Color again

8 March 2000
Austin, TX USA
Was supposed to pick up a 91 Blk/Blk on friday but the dealer i am getting it through said that it wasn't in good enough condition. Today they have a 92 Red/Blk, in excellent condition, with less miles (50K). Plus they are going down on the price $2K. What do you guys think. If you remember i wanted a silver but couldn't find one, that met my requirements of condition, milage, and price. So i was ready to go for black. I never considered red since it was so bright. Have seen red NSX's and they look good but they just screem. What to do....?
This isn't going to help you but I'm in a
similar situation. The two cars are both
92's both IN snap ring range. The red one
is showroom condition with 15K miles, the
silver one very good but not perfect condition with 50K miles.

I like red but am woried about the attention it will get (I know, you get it with the NSX no matter what the color) but the red is just sooo bright. I know these discussions on color have been going on for some time now but should I go for the best condition car (red) and "get used to" the color or go for the prefered color (silver) and not have to obsess about every little rock chip as well as anticipate maintainance costs sooner. Guess this falls in the catagory "everyone has problems".
I think that you guys are a little too worried about color. When you buy a used car, especially one as rare as the NSX, color should be third thing you consider; condition and price being first and second. These cars are awesome regardless of the color.

My 94 is red/tan and I think the color makes the car. You both mention red drawing attention to the car. I thought part of the excitement of owning these cars is all the attention they attract. I love ever last look I get, even the ones from the cops that see me doing 65 in a 65. I can't get enough. It's almost an addiction.

Pick the best one you can afford and enjoy it, regardless of the color!
I think that you guys are a little too worried about color. When you buy a used car, especially one as rare as the NSX, color should be third thing you consider; condition and price being first and second

Everyone looks at the car a little bit differently. Some people don't care all that much about color; others care a lot. Some don't care about price (lucky them!) while others do.

If you really care about the color, don't settle for your second choice; get what you want, your car is out there, you just haven't found it yet. If you don't really care about the color, then color is no big deal.

I've known several people who settled for a color other than their first choice color and were later so regretful that they sold the car and bought one that was their first choice, losing thousands of dollars in the process. Don't fall into this trap!
Finally got one...bought the Red, which was the best condition i could find. Also got an extended warranty for peace of mind. Now snap-ring/window reg problmes don't worry me. But esp since the car has 50K, i figure most of these would have been taken care of. Thanks for all the help guy, and I am finally one of you.

The red does look damn good.
