• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

NSXCC Club Dinner, National Yacht Club, Toronto, Thursday September 16, 2010, 7pm

30 December 2007
Richmond Hill, ON
This is my first official post as Secretary of NSXCC. John Chu and the Executive team were kind enough to offer me the position, given my reputation in promoting (hounding is more like it) events to members, they felt I would fit well with the role. With that said, the executive team would like to extend a big thank you to John, for his contribution and dedication to the club this season. It hasn’t been easy to manage much of the day-to-day from Ottawa, and he had given me the support to take over. All I have to say is that I will do my best to carry forward what he started, and bring comparable excitement to the members. Thank you John.:smile:

Now onto the fun stuff, we are hosting our September Club Dinner meet at the National Yacht Club on Thursday September 16, 7pm (reserved under NSXCC). We have made reservation for 20 people and we see our group exceeding this number easily. We like all of you to sign up on this thread as we are looking to negotiate reserve parking for the group asap. Please indicate your party size on your reply. At the event, We plan to host a 50/50 draw to raise money and awareness to the Make-A-Wish-Foundation of Canada, a charity for children with life-threatening medical conditions. We have done these in the past, and raised over $200 for the charity. We like to continue our support for the good cause.

Dinner will be a-la-carte with their very reasonable dinner menu. Expect to pay about $20-25/person. To all your alcoholics out there, this does not including drinks and gratuities.

So sign up, take part, and enjoy. No excuses!!

Lets start the head count here.
1) Owen (Karen is questionable as she is 20 weeks in)

Lastly, please "sharpie" in Sept 26, 2010 for our fall cruise. We are hesitant to build in the “change of colour” theme as we may be lucky with the warm weather. We will post details in a separate thread for sign up soon, but for now, please mark the date off from your calendar with sharpie and yellow and green highlight. You do not want to miss this.

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See you there!:smile:
Sorry, won't make it - at the cottage packing and not sure of the fall cruise - I work very FAST and last week decided to move down to my cottage area. House going to market next week, cottage up for sale and the new place is just about there - so everything is on hold until I know where I am with closing dates, etc. See, not just fast on the track :wink:
Finally, a Yacht Club dinner!

If the weather is good, there's no where else any of us would rather be!

Will try to make this one.

The colour yellow will start to fade if you don't show off enough. Don't make Stu's the only one at dinner. Besides, what better place to show her off than at the Yacht Club. See you on the 16th.

Now, if only the P-Car will cruise in from London to make this a real reunion. Just make sure we don't start a food fight at the club house.:biggrin:.

1) Owen & Karen
2) Bram & Nancy
3) Stu
4) Bash & Urb
5) Dave D.
6) Paul K.
7) Henry +1
8) Rick J +1
9) Daria
10) John G
11) Peter L (maybe)
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Have a good time beyatches looking at the yachtches.
Despite the weather, we had a nice turn out at NYC (3 NSXs).


WOW! All those people fit into three NSXs? The drive down was a bitch!:wink: