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Anything going on this weekend? How about a quick get together?

10 September 2002
It's NsXMas' and my 40th bday weekend, and I would like to get together for dinner on Friday or brunch Saturday or Sunday if you're available. Plus I want you guys to be the first to see something crazy I've done...but only on the condition that you do not tell anyone about it until I'm ready to post on Prime. :wink:

Update: 9:30am SUNDAY brunch at Paradise Bakery @ Norterra: http://g.co/maps/7v8j5

Let's meet at the spot circled #1, and use #2 as backup if #1 is full. Click on the image for a bigger photo. Looking forward to seeing you guys! :smile:

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7ODu7U9c3tXwLPlCjTsK7s4BeHXlef47jOWBhLIgOK0?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hUmznppFlms/T4aHD9zwMqI/AAAAAAAAAeQ/I65WUJKnEtI/s800/Paradisebakery.png" height="468" width="800" /></a>
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Awesome! NsXMas is out of town right now, but once I talk to him I will pick a time and place. :smile:
Happy early birthday C & F !!!
Would love to join, except I will be out of town this weekend.
Don't know what it is, but it seems like you guys are always planning events whenever I can't make it :confused:

Oh well, I am actually on the plane right now on my way to Oregon.
See you guys soon~

Awesome! NsXMas is out of town right now, but once I talk to him I will pick a time and place. :smile:
No worries Sam, I know you're a busy guy. Thanks for the bday wishes. I'll see you on garage/poker night. :)
same here... i'll try to make it, just let me know the time and place.

I can't make it on Saturday, have prior commitments
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Let's tentatively do brunch at Paradise Bakery at Norterra on Saturday morning, say around 9:30?

Update: Forecast calls for rain on Saturday so let's meet on Sunday instead.
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Cool! Here's a map and directions:


Let's meet at the spot circled #1, and use #2 as backup if #1 is full. Click on the image for a bigger photo. Looking forward to seeing you guys! :smile:

<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7ODu7U9c3tXwLPlCjTsK7s4BeHXlef47jOWBhLIgOK0?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hUmznppFlms/T4aHD9zwMqI/AAAAAAAAAeQ/I65WUJKnEtI/s800/Paradisebakery.png" height="468" width="800" /></a>
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Well shoot, there's a chance for rain on Saturday. Let's see what the weather forecast says on Friday. If it doesn't get better, let's reschedule for Sunday. I'll keep the top post updated.
I'm in...
I may not be there tomorrow, Its wife's birthday:smile: So Its her day!
Aww Don, please bring Karen by! I haven't seen her in a while, and I promise that you will be extremely interested in the project that I'm working on! :biggrin:
Fricking unbelievable, asshole neighbors are having a party in their backyard at 3:40am. Woke me up. Have to go out in the friggin cold outside to ask them to quiet down so I can get some sleep. Now see if I can get back to sleep and get some truly needed rest.

Tired as hell from travel & spending a shit load of time in the gym, may not be awake in the morning. Where's the common courtesy??
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I woke up early, I'm going for a drive and take pics

will stop at the meet spot at 930am and see if anyone is there
We are going to be there...maybe a little late....Karen likes Paradise Bakery...
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