• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho
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  • Thank you for adding me to your friends, i just found about those messages you can write to each other. As soon as it gets warmer i will take her out somewhere nice and i will take and then post new pictures for the prime members, thank you again for everything :)
    Wow. Good to see you both recovered! Leaving For Vegas for 4 days! New Years should be a Hoot! Hey I had to ask, Im selling my Nikon D50 did not know if you guys had any use for it before I send it off to the Ebay hogs. Comes with the 18-55 lens.

    Landed a D90 !

    What's going on dude? Any cool plans for New Years?

    I got over being sick, and then Stacey got sick too. We've been a mess but we're both feeling good now.
    Hey Joe,

    I got a guy from Cleveland asking me about shipping my seats and stock exhaust. I was wondering if you could give me ideas on how to pallet that stuff up and give him options in regard to price and warehouse locations. Anyway, if you get a chance, give me a call.

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