. It was a good trade.
That revolver was pristine. On another note, the lower A-arms were dropped. What was the point in that? Clutch?
Supercool, looks like you really enjoy your NSX on a daily basis.
Great story. I always enjoy your write ups and you have a serious eye for photography. Just one question, how did you manage to wind up
with such a great wife? :-)
Thanks everyone.

Cool story bro.

Funny that we have the same color car, with the same scratch, scratched by the same thing lol

It made me sick when I did that. I was off my feed at work all day. I hate it when I screw up because I broke my own rule.

Great story. I always enjoy your write ups and you have a serious eye for photography. Just one question, how did you manage to wind up with such a great wife? :-)

I have an enormous peni - oh wait, that's not it. I don't know, just lucky I guess! :D
Sounds like you had a great year. I agree with your assessment of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I drove 370 miles of it from Teneessee to Virginia last Spring...very nice drive. Best wishes for an equally enjoyable 2014.
