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For Sale: Acura OEM/Motorola NSX Telephone Parts

26 August 2003
Houston, TX
For Sale: Acura NSX OEM (Motorola) NSX Telephone Parts, removed from my 1992 NSX; What is pictured is what I have remaining, and I'm selling the parts in 1 sale as a group, not individual. Many of these parts are discontinued and were very expensive when new (Retail prices noted below were verified from Sterling McCall Acura in Houston, TX), and these may be perfect for someone looking to complete the OEM NSX Motorola Telephone Option. All wiring harnesses and associated connectors are in good order.

1) Motorola Telephone Control Box (Part #: 08E01-SL0-20005); Includes required wiring looms (as pictured); Price from the Acura dealer was $197.00
2) Motorola Telephone Amplifier/Transceiver (Part #: 08E01-SL0200-03); Price from the Acura dealer was $782.79
3) Telephone Handset Cradle
4) Motorola Telephone Control Module Switch/Microphone Assembly (Part #: 08E03-SL0200-01), sits inside the OEM coin tray, which is also included; Price from the Acura dealer was $242.51
5) Motorola Telephone Amplifier Wiring Harness/Power Cable (Part #: 08E04-SL0-200-02); Price from the Acura dealer was $105.84
6) Motorola Antenna Wiring Harness
7) Motorola Antenna

Asking $250 including shipping (within the U.S.) for everything, or Best Offer!

Thank you!

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