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Car theft at NSXPO2005?

Not to worry. There most likely will be around the clock security for the NSXs (don't quote me on this, but it's in the plans).

Besides, thieves won't make a lot of money off an NSX. It's too rare. They steal the most popular cars to chop up and sell for parts. The NSX would be way too obvious for them.

Where's LarryG's post predicting the theft?

I hope that everyone is always aware of their car security, no matter where they live. And I hope this will not be a deterrent to attending NSXPO, cause that would be just plain sad - to live in fear of a very small probability rather than enjoying your NSX, either with your fellow NSX owners at NSXPO or in general.

PS - Scottsdale (or Snottsdale) has some of the world's most expensive fine cars. If theft was such a big problem you would not see that many expensive cars there.

PPS - I'm also one of the most anal NSX owners out there when it comes to car security - I hardly let my NSX out of my sight, and I only let a very select few drive my NSX. I feel perfectly fine attending NSXPO with my NSX.
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TonyD said:
Just curious, has anybody made any predictions with regard to potential NSX car thefts at NSXPO 2005? LarryG noted that with 40,000+ cars stolen in Phoenix in 2003, he speculates that there may be more cars stolen at NSXPO this year than wrecked on the track.:frown:


I hope this was a joke.
NsXMas said:
I hope that everyone is always aware of their car security, no matter where they live. And I hope this will not be a deterrent to attending NSXPO, cause that would be just plain sad - to live in fear of a very small probability rather than enjoying your NSX, either with your fellow NSX owners at NSXPO or in general.

I happpen to be one of the few from the east coast that is driving to Phoenix this fall as opposed to shipping their cars and flying out...
unfortunatly I wont be bringing my NSX to NSXPO 05 but for 2004 we had security in the park lot thanks to someone but I dont remember who arranged it. :wink:
ehhh, it's all good... just flip on the 15/16 OEM Phat Fivez!

hmmm... In any greater metropolitan area w/ a diverse population, there is some trebidation and concern about the safety of your car. It's only natural to feel this way. Perhaps the biggest concern regarding potential theft of NSX'es should be of the "joy-riders" who do the GTA's just for the thrill and moment (ie. as unfortunately was the case presumably w/ the NSX of MiamieNeSeX/Armando) or petty break-in's/theft for materiel gain (ie. wallets/purses, cellular phones, digital cameras, shopping bags, etc). In SoCal, those two things were all I really worried about and I often traveled to NV and AZ.

Security can go only so far (at the hotel, vendor's display, track, etc). For individuals going out to grab a bite to eat, sight-see, do some shopping, or for a nite out on the town, using common-sense and extra vigilence will go a long ways towards keeping all NSX'es accounted for!

I plan to drive to AZ and attend NSXPO 2005 in Phoenix. I have no added concerns about my NSX's well-being. I'd be the same if it was DC or Miami, etc (however, I won't take my NSX to Detroit or Jersey, lol!); regardless of the location it's prudent to be a bit more cautious while away from 'home' than you normally would be.

When all else fails, try this to ward of "would-be" GTA's:


(maybe Science Of Speed can offer a group-buy for 'faux' Denver_Boots :biggrin:
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whats wrong with jersey? :biggrin:
although i live about 40 minutes from the main even, if a few people would like to park at my house or my parents place, I think that can be arranged. I'm sure i can accomodate about 3 cars at my house, inside my back yard.
And my mother's place can hold a lot, although i doubt she'd want more than 3-4 at her place in Paradise Valley. I think the mean price of housing there is 1.2m, so your nsx's should fit in nicely.

any takers? if you park at my mom's you'll have to allow my 14yr old brother to drool on your paint.
Jane has arranged for security guards at the restaurants in Tempe and Scottsdale where we will have the biggest turnouts and the cars out of our sight while we are eating. (she could not, unfortunately, find a restaurant big enough for us AND our cars to eat together) Security at the hotel is still being arranged.

The rest of the event will be very, very safe for all. As has been pointed out, the car theft that has given Phoenix a black eye in the crime reports is the kind of theft that includes cars that have the highests numbers in the general population making them the most valuable in the used parts market.

Come one.
Come all.
Don't worry-
HAVE FUN. :biggrin:
