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Anyone fom NorCal driving to NSXPO 2016 Orlando?

27 May 2006
West San Gabriel Valley Area, CA
Two of us from SoCal are driving, me (Mario) and SeaSharp (Craig). We don't have an exact start date, but it will likely be Friday October 28th early in the AM. If anyone is planning on driving, maybe you can take a slight detour through Los Angeles and join us.


I won't be going but you guys are crazy for driving! Crazy in a good way I mean. It sounds like a ton of fun. Happy travels!
I won't be going but you guys are crazy for driving! Crazy in a good way I mean. It sounds like a ton of fun. Happy travels!

Yes,it a long way, but I have never driven across the US in my life time, so call it kind of a bucket list type of move, and since there will be two us, it should be a great adventure and it will be much safer than the first time I considered such a trip. I was thinking of driving with some of my fraternity brothers to Florida back in the early 70's, when my hair was down to my shoulders and my beard was much thicker than my beard and hair combined today. I decided not to go, but a couple of fraternity brothers did. When they reached the south, they and their lime green Volkswagen bus got stopped just about every county they passed through, and Smoky was not too friendly to these California hippies. Many times they did not even stop to spend a night in a hotel, so they slept in the bus till they got to Fort Lauderdale. On they way home they took a detour way north of the Mason Dixie line LOL!
Yeah I do not blame them. :biggrin:
I bought my car in Kansas City and drove it home over 3 day stretch (48 hour continuous time period) headed south to Oklahoma City took 40 west to Amarillo slept a few hours and then headed west for 17 hours ending up in Santa Clarita. Cajon pass was a blast being so tired and at night. After a nights rest did the last 6 hours up 5 to home in the bay area. I got nabbed for speeding 80 in a 70 just leaving Oklahoma City by state trooper using instant radar. Had my valentine but it was no use to me as he nailed me as he was driving the opposite direction.

What route have you guys picked out? 40 or 10 or 20? Be very careful through Texas they aren't forgiving there. Sounds like a blast of a time. Get plenty of rest. It's a BIG country!!
I bought my car in Kansas City and drove it home over 3 day stretch (48 hour continuous time period) headed south to Oklahoma City took 40 west to Amarillo slept a few hours and then headed west for 17 hours ending up in Santa Clarita. Cajon pass was a blast being so tired and at night. After a nights rest did the last 6 hours up 5 to home in the bay area. I got nabbed for speeding 80 in a 70 just leaving Oklahoma City by state trooper using instant radar. Had my valentine but it was no use to me as he nailed me as he was driving the opposite direction.

What route have you guys picked out? 40 or 10 or 20? Be very careful through Texas they aren't forgiving there. Sounds like a blast of a time. Get plenty of rest. It's a BIG country!!

We are not going to drive as many hours at a time as you did. We are going make it a six day travel trip. If we feel up to it, we will make it a five day trip. Going to Orlando, we will take the 10. On the way back, I'm taking the 40 in that after NSXPO my wife and I are driving the Charlotte NC to visit my wife's son, From there we will take the 40!

Thanks for the Texas smokie tip. We will try to behave our selves :-)