Insurance Help

10 November 2000
Northern California
In the past couple of years my triple A insurance has almost doubled. The over the phone explanation I got is that it costs more to repair so . . . blah, blah.

When I bought it new in '99 my insurance was about $900 a year with a $250 deductible on collision. I drive it less than 5K miles per year. They want $1,825 this year to insure the same car - no tickets, no accidents, no claims on my policy for my three cars. I live in Northern California, near Sacramento.

If you live around this area and you are getting a good deal from your insurance company - please let me know the name of the company and what kind of deal you are getting. I'm ready to shop around and I will go to all the normal outlets to purchase insurance - I also know that insurance policies are unique and tailored to each individual case but I'd like to know what you have anyway. Any advice is welcome and thanks for your help.
One thing you might want to think about is upping your deductable. I think I've got $500 if not $1000 on mine (and it's a 91). You don't want to make any claim that is under a $1000 on this car as you will most likely eat it after that incident when they raise your rates for making the claim in the first place. You've got a $50,000+ car there, your deductable should be pretty high to offset what you're getting nailed annually for being able to put it on the street.

Also, I have the insurance that is less because I drive under 7500 miles per year. Check into how much that might save you. Maybe you can see if there's a lower allowance if you don't drive that much. Or you can just say you drive less, in every car I've had I've only had one time where my insurance sent me a letter asking how many miles were on the car. My old evo was supposed to be driven less than 7500/year but in the year i owned it i put on around 10,000. It wasn't planned, it just happened that way, but they never policed me. How much I'm saving there I'm not too sure, your mileage may vary (no pun intended!). :biggrin:
Since you're in California try 21st Century. I have them and they're great. I have a 01 NSX full coverage $1000 deductible $440/year. That's with one ticket. Good customer service so far. I've been with them a couple of years.
Thanks a lot to both of you for your help. 21st Century indeed has the best price for my situation but after increasing my deductibles to 500/1000 triple A became reasonable and competitive again so I decided to stay with them.

Geico was really the cheapest of the 5 or 6 companies I checked, but I hesitate to go with them to save a couple of hundred more a year.
I just got insurance for my car 96-T with 68K miles and the price was $84.00/Month with roadside assistance...Not bad I guess..I'm 34 with NO tickets or accidents..

The lady that did the quote said that she has NEVER seen an IRG?? (rating they use for each type of vehicle) that high! :eek: .. They are normally in the low 20s and my car rated at 34 :frown: .

I have AAA myself but I've heard great things about Wawanesa insurance (I think they're based in San Diego).

I'm thinking about switching once my coverage expires in Oct.
Joel said:
I have AAA myself but I've heard great things about Wawanesa insurance (I think they're based in San Diego).

I'm thinking about switching once my coverage expires in Oct.

I checked with Wawanesa and their quote is almost one half less than my new estimate with 500/1000 deductibles with triple A. Wow! Is anyone currently insured with Wawanesa and can you give me your experience with them?