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NSX Prime Canyon Drive May 20th

19 February 2001
Southern California
This all began as a LoJack installation/get together. Now 14 are attending. The LoJack installation is available at your home just email me and Lojack will come to you at your convenience. Activities include, Breakfast, (including stops for photo opportunities) Lunch w/ a free raffle (items so far range from Keychains, mugs, shirts, pens, lic. plate frame, NSX titanium book, magazines,more TBA,)and More mountain/canyon driving with our final destination ending at Gladstones in Malibu at approx. 4:00 pm. (to avoid weekend traffic rush.) Arrangements are being made for exclusive parking spaces. Please feel free to send ideas and RSVP if you plan to attend. Here's the link to the LoJack post http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001634.html
Sweet! I haven't been to Gladstones in ages.
Better be careful driving down that stretch of PCH. Cops EVERYWHERE. Almost gave my Mom a ticket for driving too slow (she was visiting and looking for an address), but let her get away with a warning. Better get those V1s ready.
You are making reservations for Gladstones WAAAY in advance, right? It's an hour and a half wait just for 2 people on weekends, let alone 40.
This event is being organized jointly by the members of the NSX Prime Website forums.The NSX Prime Website, and it's moderators, administrators, Owners or officers have not in any way contributed to the organization or coordination of this event. I/WE assume all responsibility and risk associated with any and all activity, drive, course or gathering that I/WE participate in, and assume all responsibility, liability and capability to perform any and all activity or effort related to and/or associated with NSXPrime Canyon Drive. I/WE expressly acknowledge that I/WE shall be engaging in potentially dangerous
driving activities, and that, although we will make all efforts to ensure that proper safety procedures are practiced, NSXPrime and its members cannot and will not be responsible for the actions and non-actions of third parties, and cannot and will not be liable for the actions or non-actions of the undersigned(s).

I/WE acknowledge and agree that the terms outlined herein are contractual, and agree that this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, whether or not said activities, courses, or gatherings occur in California, and that the venue shall be in Ventura County,California.(For LUD)

If you have any questions regarding this event please direct all correspondence to John at [email protected] or Craig at [email protected].
Please check out this link http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/Resources/clubdrives.htm

There's some good ideas from what looks like others that have "been there, done that". At this time, I'd like to thank everyone who has responded and to those who are considering it. For scheduling(restaurants, photos,etc.), managability and to make this fun for everyone attending the drive, there will be a limit of 20 vehicles to attend. That leaves only about 6 spots left!
Please respond to Craig at [email protected]
or myself by May 6th. if you'd like to have some FUN!
UPDATE! The route has been driven by Craig and myself. Get out your G-techs, warm up those tires and be prepared for miles of the twistiest roads on earth!!!
Well almost...we did a test of drive time on the routes and we are very close to the timing that we've rough drafted. On the northern part of the drive yesterday, we saw a black T. Anybody out on the back roads in Vta Cnty?
Our final stop will most likely be slightly later so plan on that if need be. The Strawberry Festival is on this weekend also and may affect 101 /1 fwy drive times as well.
Raffle items are piling up!!! Thanks to all sponsors! Craig has designed a Tshirt for the event and wait 'til you see it!
More updates to follow--keep in touch and rsvp asap. Email Craig with confimations, if you will have a passenger, and/or will need a radio ($6 rental.) Thanks all--
I'm looking forward to it. Glad to hear we have some nice twisty roads on the drive.
I just got back from the Palomar Run (195 miels) this weekend. It was crazy! I'll be posting pics in another thread once I get the chance. There were 4-5 NSXs, 15 or so S2000s, a few RX-7s and an M3.
The NSXs were well represented. Dan was the leader and I somehow managed to keep up with him in second through hours of switchbacks.
The guy is good and I learned a lot about what my car can do by following him. We screamed through the tight (90-180) hairpin turns and hit about 120 on the straightaways. It was a blast!
The S2000s also handle really well. Dan and I blew them away up the mountain because they just didn't have the torque to keep up, but on the way down, 1 very good S2000 driver was right with us behind me.
I just wish more NSXs would have shown up, but I guess they're all saving up for Vegas.

It was awesome and I'm looking forward to this upcoming drive in May.
OK, just wanted to refresh this topic. If anyone has missed this opportunity to get in the action, now's the time. Limited to 20 NSX's, I believe 2 spots remain. E-mail Craig @
[email protected]

He will E-mail you the deatails. Take care,John
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