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  • Julio, My real hunt is just beginning. Today is my last day at Metro Health, and I start a new consulting job Monday. Ill be on the road from Sun-Thursday so Ill have to catch with you one Friday or Saturday at Starbucks.

    There was a yellow turbo NSX (in NSX Market) but he just sold his NSX. I have heard there is a black one around too. Since I live close to the hospital, I almost never head to the North side of town anymore so I really only see M6 everyday.

    By the way, no need to apologize about the delay as I've been meaning to contact you and meet up as well.
    Jhae, thanks for the friend request. I've been meaning to send you a note, apologies for the delay.

    How is the hunt for your NSX? Do you know of other NSX owners in the GR area? The Honda dealership in Grandville tells me of at least three other NSXs in town. One with well over 200K miles driven most of the year :O

    Anyway, would love to meet up and chat sometime. I'm hoping to head to Detroit sometime this summer and meet up with the group there.

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