Weekend not off to a great start

26 August 2009
Arlington, VA
Came up on some dead animal remains on the GW Parkway this morning at 0530, quickly decided not to swerve because I could have lost control of the car. Blood, hair and other smeared across the undercarriage, transmission housing, suspension components and exhaust (so it stinks). The guys at Champion Auto Wash in Tysons were nice enough to power wash as much as they could and let me run through the wash three times to go over the undercarriage sprayers, they were excited to see the car and wanted to help. Bought a shop jack, jack stands and some industrial citrus cleaner and I'm going to spend a few hours cleaning the whole undercarriage by hand.
Probably a good decision not to swerve, but YUCK!
I wish you had called me. I have the jack and stands and you could have worked in my garage.
I hope it all got cleaned to your satisfaction. If not, feel free to take advantage of the offer of garage space.
A few weeks ago I hit an already dead porcupine. It was huge. No damage to my car, a lot of quills stuck underneath and blood and guts burnt into my freshly installed Pride v2. Funny part is my buddy was cruising just behind me but in the lane beside me and he had his top down in his miata. Could have been a bloody mess lol.
I almost hit a huge turtle was like a foot tall and 3 feet long slammed on brakes at the top of the hill put hazard lights on got out picked him up and walked him down the hill near the lake he was tring to get to made a huge traffic jam LOL
people were not happy honking flicking me off scream f-you as they drove by while I was running back to my car

I didn't mind Karma is a big thing to me.
man i hate drivin that early. especially when its dark because of animals. people texting, ladies puttin make up on, etc. Life of a NSX daily driver ^_^