Shipping my nsx to Japan!

9 September 2006
Kanagawa, Japan
Hey guys in jan 2008 i will be shipping my nsx to Japan, since i'm moving there for a while. Wondering if any of you guys on here live near tyoko or what not. wanna make a couple nsx friends when i move there. hit me up and let me know. looking forward to seeing you guys out there.
Hey guys in jan 2008 i will be shipping my nsx to Japan, since i'm moving there for a while. Wondering if any of you guys on here live near tyoko or what not. wanna make a couple nsx friends when i move there. hit me up and let me know. looking forward to seeing you guys out there.

just wondering, your military?
Hey guys in jan 2008 i will be shipping my nsx to Japan, since i'm moving there for a while. Wondering if any of you guys on here live near tyoko or what not. wanna make a couple nsx friends when i move there. hit me up and let me know. looking forward to seeing you guys out there.

I currently work in Tokyo and living in the Roppongi Area. Given you're in the Navy, I guess they will take care of the cost of import and all related proceedures? I have no clue...but parking space and car inspection are big deals here.

However, driving a LHD car in a RHD country can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. :tongue:

Anyway, good luck. I believe there are at least couple other Prime members here in Japan...
Is the NSX refresh program still active? It would be nice to have Honda go through the car and make it like new again. Get it painted one of those Japan-only JDM colors and when you ship it back you'll have one rare USDM NSX.
Is the NSX refresh program still active? It would be nice to have Honda go through the car and make it like new again. Get it painted one of those Japan-only JDM colors and when you ship it back you'll have one rare USDM NSX.
I'm sure the amount of money it would cost him to do all of that he could buy himself a New Car..
That is great that there are NSXers on here from Japan.

I hope we can get a small gathering in Janurary 2008 during the TAS event.

I have a high chance of going next year, so I hope we can meet up and maybe visit some NSX shops :)
I live in Tokyo and just imported my NSX from the States, would love to meet up when you are here. We have a small car club that meets now and then for track days and trips around the area, we just did Fuji Speedway not too long ago(150mph on the straight!) and Tsukuba is coming up.....

One warning it cost me serious dollars to get the car into Japan, I got it in tax free but there are still emissions tests, road worthy inspections, registration, weight tax, use tax and shaken and a few others that are unavoidable.... you also will need to modify the lights to get it through the Shaken, I have a set of JDM rears that are needed to get it through, you will also need to modify the front indicators on the fenders, I can send you some pictures of the mods needed to get it registered in Japan. I have a lot of mods and was worried about that (specially the ctsc) but they posed no problem.

Do you have an agent to handle the shipping and registration ? if not let me know and I can put you in touch with the guys that I used.

yes please post or send me some pics. soo far my car is stock. i dont have an agent but i think when i move the military is shipping my car for me i'm just worried about getting it registered over there. how much did it cost you to do the mods for you to register it?
Have fun man. I've always wanted to goto japan, and be in the US Navy. I was in the navy for 29 days this summer, and got separated. RTC Great Lakes, Ship 17, SEPS graduate =/ Have fun, man!

I'm glad there are other people in the Navy with NSXs. My recruiter couldn't believe I had such a car and wanted to join the Navy.
Hi I live in Yokohama

Sorry I can't help with importing your car, I bought an NSX here two years ago. Hope it goes well!

There will be is a big NSX Club meet at the end of February 2008 at Twin Ring Motegi should be fun!

Drop us a line when you get here, it would be good to meet up.


Simon, Would you like to join us sometime driving ? we head out once a month around hakone / fuji area with a small club (NSX, S2000, 911, RX-8).

Motegi meeting in Feb, is that arranged through the nsx club of Japan or ?

Missing the fiesta this weekend at suzuka, shame.

Did a day at Tsukuba last week, great fun but track full of nutters !

Simon, Would you like to join us sometime driving ? we head out once a month around hakone / fuji area with a small club (NSX, S2000, 911, RX-8).

Motegi meeting in Feb, is that arranged through the nsx club of Japan or ?

Missing the fiesta this weekend at suzuka, shame.

Did a day at Tsukuba last week, great fun but track full of nutters !


Hi Kye

That sounds great, let me know when you are going next, we [My wife is also a Honda-petrolhead she has an S2000] would love to come along!

Motegi in Feb is being arranged by Tomiyoshi-san NSXCJ - I think you know him very well, you must be the same Kye that bought his car before he got his Type R?

Sorry you won't be at Suzuka this weekend that's bad news.

I have not been to Tsukuba yet first visit will be on 15th November, I'm going with KSP - [Toyozumi-san's gang].

Take care

ok guys i finally got to Japan on June 8th and my car is here to. It still inport in a container awaiting me to pick it up. i wont be able to get it until end of Nov since i'm deployed right now and wont be back till then. I cant wait to get her out. Kye i'll be pming you about info of that agent you used i might use there service if its a big hassle for me.
hey kim, glad your car made it man!

hope everything is going good since i last saw you

i am planning to move there man, i just need a way to ship my car lol
what did the costs end up running you if you don't mid telling.. I'm coming out there in seven months and debating on whther or not to sell my car and just buy another one when I get over there. ..
i havent found out yet. My car still in storage until i get back from my trip. i'm guessing around 3-5k total (incuding road taxes, JIC, insurances ect.) i'll keep you up to date on it. Are you military ?
i havent found out yet. My car still in storage until i get back from my trip. i'm guessing around 3-5k total (incuding road taxes, JIC, insurances ect.) i'll keep you up to date on it. Are you military ?

yeah, navy. I'm headed up to Misawa however, about 9 hours driving north of Tokyo. I have an S2000 here in Hawai'i that I wanted to convert to track use one I get to Japan, but if it's gonna be 5K I might as well get rid of it. I'm waiting til I get to Japan to purchase an NSX. I wanna hold out for a Type-S.. found a 1994 Type-R for sale but I can't afford it. :frown:
Yeah if you decided to ship your car. You gotta get permission to ship it to Japan. From the VPC (veheical proccess center) for the military.
yeah greg lol the car place near my base was selling a 2001 s15 spec-r (manual) for 5k USD i couldnt let it pass! i'm reselling it anyways lol.
Gonna bring this post back from death. I just moved to Nagoya last month and expect to stay here for 2 years+. I'm wondering if any of you can give me a ball park figure of the cost for bringing the car in and get it all tested for road legal.